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I respect that you hate Christmas,but i do find it strange.I enjoy Christmas.I love celebrating...and who could forget the holidays!!

Meh, I'm not Christian and I do have another religion but I celebrate this anyway cos I live in England. I like it because I usually get a new video games console and some toys and sweets 'n' stuff.

okay one reason I don't like christmas is 1) I don't celebrate it cuz im muslim sooo....technically i cant LIKE it, u know? 2) It's just an excuse for kids to get stuff...mostly. 3) Parents have to spend all that xtra money for nothing when it could be going to better causes like ummm I don't know...HELPING THE KIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA WHO EAT LIKE 25 CENTS WORTH OF FOOD EACH DAY???!!!! 4) Christmas isn't really the birth of is an old Pegan holiday. (My sister who is in Advanced Placement World Studies told me that fact and plus i've heard it from other sources!) THAT IS WHY I DON'T LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Chatterbox ^3^
I'm a kid from South Africa ^.^ And I've seen South Africa. It's not so bad. It's places like Kenya and stuff that you should be writing about - plus, I don't think you've seen South Africa.

Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus to Christian people, so be quiet about that. If your sister's teacher was a Christian, they wouldn't have said that.

I love Christmas. Yes, I feel bad when you get expensive presents from family knowing they don't have lots of money, but it's not only about presents. We don't get much in our family, yet we consider Christmas one of the most wonderful days in the year =D

Not every kid whines about expensive things. I don't see the reason for hating Christmas.

P.S: Hate is such a strong word...

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You know I think this has been discussed enough since last Christmas about all the good and bad on this holiday. I think I'm going to close it so it doesn't have anymore repetitive posts in it and possible spam.

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