Blake Lewis


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I had a dream about this girl and she was at my house! I had a MAD crush on her! I really really like her! Well, as you know it was Kelly kelly (A wrestling diva)

The only problem is , is that I'm asian. He'll never take asian. <_<
He only wouldn't date Asian people if he was a racist. (Which I'm sure he isn't) I think it'll be more to do with personality who he does or doesn't date.

He only wouldn't date Asian people if he was a racist. (Which I'm sure he isn't) I think it'll be more to do with personality who he does or doesn't date.
Wow thanks. I had anouther dream, where he was singing and playing guitar, and then he was walking, and there was a cliff, so I saved his life!:

He said:

"Wow thanks" *smile*

Then he reaches and just kisses me! It felt so good. Especially since it was in the rain. :D

I made a hot bead that says 'blake" on it! :angry:

mametchi ;)

Any how, I took a little nap, and...yes...BLAKE WAS IN IT! HE'S HAUNTING MY DREAMS! Oh well, I kinda like it! He and I were BOTH drivig in a red honda porsha, making jokes. And what's this? Are we holding hands? Looking at each other? WITH wedding RINGS? YES! It's true! When I'm a teen, I'm going to call him up, and meet with him and all that good stuff. Sorry if I'm cuckoo. Blake makes me a slave.. :mellow:

lol, I have a friend at school who is OBSESSED with Blake, she has a srapbook with tons of pitures and everything. She says more than anything she wants a Blake bedspread. xDDD Lol, I really doubt you "love" him just cause you had a dream about him. Oh and just wanted to comment on the fifteen years younger dad was fifteen before my mom was even born, and they're married. Lol, anything is possible. I'm not suggesting you marry Blake, I'm just saying... and anyway, not to crush your hopes or anything but it's higly doubtful Blake will remain single by the time you're old enough to marry. I mean, he's pretty popular. I bet you'll stop being so obsessed sooner or later.
I'm just old do you need to be to marry? I'm just saying...during my teen years...I'll get him attarcted to me...then...when the time is right...

I'm just old do you need to be to marry? I'm just saying...during my teen years...I'll get him attarcted to me...then...when the time is right...
Nevermind, he has the Blaker girls. Anyhow, I had a dream with him again. He was in a car with a girl. I thought it was me in a teenage form. And, I'm not so sure that the girl in my dreams is me anymore. Blake has better friends. I don't want to really ACTALLY marry him, just want to be a good friend. :D

I think I really really like Blake Lewis, but I know I'm 15 years younger! I love his singing! And I've actally cleared out my tamagotchi-full-of-stuff table so I could make a table about him! I want to also see him in a tour. I had a dream last night, and it was about HIM! he waS AT my house! :huh:
Can anyone help with my problem?

kind wishes,

mametchi :eek:
That's not really a problem. It's just a celeb crush. Everyone has/had one. Mine is Jason David Frank, the guy who played Tommy on power rangers. He's like 10-11 years older than me and I still think he is fine!

I like Blake as a singer.

I know where to get an avvie of him, too.

I don't know if I can do anything. Maybe stop watching American Idol if it gets that bad.


I like Blake as a singer.I know where to get an avvie of him, too.

I don't know if I can do anything. Maybe stop watching American Idol if it gets that bad.

I know where to get an avvie, but I like mine. :p I figured he is turning 26 this year, so actally, instead of 15 years older, he's 16more years! :)

And also I decided not to watch idol ever again if he's out. :blink:

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But please note I'm losing all my best friends JUST because I talk about Blake. Whenever I ever bring the topic of youtube,(which is only once) they think I'll talk about blake. But I wasn't! I was going to tell them about the time my friend showed me something about the moon! :p Now I only have my 4th grade friends. And 5th, And teenagers. And adults. And teachers. And every grade except annoying 3rds who hate Blake. My friend's not annoyed by this, but she always says she hates Blake. :blink: But she's in 4th. Pesky 3rd's. And that one third grader acts like the earth revoles around her.

And I don't know if the girl in my dreams really is me. Maybe. I don't remember.

Really? Personally I think it's alright to like someone on T.v. I don't think you have a problem. I think it's alright.

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