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200th post! I would like to dedicate it to Link. xD

ZOMG, I love that guy. I watch his videos like all the time. :DD I love the little Zelda figurines on his sheet stand.

^ Yes me too. xD So much. x33 And I want action figures of Link and Zelda and Midna on my piano. DD:

xD So... still nothing on Zelda: Wii... There's been some stuff on Spirit Tracks, but not alot of people are interested in that. :I

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Yeah, Zelda...OH.

What were your favorite and least favorite dungeouns?

In Ocarina I liked...the Spirit Temple and te Fire Temple for some reason. Forest Temple and Shadow Temple creeped me out and the Water Temple was HARD. It took me forever to do it. And like I said, I hated the well.

(Ocarina had way too many dungeouns. x.o)Oh, and the Big Tree thing as kid link was cool.

In Twilight Princess...goodness there were so many. I liked Snowpeak, I guess. OH, and the forest temple. Monkeys pwn. xD Lakebed temple and Fire Temple annoyed the heck out of me. City in the Sky wasn't bad but the music got to me. The boss was way fun though. Annoying, but fun.

I don't like Twilight Palace. Those hands are -shuddercring-.


Then there was Arbiters! Oh goodness, that was one fun temple and riding on the spikey thing. AND THE BOSS! That was WAAAAAAAAY FUN! :DDDD I was all like WEEEEEEEEEE <3

Do not speak to me about dungeons. xD If there's anything that holds me back in Zelda games, it's dungeons! I mean... some of them are fun, but I'm mad because I'm stuck in one on Minish Cap. And I think it's the last one. o_x And A Link to the Past. Arghhhh.


^ LOL! Wiiiiiiiiiiiii! xDD And you jerk. xD

Anywhooo. SIDE CHARACTERS. I've love Colin from TP. He's soo cute. x33


WW- fave: Earth Temple cuz i loved all the light puzzles.

least fave: Wind Temple, cuz it was just really annoying.

OoT-fave: Forest Temple cuz i loved the music, the boss was really fun, and it was really creepy!

least fave: fire temple cuz it was very tedious and redundant for me.

TP-fave: forest temple cuz its the only one i've played so far. lol

Side characters:

I liked Colin, Medli, and Makar.

I have a Zelda game for the Gamecube, two for the N64, NES (nintendo entertainment system), Wii, and for the Gameboy/Gameboy Color.

I really like the one I have for Gamecube, Zelda and the Windwaker (I think) but my sister has it. Great, right?

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I started playing Wind Waker, but I didn't get very far.

I think I'm stuck already. xD I forget where though. Haven't played it in months.

^ Oh my gosh. My friend Luke has that, he says the sailing is a pain in the butt. xDD

Wind Waker has always looked interesting to me. Maybe I'll get it someday. :3

I LOVE Wind Waker. The sailing does get annoying, but you can learn a song that transports you, so it makes it quick and easy. Overall the game is just really great and definately worth playing. I haven't got farther in TP yet, I've been pretty busy lately. Tomorrow I'll try and play some more.

I didn't think it so annoying, some of the puzzles took me awhile, but I finished the temple without a walkthru. I was so proud of myself! :furawatchi: Can't stand up to the Forest Temple in OoT, though. That one was beast.

I know wasn't it! The music in the OoT forest temple creeped me out though. And then I hear the skulls flying around, I was all like MEHH DX It was so dark in there too. -shudder-

In general, I think Ocarina of Time is way more beastly than Twilight Princess, but don't get me wrong. Twilight Princess was a pretty epic game too. ^__________^

I was playing TP this morning, but I can't figure out how to get past that Goron! I already have the iron boots, but the goron still knocks me off the edge! How are you supposed to get past him?

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