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I'm not a fan of Christmas.
It seems to bring out the worst in people :/

All the parents are rushing around trying to get their brat children the 'newest and best' toys around.

Christmas music also drives me nuts. I can't stand it D:

In my eyes, Christmas is just another stolen Pagan holiday that everyone tries to revolve around a guy in the clouds and some fat man who breaks into your house and leaves you presents :|
Actually Santa Claus isn't real. I found that out when I was 11 and my cousin found that out this year, and he's 10.


I enjoy Christmas. Puts me into a happy mood. Even thought I'm 14, I still enjoy the presents! This year I got alot! My favorites were my new flute, my new piccolo, my new iPOD, my new cute clothes, my iTUNES gift cards, $50, and my babw Rudolph and Clarice and the rockin' reindeer pajamas that they got.


I say that christmas is not my faveriot holiday

because one thing im not really religous

my perents r very religous

and i dont like that

i kno that christmas is not so religous but

sumthimes it gets to deep

i dont want to kno all about jesus and stuff

im sorry but

i just dont like it

Why do you hate it? 

I honestly like Christmas. I enjoy celebrating Jesus's birth.
It wasn't when Jesus was born.

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
I like Christmas. The best part is about giving and seeing the joy on other people's faces. Also, Jesus was born..

nobody knows for sure, but most people think he was.

I don't know.. but really no one knows for sure.

No one is for sure. I don't follow or read the bible. There is no recorded dates. Some say he was born in the spring, some say he was born in July.

Christmas is overly commerical and it seems to come so close, right after Halloween.

In a way, I am a non beliver, I still celebrate Christmas. Just more with people I don't like, mainly my cousin.

I love Christmas. It brings family together, and advent always helps me connect more with my inner self- and to find the true meaning of Christmas. =]

nobody knows for sure, but most people think he was.
Well since we don't know for sure and we are led to beleive it was on the 25th, don't go around saying "No. No he wasn't." after every post.. >_> It's annoying.

Aw, why don't you like Christmas?

I find it to be a special celebration, where family gets together to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

I'm sure you have a reason to not like it, so I understand. ^_^

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
I dont hate it.

Its ok, but my family arent the best.

<33 my uncles dog though!

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :(
Do you get gifts? Did something happen? There must be a reason.

mametchi ;)

Yup. I dont hate christmas but I certainly dont enjoy it.
Please dont ask why though. Its to personal.
let me guess, one of your relatives died on Christmas/your parents got divorced and you always used to do something on Christmas that you can't do anymore cuz they split up? sorry if i brought up any bad memories... ;) :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :(

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Actually Santa Claus isn't real. I found that out when I was 11 and my cousin found that out this year, and he's 10.
I found it out when I got a video game players guide in my stocking and the game it was for from my parents.

I dont hate christmas but I cant say its my favorite holiday.Especially when like me your an outsider in both sides of your family.And i have to go through the holiday twice.

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