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  1. T

    can you quit a job i dont like mine

    I just had my tama switch jobs today. It got its first job at 4yrs, its second at 5yrs. To change my job, I made my tama first overweight then slimmed it down, had it go to work and only reach good on the job at least twice then just had it fail continuosly after that. Now I don't know if this...
  2. T


    M'kay. My V4 is 5 yrs old and on its 2nd job. Being impatient, I skipped on ahead to 7 pm. And, lo! the Matchmaker appeared! I said yes and I now have my second generation squishing around. Other than a peice of scenery, the young'n doesn't appear to do much. What I'm curious to know is that...
  3. T

    Job Payment

    I've read in the FAQ and on various boards that you will get paid for your job. My question is how often? Once a day, once a week, etc? Is there a specific time when I get paid or is it random? Do I have to get a great or higher to be paid, or will good be just fine? I know that the Mailtama...
  4. T

    Interesting Tip

    I've noticed that no one has said this yet. When you get the free food from the Ring Toss game in Tamatown V4, the item is immediately eaten.
  5. T

    The Matchamaker

    The matchmaker are for the few ppl who don't have anyone else to connect with or for those who didn't buy two Tamas, right? I'm asking this cause I don't want to go out and buy another V4 just so my current V4 can mate and have Tamalings. :blink:
  6. T

    how do i delete items?

    Oooo thank you! I was concerned about how to delete items as well. :huh:
  7. T


    my tama takes a bath at 6:30 pm everyday. Talk about hygenic! :huh:
  8. T

    what the?

    Mine falls over alot too. I just figure because its weird and that ponytail must be REALLY heavy. :huh: As for the random animations, taking a bath doesn't seem to be so random. At 6:30 pm, my tama ALWAYS takes a bath. I thought it strange, so I tested it. And it takes a bath on the dot at...
  9. T

    using the pen/pencil

    I think the empty bubble is when it can't think of anything to draw/write. Mine constantly draws a high heel...
  10. T

    want a beeded tama

    Good idea! I've been thinking of doing the same as the keychain is just soooooo 90s. :angry:
  11. T

    Reusing Passwords

    I've been to V4 Tamatown twice now, and I was curious about the passcodes for the various foods you can buy or get for free. Once you get the codes, can you reuse the codes indefinitely? For example. I got a crepe suzette with the code 17773 36393 (NOT A REAL CODE!), used the code, and bought...