Are you learning a language if so what language?


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Are you learning a language if so what language???

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I'm learning japanese right now. I'm still trying to memorize katakana and hiragana! so hard!! I know some words though.midori:green, ringo:apple,ichigo:straberry, gomen nasai:very sorry,arigato gozaimas:thank you very much,neko:cat,hana:flower,mafuraa:muffler,yosei:fairy.
Bump, please don't.

I am -trying- to learn Japanese. I only know a little bit :p



I am learning Japanese a little at a time

Neko-Cat Hentai-Pervert Inu-Dog Youkai-Demon Konichiwa-Hi and more I cant remember

I swear I know the first 10 munbers but cant remember them >.<

I am learning Japanese a little at a time

Neko-Cat Hentai-Pervert Inu-Dog Youkai-Demon Konichiwa-Hi and more I cant remember

I swear I know the first 10 munbers but cant remember them >.<
Hentai don't mean Pervert...

Hentai means abnormality.

ever1 has there own way talkin in japanese and one of the way's is wronge

Oh, I went on the Wikipedia and it says "Usually meaning Pervert or weird looking" Sorry

Henati is what they call Adult mangas....

Pervetr in Japanese is chikan.

And sometimes.. Wikipedia can be way of in their info.

Gokujou - first-rate, Finest

Jikkyou - real condition

Oshaberi - Talk, Chatting

You really don;'t learn Japanese from Manga..

I am currently in my 3rd semester of learning Mandarin Chinese. I'm quite fluent, and can read characters well, but I have a hard time writing them. Grr. I LOVE it, though, and I'm going to finish all the semester my college has to offer.

In the past, I've learned Japanese quite well, and was fluent in Russian(including written). I've also taken Spanish back in junior high school, promptly forgot it, and I learned Latin when I was a kid during the same time I was speaking Russian. I loved speaking with my I.D.E.A. class teacher in Russian, I was very good the entire time I was in elementary school. Sometimes, we would do an entire class in Russian. :p When I dated a Filippino guy last year, I learned Tagalog because his English wasn't very good. I haven't looked at the book again since we broke up. ;)

I am learning Japanese a little at a time

Neko-Cat Hentai-Pervert Inu-Dog Youkai-Demon Konichiwa-Hi and more I cant remember

I swear I know the first 10 munbers but cant remember them >.<

Comment number one, hentai - does NOT mean pervert. Hentai is a way of saying 'adult manga', thus NOT meaning pervert or porn. Although the manga may contain subjects like these.

Comment number two, I would expect you to think that if 'Inu' means dog, then 'Yasha' must mean demon. Incorrect. However, I will not state the meaning of 'yasha', since it's pretty easy to find out.

Comment number three, 'konnichi wa' literally means 'good afternoon', or any mid-time of day. And not simply 'hi'.

Thus, ends my insane rant.

I know a little bit of japanese and trying to learn it! and I know a lil' bit of hebrew! :furawatchi: but my family and I quit learning it :furawatchi:

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i speak english ( :furawatchi: ) and i am learning spanish. i don't like it but so far iam doing ok

oh i just rememberd i have a spanish test tomarrow! :furawatchi: got to go!

Deutsch ist so furchteinflößend! ICH wollt zu kennen alle davon!

That's German. I am trying to teach myself how to speak so next time I visit my german cousins, it'll be easier to speak with them!

I'm having a tough time with readng the words, writing is much easier. I record everything in a German notebook.

I'm hoping that by the end of grade six, I'll be able to speak German pretty well and be able to pronounce the words better. At the moment, I have the alphabet memorized and I can say a few words.

I'm also learning French in school, but I'm not really giving a care for French, because German is my main goal in life!

I also speak Croatian/Bosnian, but I need to improve my speech and stuff like that because when I started speaking English, I stopped speaking my own language. I was able to communicate with most of my relatives in Europe. It was very hard though. Cause I am SUPER shy.


I'm learning German. ^^

Ein, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn, elf, zwölf, dreizehn, vierzehn, fünfzehn, sechzehn, siebzehn, achtzehn, neunzehn, zwanzig, einundzwanzig, zweiundzwanzig, dreiundzwanzig, vierundzwanzig, fünfundzwanzig

That's one to twenty-five in German. ^^

I was learning Japanese but my Japanese teacher quit?? or she just doesn't teach at my school anyways I was the only one in the whole class out of 30 students that actually liked Japanese, I found it was very intersting.. I could speak it pretty well and still can now..

Now days I'm learning Korean, because of Tae Kwon-Do, I know how to count to ten in Korean and say alot of words lol eek tis a bit confusing but oh well lol.

I am learning more American Sign Language.
I am too! Do you know pretty much everything? By the way, I just take it for fun, me and my friends. We do research and stuff. :rolleyes:

norweigan, australian,french,ENGLISH (duh!) and a bit of korean and i can speak in a wicked norweigan accent (but i dont all the time)

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