Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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My v6 is on track to get married tomorrow as planned. :D I can't wait.

Just few questions cause i'm in a very difficult situation... -_- -_- -_-

1) Can tamas get married if one of them hasn't got a job? :huh:

2) Can they get married if you use love potions but you haven't connected them a lot? :huh: :huh: :huh:

Just few questions cause i'm in a very difficult situation... -_- -_- -_-

1) Can tamas get married if one of them hasn't got a job? :huh:

2) Can they get married if you use love potions but you haven't connected them a lot? :huh: :huh: :huh:
I think yes to both questions, but I'm not 100% sure.

I mean... can they have a baby? :huh:

Does anyone hatched yet? :)

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Okay, so I may have been the first to hatch, since it is the night of the 3rd here in Australia. A little Tsubutchi called Wilf joined this group hatch today, soon evolving into the adorable Puchitchi. I have some pictures, which I'll post in my log or here soon. :3

Where I am it is 7:30AM the 3rd, and I hatched shortly after 7am. Here's my little boy!


My fiance asked me to name him Yoda, so I did. His second request was that I then keep him around for 900 years like Yoda... Highly unlikely. :D

Where I am it is 7:30AM the 3rd, and I hatched shortly after 7am. Here's my little boy!


My fiance asked me to name him Yoda, so I did. His second request was that I then keep him around for 900 years like Yoda... Highly unlikely. :D
OMG Yoda xD ! I like it a lot ! I'm a great fan of the Star Wars series. I love that shell o_o, really really beautiful. "hightly unlikely".. eh , you never know !

So welcome to Wilf and Yoda !

Hatching mine right now ^^ I have my phone right next to it so I can take pics xD

It's a girl ! So... I called her... Mamie ( = granny ) Yes ! I know I know. But since it will become an oldie... I thought it might be fun to call her that way ^^

(sorry for the flash)

Woohoo! I just hatched my v.6! c:

But before I get started welcome Tamfi, Wilf, Yoda and Mamie!

I got a little girl! :] I named her Boniie.


sorry for the awkward lighting. :c

Good news (I hope) for Tamfie, Wilf, Yoda, Mamie and Bonnie; You've got company!

Chalk was hatched only minutes after I awoke at about 10:45 this morning. I was glad to see a boy pop out of the shell, because I was not sure I'd have the heart to actually reset him in case he'd turned out to be a girl. All the same I wouldn't have managed to keep an Otokitchi with me for any greater amount of days, so I'm thankful to him for being a boy. :p

Chalk is of the meme family group, so he was a Memeotchi for one cherished hour before smoothly evolving into a healthy Memebotchi during church service.

I'm a complete newbie to the entama, even though I've ran my Uratama before. I've researched alot about it before starting, so hopefully I'm well prepared.

However I had not bothered to look up the games, so it took me a while to get used to them , but I think I've got the hang by now.

I only have pictures of his baby stage so far, but hang on and I'll update with more pictures later on.

My very first entama egg! I noted that it looks similar to those of the v5. :)

Hatching moment... :eek: Slightly dark but still, I caught it! :D

Bumping around like every other tama... Only cuter cuz he's mine. :p

Even entama babies are hungry critters, apperently. Am I surprised?

But as long as the stomach is full, he's one happy boy... :wub: :wub:

I have to say I absolutely adore the shell of this particular entama, even though I guess it's the inside that counts. I bought it used for a great price on ebay some one and a half months ago. Only $9.90 + shipping!

Except for screen polish, a quick alcohol cleanse and functionality testing I haven't used it at all so far, but bided my time for the perfect moment. :D

During service today I crocheted an extra super-protective pouch for Chalk, as I'll be bringing him to a ski camp in a week and want him to be pefectly secure!

More pics of that later today or tomorrow.

About his name, I had to alter it slightly to write it in hiragana, as japanese does not seem to contain the sound combination for the word chalk.

Alias his written name is Cha-ru-ko, his Tamatalk name is Chalk, and I kall him either Chalk or the Swedish translation; Kalk.

Thank you all for bearing with me, and I'm sure this hatch will be tons of fun!(Oh, it already has for me ;) )

Congrats everyone on your cute tamas!

*Chalk says hi*

Ah, man, I haven't raised an oldie in a while. It's the third, right?

I'll join this hatch tonight... maybe I'll raise an Oyajitchi, then try for the record

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Tamfi Boniie and Chalk are so danm cute ! <3

Jokus your entama is gorgeous ! I love that shell too. You had it at a very very good price.

Mamie has evolved into a Kuchitamatchi, as i'm trying not to get a perfect care character for once. But when she will evolve into Otokitchi, i'll take a veeeeery good care of her so she won't die x)

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I dont really want a perfect care character either mousette haha :]

and i noticed that i made a spelling error on my last post! :[ her name is actually Bonnie.

she is now a hitodetchi. C:

So at about 1:40PM i began my hatch!


Left with my cute little blue egg.Excited more then ever to see if its a boy or girl.


Yesss i caught the egg breaking, oh the suspense!


Ta-DA! a cute little boy, and his name?



.I named him, old wrinkle, in Japanese


soon after his first meal he became sick! but was quickly healed.

hmmm one sick down? i wonder if some sort of correlation appears.

So excited to see all these babies!!

Yoda evolved into a Mizutamatchi. I am actually hoping to go for a good care character as I just love Pyonkotchi! That's my goal.

After some care and games old wrinkle was tuckered out and had a nap,


When he woke up he soon turned into Haneotchi, and was starved!


A bit later an unfamiliar icon flashed, the mail box!(btw did i mention its my first time running my uratama?)

I press it and he begings talking! oh i need to learn to read kanji...


Oh the nanny has arrived for a visit!

So cute tama babies! Hope we will all make it and have some really long-lived Oldies!! he he!! Mine turned into Harutchi at 6:11! I hope having Mametchi!!!!

I also continue on with my dear Lucky...


One cute pic of Mamie before she goes to bed x)

Really cute babies you got there people !

Old wrinkle... ROFL !

I so love the shell of that Ura-tama, really nice colors really.

Thank you all for sharing this together ^^

Hi guys! I love everyone's tamas! So cute!!

Okay I'm joining! C and the Ura-Violetchi I had left their babies, so I'm posting! Sorry it took so long though, I was at my grandmas all day.

When I woke up this morning I went to my dresser and saw my tamas, two little girls sitting there crying. Instantly I knew they had to have old lady names, so I named them Berta and Debby. :)

I treated them with great care because I really want to get good care adults, and I also connected them alot. They played games and then they got sick! I quickly gave them medicine so they could be better, then they took a nap and evolved into kutchitamatchis. Still twins! The preschool teacher dropped by to give them their school bags and talk about school, so they went with her to explore the pre-K place. Right now they're bobbing around the screens, being little cuties.



Here they are crying. :(


Playing ball :D


Sick! :0




as kutchitamatchis. :3

See you guys tomorrow when BETA leaves his baby so it can join the hatch!

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