Debugging A Tamagotchi V6/Music Star


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After many hours working on this with my friend, we think we have it. The black blob next to it is the answer. If you are able to scratch that there will be the debug sign. We could not ( and we tried for over a half an hour) get it off, but we think Bandai is hidding something.

Maybe there isen't a way. I don't think you can debug it if there is simply no debug button there. In the past there have been some Tamagotchi's you just cannot debug.

Bad idea. That big black thing contains the microchip that runs the Tamagotchi. Any damage to it, and your Tamagotchi toy is dead forever.

hey debuging is so easy yust scratch the lines to the rigth and to the left of the debug sing with a pointi thing like a pencil so easy but be careful you may mess up and the tama will act crazy so be carefull

:hitodetchi: the two lines that are next to the debug sings are the debug buttom

yust scrath them with a pencil :unsure:
this is how you debug it !!

this is how you debug it !!
Don't blame us when you discover you've totally wrecked your MusicStar.

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Debugg is wrong, cause i try my v4, and my tamagotchi v4 went wrong and it was spoiled. i was regret! so i buy a new v6! :unsure:

Is there anyway to do this WITHOUT a mini screwdriver? I've been looking for one all over the place and can't seem to find one. It's really frustrating me.

Has anyone actually checked to see if there is a debug button under the black thing? If not, then anyone who already broke their Music Star should try to remove the black thing to see if there is a debug button under it or not.

Has anyone actually checked to see if there is a debug button under the black thing? If not, then anyone who already broke their Music Star should try to remove the black thing to see if there is a debug button under it or not.
You really, REALLY don't want to do that.

As posted above by Binary:

Bad idea.  That big black thing contains the microchip that runs the Tamagotchi.  Any damage to it, and your Tamagotchi toy is dead forever.

That's why I said they should use one that's already broken. I'm just wondering if anything besides the microchip is under the black thing.

well trying to debug (and failing) caused two wires of my colour 1 to break (yay my dad fixed them with a soldering iron) and my musicstar breaks every day :( but i fix it every day too! :lol:

but dont debug its really not worth the price i paid

TO FAIL OF COUIRSE! :( :( :( :D :( :angry: ;)

could somebody hold an open music star up to the light and see if they're are any shapes or anything on the black (blobby) microcchip?

because they may be hidden... also try scanning with a UV light and i think there may also be a possibility that the debug button is on the other side of the tama... Anything that resembles a debug button should be tested... Also Gerbiltchi has a good idea, anybody with a already broken tamagotchi should try seeing what is under the black microchip... If it's already broken then it should be put to some use. Maybe the gold lines to the right and left could be connected with lead? and the gold circles placed around the tama look promising... Idk if this ill help :)

but we think Bandai is hidding something.
As Binary said, the black blob contains the microchip.

Maybe they are hiding the key to their success, so no one can reveal the secrets of tamagotchi unit itself.

Or maybe something DAAARKER!

(Plays scary music. ;) )

EDIT- Bandai US said that they DIDN'T create the DEBUG route? Who did?!

(Plays more scary music!)

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Bandai's just playing with your mind Holltchi.

And I tried (so sad...) to join the two golden pieces of wire together with lead, and nothing happened.

So, onto plan 2.

Look at the blooby microchip thingy!

could somebody hold an open music star up to the light and see if they're are any shapes or anything on the black (blobby) microcchip?
The only way that you will be able to see "inside" the black epoxy is to X-Ray the device. The black epoxy is designed so that any tampering with it will cause permanent damage to what ever is under there. The traces may survive, but the microchip will be destroyed.

The reason the UV light will not work is due to the composite makeup of the epoxy itself. It is designed to keep UV out of the microchip as UV has unpredictable effects on micro-circuits.

Best thing to do..... leave the blob alone.

So do you think that when you debug the Music Star would just have all available characters or would there be other cheats, like choose your skill points or something?

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