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  1. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi iD L possibly coming down under?

    I called up Myer today, turns out that only the Melbourne and Sydney stores will be getting them. Melbourne doesn't have them yet, but has the display materials, and will be getting them any day now. So for those of you who don't live in Melbourne or Sydney, sorry :P
  2. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    When is there going to be a new Tama

    Like everyone else said, we don't know about whether Tamagotchi Life will eventually get us a new Tamagotchi, but according to Anz Falcon (spokesperson for Tamagotchi Life I believe) the products Tamagotchi Life will be releasing are TamaDepa products from Japan. I'm pretty excited about this...
  3. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Can tamagotchis die of old age?

    Tamagotchi Connections (V1+) do not die of old age. Only vintage/ancestor Tamagotchis (eg. P1, P2, Angel, Ocean) die of old age.
  4. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Connection between V1 and TMGC Plus (Japanese).

    The V1 and Plus have the same relationship that the V5 and FamiTama have: they are exactly the same, except for the language, and possibly some minor localisation changes. They are 100% compatible. V1s and V5s can both connect to and marry their Japanese counterparts. Just for the record, V1s...
  5. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    When you were younger, what stuff did you do to Tamas that you regret now?

    I always threw away the packaging of them. :/ And also I had them all on a lanyard, even when I have more than 10. I eventually stopped, but when I had about 12 Tamas on them they would all scratch each other and the lanyard would swing and they'd hit walls and everything.
  6. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi iD L possibly coming down under?

    I contacted Bandai South Asia via Facebook to see if they're still selling Tamagotchi iD Ls in Asia, because I was hoping they'd still be available on eBay closer to my birthday. This is what they said: Bandai South Asia - Girls & Boys Toys Official Page Me: Hi, are you still selling...
  7. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    Hey binary, where did you get those old pictures from?
  8. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi v2 growth time

    Yeah it's 72 hours for V1-3, 48 for V4 and 4.5.
  9. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Angelgotchi age

    Ok that would probably do it though lol. Don't worry about it, there'll be no negative effects on the growth of your Angel.
  10. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    Anz, thanks for responding to our comments about T-life. I'm so sorry to hear that you cried when you saw the negative comments. Considering you're a Tamagotchi fan, and us Tamagotchi fans made such negative comments, I'm really sorry. But may I just say that while the marketing is a bit...
  11. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    anzfalcontchi "Hello everyone!"

    Hi! I'm guessing you're Anz Falcon from YouTube? If not, then ok... but if so then I'm so glad you've made an account here! Either way, welcome to the forum and enjoy yourself!
  12. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Angelgotchi age

    Have you been putting it to sleep instead of pausing it? Everytime your Angel wakes up, the age will increase by one. It shouldn't do any harm to the growth of your Angel, and it's not a sign of physical damage or anything. It's just you'll have a very Angel. :P
  13. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi P1 speaker

    If worst comes to worst, though it may be easier, quicker and more satisfying, add this Tama to your "spare parts" box or sell it on eBay as "junk" or something, and buy yourself another P1. They're so cheap.
  14. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Getting Hungrier?

    That, and you also have to feed Violetchi's partner.
  15. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Matchmaker partner affecting the character of your Tama?

    This theory has been tested by many people including myself, and though we don't know the technicalities it seems on the V2 and V3 the partner affects the child.
  16. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Tamagotchi constantly dying?!?

    I don't mean to be rude, but if your problem isn't solved, maybe you should actually describe the animation you're seeing? Please tell us what's happening rather than just telling us it's the "normal dying". :)
  17. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Pink Tama-Go?/Tamagotchi's Fake?

    @SamJJE101: Just to add on to what you said: early Spring 2011, in USA and Canada.
  18. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    V5/ Tama-go?

    According to the Australian V7 (American Tama-Go; the American instructions don't say this yet they're the same version) instructions, V5s cannot marry Tama-Gos.
  19. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    How do you get more 'social' points on v4?

    Play the game "Flag" as much as you can. :) Also, has your Tamagotchi been accepted into school yet? (has the [!] letter come yet) If not, when you get the letter, wait. When you get the second letter, press the A button (left) until you see a dude with a paintbrush in his hand and a head...
  20. -Gotchi-Gotchi-

    Upgrade TamaTalk?

    I would absolutely up to having these new features! Though, like most others, I won't be able to donate. Sorry. :nazotchi: