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I once had a pimple on that place right between the side of your nose, and your face. It hurts there, because whenever you move your face, your nose and face pinch it, causing it to hurt.
OMG that hurts so much!

And i get the occaasional one here and there. lol

Ah acne! I used to suffer terribly from it. Nothing I did worked. I tried prescriptions for about a year from the doctors yet still no avail. At the moment I've just been put on some very strong stuff and in a few days it's already made miracles! Very optimistic about this one!

ProActive - Some people I've seen said it works but others complain it made their acne worse, depends from person to person.

i get Pimples. Mostly Blackheads. I hate them. I was myy face with the wave By Netrogena (SP)

And I use this expensive face cream from a facialist. Argg.

I don't have bad acne, I get a zit once in a while though. And I use this pharmacy stuff called Phisoderm, I've always wanted to try Proavtic though. I find that when I don't use it, I look closely in the mirroand see bumps, so that's basically what I do. Phisoderm stuff and water.

Whenever I wake up with a zit, it's not often, but I cover it up with (yes, I'm a loser) skin color eyeshadow, because that's all we have xD

i get Pimples. Mostly Blackheads. I hate them. I was myy face with the wave By Netrogena (SP)And I use this expensive face cream from a facialist. Argg.

I use Wave too. It doesn't work that well for meeee. Mummy only made me buy it cuz Vannessa Hudgens was advertising it xD O:

Popping leaves scars, and this gross stuff comes out of it =\
Yeah, I have a scar on the side of my nose from attempting to 'pop' a pimple and guess what - the scar is WAY uglier than the pimple. Plus it's permanent.

I'd never gotten acne/pimples/blackheads until about this year. Well, I got 1 or 2, but never outbreaks.

Now, I have about 3-4 small ones on various places on my head, and a whole heap of pimples on my forehead (which I've only received since I got my fringe, coincidence? no)

I use Wave too. It doesn't work that well for meeee. Mummy only made me buy it cuz Vannessa Hudgens was advertising it xD O:
Haha, Advertiseing kills. In the comercial It shows a bunch of little bubbles, In real life, Nada! No bubbles! Whats up with that? O:


I have like mild acne.

I've tried lots of different things - but I find that the sun and sea water helps best.

Pity I don't live by the sea.

I get small pimples. I have a bunch on my forehead, but they are so small and the are even the same color as my skin, you have to look really close to see them. I got some small ones near my nose and chin, they used to be big, but the brand Biore really helps. The commercial says it's for middle-aged people, but me and my friend Ella use it and it's awesome and were 12.

Ksenia, I shall put in my prayers that your severe acne goes away.

lol... i've always had clear skin until this year -.- and whenever i get pimples it would always be on my nose causing people to call me Rudolph. I just wash my face more often =P

I have them all over my face and cheeks, and once I had one on my eye. I'm really the only one I know with zits. I've tried Clean & Clear, but it didn't work. I like to pick at them. Popping hurts.

I broke out, all around my nose -.-

Only get zits on my forehead, nose, and the apples of my cheeks.

Hah, I'm the only one I really know with zits also. Neh, some people have like one or two zits, while my face is covered. And so is my back and shoulders .____.

And really, it's mainly acne scars. Cause I started getting acne at around 6, and by the time I was 9, my face was completely covered. And at about 11, my back and shoulders started getting covered. I have a feeling it's going to end soon though, because it's not as severe as it used to be. During grade 5 it was probably at it's worst.

Anyone who has completely or reasonably clear skin should be ecstatic about it. Zits isn't something that people enjoy.. and it brings down self-esteem by a loooong shot.

I know how you guys feel! My friend always looks at me with this LOOK that's like..."Have you SEEN your face!" I get soo upset! It's clearing though and snice it's the holidays, I recon I wont stress so much so that it might actually go away. I think the people who get it earlier in life, don't get it so much when they are older (between teenage years they should end).

My face is normally relatively clear, but recently I had a bad break out. (Well, a bad break out for me.) I got two larger pimples on my forhead, a bump or two on my nose, and a few bumps around my chin. I was like, "AHHH!" But it's pretty much better now.

Except for the black heads on my nose. They practically live there and have become permanent fixtures. >_>

My skin is pretty clear. I'm grateful.

I'm a skincare fail, though. xD

I rarely moisturise any more. Maybe once a week? And I don't wash my face with soap. Just a shower each night. If a zit pops up, I'll cover it with toothpaste, and it's generally gone the next day. It's bad for your skin, like, it dries up everything, but I honestly don't care. The spot goes and I'm happy. x3

I'm lucky enough not to have acne. Sometimes I get zits, I just put makeup over it and hope it heals.

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