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Santa scares the weebeebeejeebees out of me.

*Please don't curse in posts- I'll just change it and make it look stupid. ;]*
I like your thinking, Tamaw/pants X3.

anyway, I love christmas.

Tamaw/pants u rock! Yah santa scares my friend Payal too. She sayz it's cuz she saw this ad for a movie and there was this mean looking santa in it (not the Grinch tho...) Hmmm...I don't have any real thoughts of santa although I had this weird dream that he wanted to marry my dad and so they were dancing around and singing about how much they loved each other...!


am i the only 1 that knows what Christmas means?well it means Christs mass and its a time for spending time with friend and family and giving. some people hate Christmas some people love it, who cares i mean your not the person who hates Christams if you love it and if you hate it then at least your not the person loving it. Am i right?

Yup. I dont hate christmas but I certainly dont enjoy it.
Please dont ask why though. Its to personal.
This topic is kind of pointless, and we can't help much if you don't tell us (no offence).

But I do respect your privacy. ;)

okay one reason I don't like christmas is 1) I don't celebrate it cuz im muslim sooo....technically i cant LIKE it, u know? 2) It's just an excuse for kids to get stuff...mostly. 3) Parents have to spend all that xtra money for nothing when it could be going to better causes like ummm I don't know...HELPING THE KIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA WHO EAT LIKE 25 CENTS WORTH OF FOOD EACH DAY???!!!! 4) Christmas isn't really the birth of is an old Pegan holiday. (My sister who is in Advanced Placement World Studies told me that fact and plus i've heard it from other sources!) THAT IS WHY I DON'T LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Chatterbox ^3^
[/b]Well that is really PAINFUL! You better be glad i feel nice to day cause write now i could rip you HEAD OFF!

Ga, sorry that just really made me mad

ok so i love christmas for a couple reasons, 1)Jesuses b-day 2)Get to see my cuzens (for example Tamaw/pants!) 3)i get my nintindo this year so im exsited : )

[/b]Well that is really PAINFUL! You better be glad i feel nice to day cause write now i could rip you HEAD OFF!

Ga, sorry that just really made me mad

ok so i love christmas for a couple reasons, 1)Jesuses b-day 2)Get to see my cuzens (for example Tamaw/pants!) 3)i get my nintindo this year so im exsited : )
Keep the threats out of the topic. All it'll do is get you in trouble. Think before typing :D

Anyway just because you don't celebrate this holiday doesn't mean you have to dislike it. I think that's personal opinion more than anything else.

There are also many reasons to like or dislike a holiday, besides the material aspect.

There's also different views on how Christmas came to be and why, and be it pagan holiday, magic or whatever, it's all theory.

Respect one's reasons to believe or not believe, and watch how you write your opinions. You could offend or anger people into stooping to a level that isn't worth one's time :p

So I am guessing your religion is not Christian? What is so wrong about Christmas? It is jesus's birthday. It is when familys come together and give and celebrate Jesus's birthday. I find nothing wrong with it.

It seems that most of of you dont like Cristmas cuz of the presents and the stores. BUT, why is it such a hatred time when the Lord gave his on begotten Son to forgive us of our sins? Can anyone answer that?

It seems that most of of you dont like Cristmas cuz of the presents and the stores. BUT, why is it such a hatred time when the Lord gave his on begotten Son to forgive us of our sins? Can anyone answer that?
I don't think anyone can answer that.

I am Christian: I love celebrating Christmas because it is celebrating the Lord's birthday. Also, it brings families and friends closer, a time of gathering and gift-giving.

Best. Holiday. Ever.

But everyone has different views, that's just mine. ^.^

There is nothing wrong with hating Christmas. :(


Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
Well, I , personally love it. Though there may be a few people such as the grinch who hate christmas, I love it :D

If you think about the real reason christmas came to be. It was when Jesus was born. Christmas shouldn't be hated. Its like saying you hate your best friend's birthday! D: I'm sure you can find some good in the holidays... somewhere .

your not a horrible person! christmas is about joy and togetherness and DO NOT feel bad if your mom gets you somthing expensive because when she got it she must be so exited to give it to you and all she want is to see you happy with it, you dont need to feel bad that you didnt get her somthing big too (although i DO understand, cuz i somtimes feel that way too)
Thanks. :]

I seriously do NOT hate christmas. I just havent really gotten the time to know it, u kno. Its sorta like...hmmm...all of your friends get this cool new gaming system and u don't get it cuz ur parents dont like it so u end up hating it just because u didn't get it. I kno that makes me sound like a stupid and shallow person, but really it's the truth...I just wish I could sumhow get to kno Christmas better

It's fun getting presents! I don't like it for some reasons though :/

Yup. I dont hate christmas but I certainly dont enjoy it.
Please dont ask why though. Its to personal.
let me guess.Something bad happend to you on that day.It's ok.Bad things always happen to people. :D

Hope i made u feel better ;)

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :mametchi:
I don't celebrate Christmas, since I'm Chinese, and Chinese people don't celebrate it. But even so, I do get a few gifts these Christmas days.

well i personaly love christmas.=]my mum always tell me if you dont love because you havent found your inerjoy.whatever that means (lol) but i think its finte not to like christmas...maybe i just like it because here in london theres loads of lights and colors and everyone love christmas so its hard not to =]

♥good night now

I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
Haha, I love the last part you said! Haha! :mellow:


I enjoy Christmas!


Don't be sad or anything that you don't like Christmas, I'm sure there's a lot of people out here that don't enjoy Christmas! I'm sure a lot of parents don't like Christmas ( If you know what I mean :p buying all those presents which means a lot of money! )



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