Academy For Villians


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Grey said, "Yeah, I guess it is, for an academy full of people with super powers. But there always seems to be a fire starting somewhere...", he said good-naturedly, putting extra emphasis on the word 'fire', making it obvious he had noticed Selena.

Selena had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. She knew he loved that part about her; she was always doing something. But he always helped her in the end. They made a nice team, the strong one and the fiery one. She simply stood there, waiting to be invited into the conversation.

"Yeah, and they don't need water that often either, they just need to keep moist," Becka said, gazing at her fish, "the black one is Sly, the other is nameless."

Annie said, "Listen... um... do you think... I could room with you. I mean, Selena has a fiance, and they'll be getting married soon... and she'll be moving out in a few days so... and I don't want you to be alone or anything, you know? I hope... it would be okay with you."

Selena made a fake pout face and said, "Grey! How dare you tell my real name, without revealing your own! It's goober! His name is goober!" She walked over and patted Grey on the head. Then she smile and held out her hand to Luca. "I'm Selena! Nice to meet you!"

"Oh a Fiance..." Becka store to the ground, ignoring the topic.

"I mean, she's very excited about meeting you!" Annie corrected softly. "I just think she's worried about having him over or being gone a lot. But.. I mean... I'm basically alone, and I thought, since we're friends..."

Selena said, "Grey likes to be mean to me sometimes, because I like to pester him as much as I can." She sat down with Grey and Luca and said to Luca, "So, are you new here? How are you liking the school?" She was genuinely concerned, and patted Luca's hand gently. "If you need anything, please let me know!"

"I'm fine with it but I've had the worst luck with guys.. And girls for that matter," Becka smiled.

"Thank you and yes, I'm new here. The school's ok so far, there are only a few worrys I have but their not much of a big deal." Luca said, looking at the ground nervously.

Grey laughed at Selena's comment and said to Luca, "Well, you can tell us. We might be able to help."

Annie patted her friend's shoulder comfortingly. "Hey, don't worry about it. You'll have chances here, I'm sure of it!"

Selena said to Luca, "Oh. Well, don't worry. We've got your back here, to be sure!" She grinned at Luca, then handed Grey a slip of paper about changing their rooming. "I want to room with you" is what she had written on the note. Then she started talking to Luca again. "So, what kinds of worries do you have?"

"Not with all the old already married and such characters in this," said Becka.

"I hope so," said Becka.

Selena looked a bit crestfallen at that. "Oh. I'm sorry for getting a bit nosy. Sometimes I need to learn to shut my mouth. But if you ever need anything, you let me know, okay?" Selena smiled reassuringly, then slid her free hand into Grey's.

"Oh no, you're not being nosey at all, it's just...well, I'm a Werewolf..." Luca murmured softly, looking at the ground still.

Grey took her hand and nodded to Selena in reference to the note. He turned to Luca. "Oh, Snape has a potion for that. Do you mean you have the ability to change, or you have to?", he asked.

Ooc: I'd probably better get off now. \D See y'all.

"I need to get on from him Well, both kinda. Every full moon I have to change and lose control but I can transform into a wolf when I wish..." Luca explained.

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