could u live with out ur phone for two days?


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Right, I forgot. I do live on my computer. Just cause computers are ahhmazing.

^ Mhmm. But iPhones are different. Theyre like computerphones.

well wat ever u think wat u wanna and ill, think wat i wanna

Ew. Texting.

It takes ages to type out "How are you." I'll stick to actual talking.

I don't even have a phone.

Two days? Try two months. Been there, done that.

Haha yeah. I love my iPhone though. I'm on it now. Most addictive phone ever.

But at the same two days is nothing for me. Like I said--I've done two months.

--Let's try to stay on topic--

Yes, I could live without a cellphone for over two days (I prefer the fixed phone, computer, or well, walking up to the house xD)

Plus, I don't actually own a phone yet. =)

2 days!? Are you serious!? Phone is my LIFE. I can't go two seconds. /sarcasm.

Yeah, I talk on the phone MAYBE 2 minutes a YEAR. I only use the phone to ask a friend for a sleepover. Which takes all of 30 seconds.So year. I live without a phone all my life, and I plan to keep it like that. Text-ies annoy the crap out of me. The brag about it and are all like "how can you live without a phone all your life? If I leave mine at home I cry and worry that someone's gonna call/text me and I won't be there to answer it!" That's just pathetic.

Sure, two days is nothing. I could go for a lot longer. Before it used to be like that because I would keep forgetting to charge my phone.

Now its more important because my friend moved and I need to keep in touch with her. :)

Could live without one for a couple of years.

And calm down with the absolutey ridiculous comebacks, cruz and soccer.

What really bothers me is teenagers who always carry their phone with them. Everywhere. I want to snatch it out of their hand and throw it in the nearest duck pond.


Yes, I could live without my phone for two days. I hate texting and I hate talking to people on the phone. No one ever calls me and I never answer to texts unless its something urgent. :)

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