Body Image


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I have imperfections too:
An overbite <.< I gotta get braces....

Freckles (I wish I didn't have them...)


But oh well! <_< I don't care. I feel great and thats what counts, like you said!

Yeah,I just ignore what people say because I bet they are Jealouse,I also have really bad acne on my forehead so Im growing my wacky,corkscrew hair lol


I have imperfections too:
An overbite <.< I gotta get braces....

Freckles (I wish I didn't have them...)


But oh well! <_< I don't care. I feel great and thats what counts, like you said!

I don't see glasses as an imperfection. I see them as just a little addition to your appearance. ^^

And freckles too. I like braces even though they can be painful.

Don't think of them as bad, think of them as additions.

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Yes, I know! Im a boy and I do NOT think that its just girls that are doing these things. I see boys in my school reading these "Sport magazines" and they see all these Strong people and they say to themselves "Ooh, I wanna be like that!" And there onlys eight >.< And you know those girl shows that only show "Perfect fin girls" And perfect "Strong men" They do not make themselfs look like that by working out and eating healthy, Oh no way! Do you know what they do? They take this powder that will make you look skinny, and strong! How unhealthy! Dont bother thinking your body is "ugly and fat" your just wasting time! Be glad your not a little stick figure with make up on. Be glad that your YOU! who cares what people think, thats there problem! Be yourself and never change yourself because someone is setting an example for you too.


I have imperfections too:
An overbite <.< I gotta get braces....

Freckles (I wish I didn't have them...)


But oh well! <_< I don't care. I feel great and thats what counts, like you said!

I used to hate my freckles.. I even tried covering them with make-up all the time.. but now I don't mind them, they're quite cute actually, I think.

Oh and I'm sure that 99% of everyone who thinks they are overweight, really aren't. Take these pictures for example.

Me 2 and a half years ago -->

I thought I was fat at that time. I weighed maybe... 160-170 pounds? (I'm 6'1" by the way).

This is me more recently -->

I now weigh about 210 pounds.. so I've gained a lot, but you can't tell all that much. Just because you gain weight, or weigh a lot, does not mean you are fat. Weight also consists of your muscles too. I don't feel as fat at 210 pounds as I did at 170.. it doesn't make sense heh, but it's strange to think about.

Again, most of your bodies are going to change SO much over the next few years. Weight will go up, then down, then up, then down.. it's a constant vicious cycle hehe.


Yipee! On the BMI Calculator it says my weight is normal! I thought I was fat! <_<

Go me! *jumps for joy*


It's scary what's happening to girls these days - and just over a stupid barbie doll and some magazines.

But these things do cause me to feel overweight - I guess I just have to be above the influence.

Toys: Bratz. Barbies. Practically any type of pin-thin doll with makeup and over their face gives out a bad message. I know some people love Bratz and barbies ect. but please don't go posting, "No way! Your dumb. They don't give out a wrong message. :mad:" because I don't wanna hear it.You pick up your favourite Bratz doll. You look at her, and brush her hair. "I wish I could look like her! She's so pretty and skinny." you whisper to yourself. Presently, your parents start to notice something different about you. You don't finish your meals, barely eat any of your lunch, and you refuse to eat large portions of food.....not to mention your wearing tons of makeup all the time and tight clothes.

Those are the must commen side effects of Bratz and other dolls. You want to be just like them, don't you? Well, I sure wouldn't. I much rather be myself.

These dolls make girls think they need to lose weight, and that their supposed to look like these dolls. They think wearing makeup and skimpy clothing will make them look 'hot'. NOT. This is a lie. Ok, so maybe you'll look more perked up and you'll stand-out slightly more; but who cares? Your beautiful the way you are! :D

Oh, and just a side note: Do you ever see a fat Bratz doll or merely any doll? No. And if you do, thats VERY rare. Give yourself a pat on the back. I almost forgot......I dispise Bratz babies. I mean, come on! Thy're babies and they're wearing eye shadow and makeup! >_<'

Advertisments: "Do this diet! Lose 40 pounds!" "New Dove shampoo. *shows a beautiful model with curly, flowing hair*" "Use our shampoo and look like this! You'll have the perfect hair and perfect body. Could it get any better?" Oh please. I wanna rip advertisments like this. First of all: Don't do diets. The only dieting you should do, is simply eating well and being active. Hey, thats my new slogan: Don't do diets. Second of all, advertisments usually ALWAYS use beautiful, thin models. Would people really buy their product if they use average sized people? Uh uh. Thats what they think, anyhow. Third of all, when you see an ad saying, "Use are ******! You'll have a perfect body/hair!!" don't bother believing it. It's not true. There isn't such thing as a perfect body, and they are simply giving out a message saying that you aren't already perfect the way you are. How low can you go?

Magizines: I'm not going to bother to give you examples on this one. It's quite clear that magizines give out all the wrong messages. First off: You never see and average sized people in a magizine. Nope. They all gotta be like, 90 pounds. *sigh* I don't understand it. I never will. Magizines are one of the worst things to get people to think their fat.
Kay, toys I dont blame. Producers just want those kids to buy their stuff, so they make them look good.

The Dove thing on the adverts isnt true. They only say youll have that hair, not the body.

Magazines, well not all are like that. Maybe magazine adverts. But not the actual mag.

I personally think your looking at these things in a pessimistic way. And not to be rude, your sort of shoving these things down our throats. Not trying to be mean ^.~

By the way Syribo, aiming at the second pic, can you try not to make your pics... so... revealing? Thanks ^.~

I know I'm not perfect. In fact, I have several imperfections. But, it is completely unnecessary for anyone to compare themselves to the girls OR guys in the magazines. To some, the stick-thin girl with long flowing blond hair and blindingly white teeth may be the ideal, but to many others, a thicker, curvier girl with brown skin and a natural face is the most beautiful. It really is in the eye of the beholder. And many different ideals of beauty exist in this world.
You have the body and appearance that God gave you. I think that many people need to STOP insisting that they are "fat", "have cellulite", "have ugly flat hair", etc. So what if you're not "perfect" according to that magazine. To the creator of the ad, maybe you aren't the ideal of beauty...but who CARES?! It's just a few people's ideas that you are seeing. And, you know what? You can probably sing better than them, or can dance better, or are a nicer, kinder person. Nuts to what they think. To another person, you are a goddess just the way you are. Believe me, it's true and that's what really counts. :p

Girls and guys today need to stand up to that kind of thought, which is seen almost everywhere you may go. Ignore it. You are who you are. Accent your best features, whether physical or in your personality, but don't try to change yourself to fit what a handfull of advertisers think is best. Their opinions do not matter at all. They aren't changing anyone's lives or doing something great for the world. They're just trying to convince you to look like them...and buy their product.

Stand against it. Be the wonderful, unique individual that you are meant to be. And you know what? More people will love you for it. :D
Well said......well said

Kay, toys I dont blame. Producers just want those kids to buy their stuff, so they make them look good.
The Dove thing on the adverts isnt true. They only say youll have that hair, not the body.

Magazines, well not all are like that. Maybe magazine adverts. But not the actual mag.

I personally think your looking at these things in a pessimistic way. And not to be rude, your sort of shoving these things down our throats. Not trying to be mean ^.~

By the way Syribo, aiming at the second pic, can you try not to make your pics... so... revealing? Thanks ^.~
Toys: They should make them a little more realistic. :D I mean; Bratz where skimpy clothes and the babies wear makeup, it's rather....rather....oh whats the word I'm looking for?

Ok, Dove actually uses average sized women. But the advert is true. <.< I've read it in a magizine that the teacher handed out.

~.^ The only reason I'm looking at it in this light is because this is what causes women (and men!) to go on silly diets, starve themselves, ect. Ok?

Thanks for your opinion.


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I agree with you. :p I don't really know what the titles in magazines are for, "Sue Jibby Bob's on a major diet!" What's that supposed to tell us? Go on a diet? It's just telling all of us about other people and we end up comparing ourselves to them, because what else is there for us to do about Bobby Jiggle Joe's diet? xD

I have a ton of imperfections, and so does everyone. But not everyone is unhappy, if you don't care about the bad things about you and face the fact that everyone is equal then there's nothing to be unhappy about. And what's so bad about being bigger than someone else? It's just they way we were made.. :D And changing your body image is just like saying "I don't like myself so I've decided to be different because I don't look like the girls on the magazine" or a good person can say "Hey well I just wanted to see how this new haircut looks, I decided just to have a little change just to see." You can always tell the difference.

Next time Jiggly Bo's on a diet, stand up, and say "Why do we have to know that!?" :(

Magizines: I'm not going to bother to give you examples on this one. It's quite clear that magizines give out all the wrong messages. First off: You never see and average sized people in a magizine. Nope. They all gotta be like, 90 pounds. *sigh* I don't understand it. I never will. Magizines are one of the worst things to get people to think their fat.
Only two Mags I read are Looking Good Now(Diet mag that gives sucess stories which give inspiration, mind you these are about people losing weight in a healthy way) and Ferrets mag(lots of info on making my little Baby happy) I don't read things about celebs because I could care less about what they are doing with their lives.

Diets are fine as long as they are done in a healthy way. Not eatting or barely eatting are NOT a healthy way to do so. Everyday I eat a well balenced diet of food. In the morning I eat 1 Cup of cereal or I make an omlette with Better than Eggs with some cheese and mushrooms.

On my breaks I eat two snacks which might be celery with peanut butter or Fat-Free Pringles(about 15 of them)(Very yummy by the way and still better the regular) or an Apple. Lunch I either pack a lunch from home or buy a Lean Cusine from work.

With that I might eat another peice of fruit(I <3 Fruit!) Dinner I basicily eat what my mother cooks but I measure out how much I'm suposed to be having. I don't measure veggies though because they are heathly food. (I also <3 veggies except for brussel sprouts and peas!)

If you are under 180 lbs you have no reason to be worrying. I myself am on a diet but I have reason to be on one. I used to weigh about 242 lbs. After cutting back on my big portions I used to eat and making healther choices I went down to 226 lbs. For my health its best if I get down to 130lbs or 150 lbs. I already am have problems with pains in my knees due from my weight. My family also has hereditary things: Heart Disease, blood pressure, Clogged arteries, type 2 diadeties, and cancer. Sure it would be nice to be able to fit in smaller sizes but my first goal is to become healthy, fitting into small clothes is on the end of my reasons to lose.

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The result of your BMI calculation is: 16.7

BMI Category

Below 18.5 Underweight

18.5-24.9 Normal Weight

25-29.9 Overweight

30-39.9 Obese

Above 39.9 Morbidly Obese

dang!!! :D

This was mine

The result of your BMI calculation is: 22.7

BMI Category

Below 18.5 Underweight

18.5-24.9 Normal Weight

25-29.9 Overweight

30-39.9 Obese

Above 39.9 Morbidly Obese

So I think I'm OK...

I am 30.2 kilos and i am NOT obese OK! Im 11 yrs old and my chest may be too flat to believe but i aint obese!

If you are under 180 lbs you have no reason to be worrying.
That's not always true x.x If I were 180 lbs, by a BMI calculator I would be at 35.5, obese.

The 'healthy' weight range for someone of my height is from 95-125 lbs. So for someone who's shorter than me, 180 could be considered morbidly obese.

180 lbs is only considered a healthy weight for someone 6'0" and taller.

Man...size 8 is SMALL!!

I think that you are totally right, TGD. My mum calls those types of magazines "trashy magazines"...

I'm 11, 5'3, and I weigh 42 kilos (92 pounds). When i stand on my scales, which is one of those body fat measuring ones, I apparently am only around 19% fat. So, i think that means that I'm pretty much all water, bone, skin and muscle. Heh. hehe. HEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for going crazy. I'm just proud about my body.

I like myself how I am. My face is reasonably attractive, and I'm getting pretty curvy. I must admit I have got a bit of a stomach, but that's ok. I've also got a double chin, which I think is the only part of my body that I'm not proud of, apart from my exema (sp?). *sigh*

The other day, when I was picking my dogs up from the kennel they were staying at while we were away, there were these morbidly obese people. The mother was HUGE, and the saddest thing was that she had made her kids that way, too. One of these kids, a boy, was so fat that i was surprised he could see. He looked at me, and I was sort of thinking dissaproving thoughts, but then eh just looked at me, and you could tell a milllion other people had looked at him the way i was then. So i smiled at him and waved, and ithat put a smile on his face. i felt happy about that.

Ok, I've sort of gone off topic.

If any of you feel bad about your body, there really is no need to. Even if you ARE fat, there's no need to obsess about it.

This is such an important topic, I'm glad you brought it up, TGD.

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