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Yeah, but there are more MM fans than Ocarina, but it's pretty tight between the two.
Really, since when? I thought it was the other way around. Ocarina of time is the highest rated game of all time. Majora's Mask is epic, but was created in a much shorter time, so it isn't as substantial of a game. There's only four full length dungeons in the whole game. From the people I hear from, their favorite is either OoT or TP. Majora's Mask is probably next though in popularity.

Speaking of MM, holiday break is almost over and I haven't finished it yet. I let a good opportunity slip by... maybe I'll have time this weekend? Why am I always so indecisive when it comes to finishing games?

Well, I haven't heard many people say Twilight Princess is their favorite. It is usually either Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time.

Majora's is a lot more challenging so maybe the people who prefer it over Ocarina enjoy it more for that reason.

Oh, really? Usually people who have been playing zelda games for a while will say that OoT or MM is their favorite, while those who are new to the series prefer Twilight Princess, or at least that's what i've gathered from online forums and such. And real life friends, of course.

I think that MM is really popular because it is so vastly different from any other game in the series. It has an even more intricate time system than in ocarina and allows you to do even more to manipulate time with the ocarina. It's also more side quest oriented, so i'm sure some people prefer that as well. The plot is more in depth, but also more confusing, as it doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the series. It is undoubtedly the darkest zelda game of all time, and some of the masks are downright disturbing, as well as places like the music box house. The downfall is that there are only four full-length dungeons.

OoT is considered the best game of all time for its miraculous transition from 2D to 3D, as well as tackling time travel all in the same step. With this game came the first really in depth plot in the series as well as a cast of unforgettable characters, and possibly the best music in any video game in existence. It is also the first game to allow players to learn and memorize songs to play, on the ocarina in this case. While past games did involve musical instruments, none required you to learn different songs yourself. The game also flows very nicely between the two time-periods and has a very innovative control scheme for the time, after the huge leap to 3D. And no game ending has ever made me more emotional. I cried.

Well, the Zelda fans I know are long-time Zelda fans.

And the people that say Twilight Princess is their favorite game ever haven't actually played any of the older ones. (THEY ARE MISSING OUT. <3 I tell all of them to go play Ocarina of Time)

SPEAKING OF OCARINA OF TIME 3D, I saw some nice videos and screen shots of it. LOOKS SO GOOD. <3

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OMG I KNOW!!!!! The graphics look sooo amazing in OoT 3d!!! I can't wait to get it, it's the best game ever and now it's gonna have the graphics it deserves, and on the most amazing game system! And btw I've already reserved my 3DS at gamestop. ^_^

And twilight princess is an awesome game, but anyone who says its their favorite, you're right, hasn't played the older ones, and that's why. But with the far superior graphics, I still say Twilight Princess is at least 80% as awesome as ocarina. I'm expecting big things from Skyward Sword as well, and they better take their sweet time making it, because i don't want an early release caused by fans when the game's not completely finished yet.

Exactly. Besides, people can keep themselves entertained with Ocarina of Time 3D while waiting for Skyward Sword. I'm already not a fan of the graphics scheme, so the amazing game should be what makes the game amazing.

(ie. Twilight Princess graphics were amazing, but the game was easier whereas Ocarina had plain N64 graphics but is one of the greatest games ever)

Yep. The graphic style of Skyward Sword is pretty good, although it's definitely not as amazing as Twilight Princess graphics. I wish they would make a sequel to that one with the same graphics. But maybe this one'll be nice for a change. It better be a good game, but if the trailer is any indication it will be.

IT BETTER BE GOOD. It's the first serious game in years. Sure Toon Link is cute and fun and all, but it doesn't give the same satisfaction as Ocarina of Time and even Twilight Princess did.

With the exception to wind waker, the toon link games definitely weren't as serious or fun. Wind waker, however, was a really great, solid addition to the series, and is just as deep plot and gameplay wise as OoT or TP. Of course it is much more childish in graphic style, and i'm also not the biggest fan of toon link... well for obvious reasons (he obviously can't compare to Link in twilight princess! ^0^) And I even think young link from OoT is cuter than toon. Although toon link has some hilarious facial expressions.

I think the series should just continue with games featuring the more mature Link. It doesn't mean the games themselves have to be any more mature. There still needs to be the childlike, fairytaleish quality to the series that there was always meant to be. But with some newer ideas that twilight princess introduced mixed in, like hidden skills and more intense battles and stuff.

Exactly what I was thinking!

So you know an argument I often see on Tumblr?

Some people argue that Link has way more feminine qualities than male. And they were referring to TP Link. I was all like, dude, srsly?

^Who cares what other people think, we know the truth. That is still kinda offensive though. It's just so untrue. Did they play through the part where he has his shirt off? Seriously!

I have a friend who says he's gay bc he wears earrings. Is that the most ridiculous thing you ever heard? I got so angry at her.

They were saying like "His round chin, those full lips, those cheek bones, and those legs." And how the concept art makes him look manly but the actually in-play graphics make him like girly.

I'm like. Wat.

And gay because he wears earrings? Say what?

well excuuuuuuuuse me princess!( hoping you get the reference there) But that is so untrue. Have you seen how buff he is in the game? He doesn't look girly at all. Pretty maybe, but as me and Krystal had a discussion about earlier, there is a vast difference between girl pretty and guy pretty. some people are just stupid and stubborn.

And I can see the difference between the concept art and the game graphics, but he doesn't look more manly in the concept art, he just looks cuter in the game. In the art he has more intense expressions where as in the game he's happier looking. That's the only difference. Don't you agree?

Yes, I caught the reference. : D


It seriously annoys me. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don't shove it down other people's throats.

Since we just got off topic... I made some progress in Twilight Princess. I got the first Sol. xDDDD

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Yes, I caught the reference. : D


It seriously annoys me. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don't shove it down other people's throats.

Since we just got off topic... I made some progress in Twilight Princess. I got the first Sol. xDDDD
Oh, yay! Getting the sols was scary the first time, but after a while you get the hang of it. I'm on my.... 3rd play through of Twilight Princess. I'm at the snowpeak temple in that file. It's my favorite dungeon. I like all the snow and ice, and I really like how you can make soup, lol.

I also got past Level 3 in The Legend of Zelda some time ago, but I forgot to tell you. It took me about a billion tries, but i did it! What sucks is there's a counter next to your file name for how many times you died. D:

There's a counter for game overs in Ocarina of Time too. xD It's really sad to keep that counter keep going up.

Just like the counter in Twilight Princess that tells you how long you've been playing. IT'S SUCH A PITIFUL NUMBER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD

Dude. I tried playing TLoZ the other day. I cant' even beat the first level......................

Oh, there is? Where is it? I never noticed it before. But I think the only time i got game over my first playthrough i got angry and turned the game off, so it doesn't count, ha! xD And I blame my excess time in twilight princess on messing with the camera angles to see Link better (pretty sad, but true). My other friend who has the game doesn't ever do that, and i'm like "well then, you're not playing the game right!" xD

Yeah, TLoZ is nearly impossible. Does it ever happen to you when you enter a screen with a lot of enemies the game gets really slowed down? That's what messes me up the most. There were a few rooms like that in Lvl. 3. The boss of level 3 was crazy, it's this thing with four heads that is constantly shooting stuff at you, and each time it hits you it takes a whole heart. If you successfully hit one of its heads twice, it will go away, but you have to repeat for all four, and after you hit it once it gets angry and goes berserk. It took me sooo many tries, and it was pure luck that i even beat it at all.

aww, sadly ocarina of time 3D is not in the launch window for the 3DS. But hey, hopefully that means it will be even better! I also haven't heard any news on skyward sword recently, has anyone else?

I saw the case at Gamestop in January.
ooh, really? i actually don't think i've seen it there yet, and i have been there a few times recently. Maybe its not displayed at my gamestop yet. Well, hopefully i can drop by there soon anyway. I think i would have enough money now to pre-order it. 8D

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