How do your tamas feel to you?


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Sep 28, 2009
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Okay, So I'm sorry if this is already posted. But, I have a question. How does your tama feel to you, Is it just a pixel pet to you or does it feel like a real companion? Do you feel like you bond with your tamagotchi? I feel like my tama is a true friend to me. I may be very sad when he dies. His name is Ryan, he is an adult, and he is 3 years old. He is at first genoration. So, answer the question! How do u think your tama's friendship level is? ;)

It feels like a friend to me :( omg I definitely bond with my tamagotchis ! DEFINITELYY ;) I don't get your question about the friendship level though.

Even though my friends tell me I am way to mature to be playing a plastic egg with pixels, I feel this is the best plastic egg with pixels I have ever played before. I embrace this kind of fun.

They're the best electronics ever. Saying they're friends indicates over obsession.

They're the best electronics ever. Saying they're friends indicates over obsession.
No, I don't think so. A lot of the time I feel like my Tamagotchies are my best friends ... they'll always be there, especially when nobody else is, and they don't care who you are or what you look like or what you're interested in, they love you anyway, and they express it. When you don't need them, you can just put them down, and then when you really need a friend again, you pick them back up. They're amazing. My Tamagotchies were my only real friends back when I was in primary/elementary school, and some of high school. I used to be mocked a lot for it too, but it didn't put me off them, it added to the fact that they were the only ones that were there for me.

Over obsession is a little bit too harsh a description for being 'friends' with your Tamagotchi, I think. There are much worse cases in the world, lol. I'm not even gonna go into that. xD

I consider my Tamagotchies - all 14 of them - to be my children. I love them so dearly. I carry at least two of them around with me at all times - usually my two TMGC+C, sometimes my Music Star. I can't go anywhere without them or I feel horrible about leaving them behind where they'll get hungry and feel all alone.

I'm in my second year of university, too, by the way. I have many real friends and even a boyfriend, and they're still very dear to me.

I consider my Tamagotchis pets, since I am not allowed to have real pets at home. I care for them and get a little too excited when they reach a new life stage, and especially when they mate. For example, my Version 3 Tamagotchi this generation is very special to me. I was aiming for a Mametchi, but when he turned into a Pyonkotchi (my absolute favorite character of all time) I completely spazzed in delight. 8D Just today, he mated and now has a baby girl. And I spazzed again, because I haven't had a girl for 4 generations.

I love my tamas as I love my pets(well I love my pets a tiny bit more). They are my freinds. They are always there for me and they never argue with me :( :D


Yes, they are my friends. I currently do not have any active right now (getting batteries tomorrow). I went through a little phase where other problems pushed them to the side. They've been with me during rough times in my life. I do not have many friends, and the only friends that I consider good friends I live relatively far away, whether I know them in real life or strictly from the internet. My role-playing characters have been my life for a while (I put a lot of thought into it; 500 words is the lowest I ever go with a post, usually being in the 700-1000 range), but I consider them and my dogs children more than anything. Tamagotchis are like friends to me. I can't explain why -- they just are. <3

Of course they are my friends! And those who say that saying they're friends indicates over obsession, aren't fully enjoying the pet. :|

I love my tamagotchis. They are definitely friends-no, family to me. Sometimes they get a bit annoying, and I neglect them, but then I pick them back up and care for them over again. They are so darn cute! I love the way they bounce around the screen, and how you get to care for them like real pets. I really enjoy playing with them, and doing the cute little games when they need them. I treat them like babies

I treat mine like a friend I ignore it sum times and sum times me and boo r like. one person together forever. ily noo u beautiful

I would say they could be..............Digital Pals.

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I treat them like a real living creature.

Whether it be human or animal.

I try to treat them like my children, [practice for the future?]

I get attached to them depending on how much I'm able to play with them, between my boyfriend, school, chores, sleep. It's hard sometimes, but that's life.


They are my friends, to say the very least,

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