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  1. homeslice

    When will she be?

    Okay, so I have had my tama-go tamagotchi for around 11 days now, but I paused it for two whole days so my tama is 9 years old. It is a female tama, and she is Memetchi. She got married to Kuchipatchi when she was 6 and they had a little baby girl when she was 8. I now have three tamas on my...
  2. homeslice

    Healthy Tamago Weight

    :kuribotchi: :mametchi: I need some help! What is the healthy weight for an adult tamago? I looked it up before on tamatalk, but what the person said was around 25 lbs. That is the minimum that the adult can be! :huh: :huh: :huh: So is it 25 lbs or is it something else??? I...
  3. homeslice

    Favorite Tama-go Tama Charecter Poll

    :D Poll time! Please answer, it only takes a couple of seconds... THANKS! :D Also, I would appreciate it if you put why you picked that specific tama. It doesn't have to be long, just say one or two or three words, or however many you like. Example A: Cute Example B: I like (tama)...
  4. homeslice

    Quick Question

    My memetchi tamgotchi just married kuchipatchi. I have learned that 48 hrs after they get married an egg appears. What happens to the parents? Do they leave and all I have is the egg? Because they are doing everything together now and they are both on my screen. Any ideas? :mellow:
  5. homeslice

    Tama-go Review

    Okay, so far this tama-go is growing on me! :D I like that it takes triple-a batteries instead of the really expensive circular ones. I liked the other tamagotchi's size better because it was smaller, but I can deal with that. It is bigger for two reasons. One is because of how much...
  6. homeslice

    Tamagotchi Tama-go Matchmaker

    I have an adult mametchi :rolleyes: tamagotchi, and I still can't see the matchmaker! She is only three, but I thought that once they reached adult hood, they could go to the matchmaker. I also heard that once the tamas reach a certain age they can go to the carpenter and other shops. Is...