Concrete Angel


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omg my little sis luvs Concrete Angel and me too its not that sad but its really nice

1. Use the "Edit" button. For our sake.

2. That's kinda... off-topic.

3. This is Seriously Non-Tamatalk, and the very least you could do is use proper punctuation.

I agree with alot of you that child abuse is wrong but, you have to give your kids a little pnishment to tell them not to do something or that what they did was wrong. You jus shouldn't you know beat them. I mean some kids cry when they get smacked, but imagine how much a kid would hurt more than you because they got abused.
Smacking your kids in the butt every once in a while when they do something naughty is not child abuse. Child abuse is beating your child, purposefully, and forcefully as far as I'm concerned.

I was sexually abused when I was about three. It's so unbelievably evil and horrible I can't even describe it. It screwed up a good portion of my life and still bothers me sometimes.

OMG Y DID THE LITTLE GURL DIE!? i almost cried after that!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!

That's very sad.
I agree with furawatchi girl, verbal abuse stays with you for life, phisical abuse is only there for a few minutes. Words are the worst thing that anyone could use against you.

Here's a poem I found on the internet about abuse:

You call me names,

You curse me out,

When I make you mad,

You scream and shout,

I know you love me,

and I know you care,

there’s times when you show it,

but those times are rare,

I hardly get to see you,

but the times that I do,

You’re either drunk or high,

but Daddy.. I still love you,

You hit me a lot,

but it's because I do you wrong,

I must do you wrong plenty,

since these bruises stay for so long

I keep my feelings

locked up inside,

the bruises and scars,

I try to hide,

When the doctor asked,

who gave these bruises to me

I didn’t tell them it was you Daddy

I told them it was me,

I don’t know if they believed me,

but they put this needle in my arm, Daddy I pray that when I'm gone they will do you no harm,

Daddy I'm getting scared,

I look around

and you’re no where to be found

as I take my very last breath,

I go peacefully, without you, to my death.
That is so sad!!! I was totally crying at the end of that poem. you should post in on the video comments if it'll fit.

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