you know you're obsessed when...


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When you have stuck them in a plastic bag and put them in a water- proof credit card holder when at beach/water park.

Guilty. I must have looked nuts floating on an inner tube playing games with my tamagotchi.

Your twenty-seven and you still end up talking to your tamagotchi, even at work.

I try to limit that for home, but sometimes it just slips out.

The tamagotchi goes everywhere with you, including for weddings and other events.

Also guilty

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When a tamagotchi dies (Like the actual tama not the character) you make it wings and a halo and hang it on your wall. But before you hang it on your wall you make sure all your tamas are in the room when you do it. :p

You freak out when the battery dosen't work in your tama when your pretty sure the battery is dead. But you still have the feeling that your tama isn't working. :p :p :p . Then you almost cry with joy when you put brand new battery in and find out it's not your tama.

I do all of this. :rolleyes: .
so true..for me atleast. a lot of times i'm afraid that i got a tamagotchi that instantly drains the batteries.

When you have a broken Tama but you still carry it everywhere because even though it's crippled you don't want to abandon it and still want it to have some sort of a life.

-You force yourself to wake up at 7 am on the weekends (Even though you stayed up late) just so you can care for your tamas.

-The first thing you do when you get home is check your little guys.

-You bring them to your friends house and they look at it like: :eek:

-You decorate about everything you own will pictures of characters.

-Your school note margins are covered with doodles of tamagotchis

-You force yourself to wake up at 7 am on the weekends (Even though you stayed up late) just so you can care for your tamas.

-The first thing you do when you get home is check your little guys.

-You bring them to your friends house and they look at it like: :eek:

-You decorate about everything you own will pictures of characters.

-Your school note margins are covered with doodles of tamagotchis
very true. sometimes i'll lose an hour or two of sleep because i have to wake up for them and don't want to manipulate the time because it takes away from the idea of a pet. unless i went to sleep that late lol. i only take hour naps too lol i'm so serious about these little guys.

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^ok...that was just..great haha X)

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You talk to your pets about them.

You freak out when any sort of liquid is 10ft away from them.

You have dreams about your tamas.

That's about all I can think of for now! ^_^

You Know you're obessed when you write a tamagotchi blog, records diary, notes, and journals everyday and all day to keep track of all of them. Also when you like brag and talk about them so much. And when you like tell stories about your tamagotchi when you tell other people that do and dont have a tamagotchi. Hint: That's what I do. Lol

When you spend at least 3 hours at a time taking perfect care of your tams, and squeal in joy when they become something like a Mametchi(V4.5) or Mimitchi(V6). ^_^

When you carry a small bagfull of Tamas where ever you go.

Reading all these makes me remember doing many of them...I never talked to them or kissed them or anything like that, in fact the only overly obsessive thing I did was get really upset and frustrated I couldn't make Tamas seem like living things. Everyone says I have a good imagination, but this one thing simply won't work for me. I got over it recently, now I have real friends I don't need to try and use Tamas as companions. :)

-When you pobably fail a test just to get to care for your tamas

*cough* Not... Guilty... :rolleyes:

-When you create a little house for all of your tamas.

Nope! Not guilty! I create a mansion!

-When you pretend they are real people

As to say they're not?

When you spend an hour or so playing the mini-games to earn Gotchi Points and buy the stuff you want! lol :p ( Based on a true story )

..when you read Tamago instead of Tango on the billboard.

Happened to me today lol.

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