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Gosh I havent replied on here for AGES :L

I have now completed spirit tracks!!

more than a year since I first got the game... xD

but yeah I finally finished it- Im somewhat proud of myself haha :D


I hope its good when it is released though :)

idk when Skyward Sword is coming out, but OoT is coming out for 3DS!!!!! I only have my DS Lite and my XL...so I wonder if I could play a 3DS game on my perfectly awesome XL. I don't think I can :(

EDIT: Drew some fanart. It's my new wallpaper and it sucks xD I have no clue how to put it here, but I made it just for TT.

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I definiately want to get the 3DS when it comes out :) << OoT 3DS! yay :D

I dont think you can play the 3D games on the XL, unfortunately :L

and the wallpaper on your profile?

It doesnt suck! Its great ^_^

No I mean for my computer. And lol in majora's mask I stole Link-Goro's room key and talked to the toilet guy. xD he needs paper and i know why XDXDXDXD

As far as I know the Skyward Sword release date is still unknown. HOWEVER: Yesterday it was confirmed that Ocarina of Time 3D will be released this June! I've already got my 3DS pre-ordered. But I think I need to pre-order both of these games now...

@Kiro: Unfortunately, you won't be able to play 3DS games on your XL. However, the 3DS is backwards compatible for any DS games, from the original to the DSi XL. And also, in majora's mask, did you get the heart piece from the toilet hand guy?

@Kenza: Congrats on finishing spirit tracks! That last portion of the spirit tower or whatever was really difficult. I stayed up late many nights during summer vacation trying to get through it, lol.

Ocarina of time will be released this june!?!?!

^^ YAY!

Ive preordered the 3DS too :D - ive played the 3DS at game and it looks SO good 8D

I stayed up many nights during the summer holidays AND the Christmas holidays trying to get though it- and STILL only just finished xD

Kenza- omg, yay, 3DS buddies! We should totally exchange friend codes! 8D And you're lucky you got to try it out, the demo stations haven't been set up in the U.S. yet. Ocarina of Time looks so amazing on it, I can't even wait that long.

Kiro- yup. when he asks for paper, he is referring to the clock town land deed. Give that to him, and you receive a heart piece, and he is added to the Bomber's notebook as "???".

Also, I love your avatar picture, i'm pretty sure you had it before, right? Unless someone else had it, but i love that picture. ^w^

I did have this avatar before. The weird thing is that he's already in my notebook, but I didn't give him anything.

oh, maybe you get him in the notebook just by talking to him. Well, anyway, you should get that heart piece, lol.

@ Paisly- Yes- we should definately exchange friend codes 8D

and Im surprised that they haven't set up demo stations in the US as games and things normally get released there first xD

so- what Zelda games are we all playing at the moment? If any xD

Im not actually playing any at the moment because most of my time is being taken up by revision and stuff because I have exams soon :L

But I hope to start playing phantom hour glass soon :)

Kenza- Oh, i think they just recently set up demo stations at Best Buys around here, but I haven't gone to any yet. I don't really go to best buy anyway, so i dunno if i'll go try it out or not. But who cares, i have it pre ordered and it comes out in 7 days! But anyway, this is totally off topic.

As of right now, i'm not really playing any one zelda game in particular. I still haven't beaten zelda 1 or majora's mask yet, so i guess you could say i'm 'working on' those, but i haven't played either in forever. i'm so close to beating majora's mask, i just haven't found the time to finish it. With zelda games, i find i like to have a huge time slot, like an entire weekend day/ summer day to finish the game, so i don't have to be rushed through it, and especially if i don't know how long the last stretch of the game will take. more recently, i've been replaying ocarina of time and twilight princess, being my two favorites, but lately i've been itching to play wind waker again, as it has been a while. maybe i'll even play that today....? kinda want to start a new file and rekindle childhood memories and stuff. that would be quite nice. i'll report later as to whether or not i actually decide to do that. ^_^

I have exams soon and I have SO MUCH homework D:

Okay, I'll get on topic. I'm still working on Majora's Mask and I started Adventure of Link. It's really hard to find stuff...but it's so funny sitting there with my sister reading that stuff out loud. The text goes so slow!!!!! My new favorite quote from anything ever is "I am error."


that's because its the best quote. That's the hardest zelda game though, so good luck!

Still haven't finished Majora's Mask. Still thinking about starting a new Wind Waker file.

GAH~ Ive had exams and so haven't been able to play much Zelda (or any games) recently :L


so hopefully Ill find some time :p

just got back from spring break, but i didn't have time to play any zelda games bc i was away. Since my last post however i did start a new Wind Waker file and got quite far, but haven't played much since that first week i started it. I was on a roll though, i know that game like the back of my hand so i was speed running it a bit. Other than that, I haven't played in a while. I seriously need to finish MM, and i might wanna get moving on LoZ and get to the fourth dungeon. It's getting tough though.

Less than two months until Ocarina of Time 3D! And I've pre ordered it! 8D Have you guys seen all the new screenshots? If not I can post them...

I KNOW RIGHT? I can't even begin with how amazing the game's going to be. The graphics look so bright and beautiful, and there's going to be the master quest version included! 8D And a boss battle mode, and plus the game's already amazing, but now it's in 3D!!!

Oh, do you have a 3DS/ will you purchase one?

Yes I have seen them : D


Its looks amazing : )

@Jae Hi- I thought you'd died xD Welcome back : )

@Paisly I haven't got a 3DS yet~ but I will definiately buy one soon- probably in the summer : D

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