♥~Internet Dating~♥


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
[SIZE=14pt]So, what do you think about Internet dating?[/SIZE]

Do you think it's dangerous? Or a perfectly good way to meet someone that has the

same interest as you? Share your thoughts and ideas here!

*NOTE: This is NOT a hook-up thread. TT does not allow ANY sort of internet dating what so ever. This thread is only asking for opinions on internet dating period. -TW/P*

And in case anyone needs a little reminder about staying safe on TamaTalk - and online generally: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=92968


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I do not think it's a good idea. Why? Because 25% of people on online chatrooms/social networks are approached by pedofiles. [Yes, I watch Super Nany! xD] That's a big percentage.

You never should just trust someone online. If you really are that desperate [and of the proper age], go to eHarmony or some other safe online date site.

I don't encourage it, especially not at the age we TTers are.

Internet can be an educative way of finding friends, but it is not for starting relationships because we are never sure who is on the other side of the line.

There are people who when they are older may set out to meet people via the internet via specific sites, but that is up to them.

If I met someone and decided I would want to date them, I would first rather meet them and know them well in flesh and bone.

If you have to resort to a computer setting you up on a date, I don't think that's a good thing.

Like TW/P said, most are just "creepers", even on those safe sites.

I was watching Oprah [yes, I'm cool like that] and they were talking about Nigerian money scams, and this lady thought she met her "perfect" man, so they communicated a lot online and stuff. So he tells her he needs money to build this orphanage, and she sends it, and she never even met him before.

It ends up his pictures were fake, name, etc and she lost 14 000$.

Absolutely bad. If it started here, then heaps of people would ask someone out.

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I don't understand it, and I hope I'll never result to it. I understand if it's hard to find love, but I think it's a waste of time. :/

Dangerous, dangerous, more dangerous... I feel this way because you have NO idea whatsoever who your talking to... they may say they're 20 but who knows maybe they're 50! So yeah my advice for anyone interested in internet dating would be to just find a special someone in the real world!

I think it's a horrible idea. It's really just people that were so desperate for a date that they had to turn to the internet, where they don't even know who these people really are, and have to go by what they posted on their profile.

No thanks.

I think it's a desperate attempt at fake love. Which always fails. I'd only ever date someone if I knew them well in person.

Which is why I don't date Pierre or anyone else.

For all you guys know I could be 56 years old (Which I'm not). Would you want to take a risk like that and date him/her and then meet them and risk getting raped? I sure wouldn't.

I like the internet, not the relationships. I'm too young to have a boyfriend anyway.

My friend almost got raped from this before. She met a married guy with kids at my school and the next day we were in lockdown for about an hour because he showed up.

We both moved schools...

Its not a good idea to me.


I think its very dangerous in so many ways! It also equals to desperateness in my opinon. No matter how old you are please keep safe on the internet espically at our age =)



I think internet dating is incredibley stupid. I tried it and hated it! Internet dating is stupid. I think it's better to date somebody you can actually see and meet and kiss and hug. My ex internet bf said that you can do stuff with your interne bf/gf. I asked "What the hell could you possibley do?" and he said "Cyber sex". In my opinion, cyber sex is stupid and a waste of time. If you want to kiss and hug and have sex with somebody, get a real bf/gf and do it because you will find that the real thing is much better than cyber sex. Trust me. When I had my first kiss, I couldn't imagine going so long without kissing! When I first long my virginity (to the same guy I had my first kiss with) I couldn't imagine that I did this online but just typing words, the real thing is so much better.

If you don't agree with me, one day, when you get a real boyfriend/girlfriend, you will understand that dating a person you can actually see, feel, hug, and kiss is so much better than somebody 2000 miles away and the most you can do is this stupid this called "cyber sex". You must be really desprate to actually want cyber with some guy you don't even know that you met on the internet. He might say he's 18, or 19, or 16, but he or she could be a perverted person looking to moleste a young child or teenager like me or you (if you are a young child or teenager).

My advice: Don't internet date. It's dangorous. It's stupid. It's desprate. DON'T DO IT!


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Well, personally. I think it's Ok As long as you know what your doing.

Sure 20% of people could be predators. But what about the other 80%? The 80% who aren't predators. :/

Now, I'm not encouraging kids on this site to "Online date" But, I don't think it's all that bad.

For example, you hear a lot of story's about people who were hurt by online dating. But you never seem to hear story's

about People who had a very successfully relationship From online dating.

And in some cases it can be better. For example: If your in Collage or near the end of high school. It's less distracting to have an Online boyfriend because you don't always need to hang out with them all the time. It gives you time to do important homework. Or go to your job. etc. Besides, I think it's amazing if you can truly fall in love with someone for just knowing them for who they are. and not for what they look like.

It is true that you can't really "love" somebody if you've never met them. I had an internet boyfriend and I truely thought I loved him with all my heart. When he dumped me, I knew I didn't really love him because I got over it and moved on in like... a minute? I cried for 10 seconds then thought "wow now I can date real people now!" Then 4 days later I met Hunter, the guy I had my first kiss and lost virginity with. I dumped him and now have Matt, a really nice and sweet guy =)

You wouldn't know if your online boyfriend/girlfriend would be in the 80% or 20%. It's impossible to tell. My advice is date somebody you can see, feel, kiss, and hug, because you'll realize it's better than not meeting your boyfriend/girlfriend at all.


Lol, I might as well tell you all now. But I'm currently in an Online Relation!

(Hit me with a Hammer if you must! xD~♥)

But...I'm head over heels for this guy. And he's head over heels for me. =]

Even though...We can't hug, or kiss, or do anything more. We just love each other. And thats all that matters to us. Now, I know for SURE ABSOLUTELY sure that he's not a predator. Because well, I've heard his little brothers playing in the background on the phone. Heard his evil step-mother yelling at him to get off the phone~(lol)

And I'm sure he trusts me that I'm not a predator. :3(Well, I'D HOPE SO<33)

Not to mention we've talked to each other through web-cam. :angry: ~lol

But I believe this relationship can WORK. And I don't think I'm desperate. It's just I don't want to date any other guys in my school. There just so immature. o.o" None really my type. But my boyfriend for sure is. x]

True. But it's not just the whole he could be a freako stuff- it's because you don't get a true essence of someone over the internet. You just can't. You could love someone on this site, meet them, and dislike them for some reason. You can't see the whole picture is the problem. ;]

True. But it's not just the whole he could be a freako stuff- it's because you don't get a true essence of someone over the internet. You just can't. You could love someone on this site, meet them, and dislike them for some reason. You can't see the whole picture is the problem. ;]
Oooh, very good point! Never thought about that actually. xD

You can get a different perspective depending on if your talking over the internet or if your talking to them face-to-face.

Good point. O.O"

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I wouldn't do it. I would date real people you can meet and see what their personality is like if I were you. I agree with Tinykit. Or, you could be a little kid doing internet dating for a dare. (eg. eight, nine years old)

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