Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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V6- Katniss

She's still here with her daughter, who I think I will name Dakota. Then I'm going to pause Dakota when she's still a baby so whenever I return to the Music Star, I'll feel like I'm starting a new generation when really I'll be starting the 3rd.

Entama- Momo

I put my battery into the Entama and reset it. Goodbye, Sora! The egg hatched into a Memeputchi, and shortly after 1:00, Momo became a Memepetchi. I was looking at the Entama growth chart and the Meme girls are Ponytchi (for intelligence), Memetchi (for style), and Violetchi (for kindness). I can't remember having a Violetchi on any Tamagotchi, and plus I'm best at the kindness game, so I think I'll aim for a Violetchi.

Tama-Go- Cheshire

Yes, I unpaused my Tama-Go. Just for the weekend though, because it's too much of a pain to lug around school because the size, and I don't want to leave it in my locker. Anyway, Cheshire is a Korokotchi in the 3rd generation. I wonder what adult character I will get. I hope Cheshire will become an adult before Monday, when I have to pause him for school. I've already had Lovelitchi and Kuromametchi.

Log got bumped down to 3 stars


It'd be pretty nice if you could tell me why, though.

I crave your approval like a fat kid craves cake


V6- Dakota

Katniss left her daughter Dakota, so I named her then took the battery out.

Here's a picture I took yesterday of Katniss, Peeta/Gale, and Dakota.


So I am done logging my Music Star (for now of course).

Entama- Momo

Here are more pictures from yesterday.


She is still a Memepetchi. I forgot that Entamas always take two days to evolve to the next stage.

Tama-Go- Cheshire

Here is yet another picture taken yesterday (I emailed them all to myself from my cell phone yesterday but they didn't show up in my inbox until today.


Today, Cheshire became... a Gozarutchi :p Not my favorite character, but oh well. His close up is pretty cute though. No pictures of that, unfortunately. Cheshire is going to be paused after he goes to bed tonight, because I only planned on running him for the weekend.

Also, the blue constellation V3 + lanyard + charms I got off eBay should be coming in tomorrow! :D I'm super excited.

Sorry. The internet blipped out again.

Entama- Momo

Yesterday, Momo evolved into Young Memetchi, which is good care. Her Guts points are 2-18-125, so she'll be turning into a Violetchi tomorrow morning. I'm excited because I haven't had a Violetchi in a while. I think the only time I've had it is on the V5.

V3- Hoshi

My constellation V3 came in yesterday :D I reset it and got a baby boy who I named Hoshi. He became a Tamatchi and today, he became a Piroriroritchi (what a name). I really don't want to get another TARAKOTCHI again v.v


So I am giving up Hoshi to play with my V4.5 where I will start the 5th generation, Ellie. Pics later.

Well my updates have been pretty bad and short lately. I didn't start up my V4.5 later. Today was my last day of school and I go back on Halloween, so I'm going to try to run a few Tamagotchis during my break. Right now, all I'm running is Momo the Violetchi and Cheshire the Gozarutchi (whose weight is around.. oh, 93 lbs :( ) I'm going to try to wake up pretty early tomorrow so I can run the Tamas.

I'm thinking of running:

Puzzling Pieces V4.5 (Ellie)

Glam Rock V6 (Dakota)

Entama (Momo)

Tama-Go (Cheshire)

And maybe I'll run my V4, too. What do you think, should I?

Entama- Momo

Not much has happened with Momo lately. Today, she graduated from Mr. Canvas' class, and she got a job as a baker! :) She seems to be liking that.


Tama-Go- Cheshire

He's not the most beautiful Tamagotchi, but for a bad care character, he is pretty cute. Just look at him!


He's turned 4 today, so I keep checking to see if the Dating Place is open yet. Next generation, I'm going to try harder to get a good character.

V6- Dakota

I put the battery into the V6 this morning and downloaded little Dakota. I went to Walmart with her attached to my Tama lanyard (still as a baby) and somehow I still managed to get the good girl toddler character, which is Hitodetchi. Just like her mother.


For this generation, the possible characters I can get are Mimitchi, Memetchi, Violetchi, Sebiretchi, and Masktchi. I wouldn't mind a Memetchi.

V4.5- Ellie

I started Ellie up around the same time as Dakota. The baby hour was normal, and you know what she turned into? It isn't hard to guess. It's what 75% of her family before her has turned into: Kuchitamatchi -.-


I'm going to work on Ellie's humor points. Maybe I'll be able to get a Purimatchi! :D That's what I'm aiming for.

Edit: I mixed up the photos.

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V4.5- Ellie

Ellie evolved this morning...


Into Ura Young Violetchi! x3 I haven't had this character in an extremely long time (before I started logging) and according to this chart, if I make her kindness points highest, she should become Ura Violetchi! It's also a possibility I'll get Shitekitchi (again) *coughcoughAda* but it's more likely that she'll become Ura Violetchi.


She chose Mr. Canvas for her teacher. I whipped out my cell to take a picture, but Mr. Canvas is camera-shy (typical antisocial artist. Not trying to offend anyone.).


Tama-Go- Cheshire

Cheshire took a trip to the park today. He met a Ringotchi and went and played with her. Here they are on the swing.


We then went home and he bought a bunny costume from Mametchi's store.


Then he went back to the park, still in the bunny costume, and played with Mametchi.


It was hilarious :haha: I didn't know he kept the costume on.


V6- Dakota

She evolved into an Ichigotchi, just like Katniss.


The band teacher came by and gave her a drum set.


She joined a band... called the Dakotas. I was feeling particularly creative when I named them that.



Entama- Momo

Momo married a Tarakotchi and he left her with a baby Kuchi boy. I had taken a picture of it but it isn't showing up ;-; Sorry about that. I'm already thinking about what character I'd like to get. I think I might try to get Minotchi or Kuchipatchi.


Someone is selling a V5.5 on eBay for just a little bit of money. I hope I can win it :D I don't have a V5.5.

Here is a bad late reply ;-;

I skipped the time so Momo left her son Haru then I removed the battery.

Dakota turned into a Masktchi and I removed the battery.

No change with Ellie.

Cheshire married a Makiko.

I plan on starting another Tama tomorrow morning. Please reply/pm with ideas/suggestions.

I plan on starting another Tama tomorrow morning. Please reply/pm with ideas/suggestions.
I'd say V4, but you just tabbed up an EnTama, so that'd be kind of silly. And you just tried and got fed up with the V3... Hmm...

Why not run a V5? As much as I really don't like running them as much as I do other Tamas, I do like seeing people log about them. :)

Thanks for the suggestion, that's exactly what I started up!

Tama-Go- Cheshire

Still no baby ;-; So that should be happening tomorrow. Him and his little wife are so cute :3

V5- Panda Family

I reset my V5 at 9:24 AM today.


They hatched into (in order from first to last born): Futabatchi, Mimifuwatchi, and Omututchi. I'm not going to name them individually. I gave them fairly good care during their baby hour.


At 10:24 AM, they evolved into (in order again): Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi, and Ahirukutchi. They've only called for training twice today (at 12 and 2, I believe) and I'm choosing the first option, which I think represents the smart/Mame family. And that's all for today really. Their training's at 10%. But I used the special code for the :heart: and so we're using that to help with raising bonding.

V4.5- Ellie



URA VIOLETCHI <3 She's SO. CUTE. AAAAH. I'm so happy I got this character!

Humor: 25

Beauty: 13

Kindness: 116

Plus I think my V4.5 has a glitch because no matter what character I get, I can play games with them until the weight gets to 5. Weird.

I would like to share a picture with you and thank someone.

Superchamagirl told me about these super cute (and also cheap) Tama holders on eBay. They're meant for phones but they fit the regular Connections. So I wanted to say thank you to her for telling me about that, and I wanted to show you all a picture of my Tamas in the holder!


There's Ellie and the Panda family, and the Tama-Go is too big to fit in the holders, but how could I take a picture of only two of my Tamas? The picture was incomplete! So there Cheshire and his wife are too :D

Short update today cuz I'm IMing with iRhymu and I don't feel like taking forever to type xD

Cheshire and his ladyfriend had a baby boy! They'll be leaving the baby on Friday but I might change the time tomorrow ohohoh. I don't think I'm going to keep naming the Tama-Go characters.

The Pandas are just chillin' as toddlers.

And Ellie got a job as a teacher.

I went to the dentist today and I had no cavities :3

@evie: Yep, they're tofu.

Tama-Go- Kinotchi

I changed the time so Cheshire and Makiko left. They watched their baby sadly from midnight to 12:15 AM before leaving.


Then they left Kinotchi, and I paused him. I don't think I feel like running my Tama-Go anymore.


V5- Panda Family


They evolved into Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, and Bakutchi. Their bonding is only at 20%. I swear, it only calls me about once or twice a day -.- I don't think I'm going to get very high-bonding characters.

And I took a ton of V4.5 pictures, so those will be going in a seperate post.

V4.5- Ellie

I used a bunch of items on Ellie :3 The pictures didn't really turn out very nice, not as clear as I hoped. But they're decent enough that you can get what's going on in them.





And here is a picture of my kitty (Mango) with my Tamagotchis :D He's a great Tama babysitter.


V4.5- Ellie

The matchmaker visited Ellie at age 5! She brought a Tenpatchi who she immediately fell in love with. They were married and she had a baby boy. I haven't tried to get any of the 'Gorgeous' male V4.5 characters yet (Samuraitchi, Yasaguretchi, and Tougyutchi), so I'm going to focus on his gorgeous skill points. The only way to get a headstart on that is to play lots of Shape with Ellie so whenever she leaves her son, the skill points will get passed on!

Hopefully I'll get another toddler besides Kuchitamatchi, since I've gotten that 4/5 times on this Tama D:< Grrr.

I am planning on running this Tama for the next generation, especially because I'll get a character I haven't gotten before! :] Very excited for that. I love the V4.5 so much.

So far I haven't gotten any Gorgeous male characters and Funny female characters.

V5- Panda family

No change, except their bonding is at 40% so their animation has changed from Mamekatchi coming up close to all of them leaving the screen then running back, falling, and chirping. They have 1,270 Pts.

V4.5- Ellie

Ellie's already been with her baby boy for 24 hours, so I'm doing the time-change trick to get her to leave her baby (who I will name Feris) now. Right now she's saying goodbye.

I can't believe I'm gonna be on the 6th generation!! I think that's the farthest I've gotten, so I'm very proud of myself.

Here's a picture of Ellie and Feris.


V5- Panda Family


There's a picture of their bonding animation as teenagers.

This morning at 10:24, they evolved into adults.


Furikotchi, Violetchi, and Mumutchi. I plan on raising the bonding to 100% then marrying Mumutchi to a Memetchi.

V4- Albus

Guess who I put the battery back in yesterday?


Albus, the Tosakatchi on my V4! He even got married today. The matchmaker brought him a Ponytchi who he married. Now, there's a baby boy bouncing alongside him who will be named Bill, because I'm following a Harry Potter theme on this Tama.


V4- Bill


Albus leaving little Bill.



Here he is as a little Tsubutchi. Then the hour passed, and, as expected he became a...


Mizutamatchi! There's a 95% chance that he's going to be a Meme teen, and then a 5% chance he'll be a Kuchi teen. Whichever it is, I don't mind. To become a Shimashimatchi, he'll need high kindness points, which is okay because I'm not bad at Flag. Aw, here I am, planning out little Bill's whole future.

V4.5- Feris

He just turned into a Kometchi. If I focus on his humor points he will become a Tenpatchi, definitely, so I will do that instead, since this is my only chance to definitely get this character and I can get a beauty-skill point male character any time :] So I'll be getting a new character this generation.

No picture today, so you will have to wait until tomorrow.

V5- Panda Family

Bonding is at 70% for them. If I'm lucky it will be at 100% by the end of tomorrow, so Mumutchi can go to the dating channel and look for a lovely Memetchi.

They're so easy to care for! :)

V4- Bill

He turned into Hinotamatchi today. Well, his care has been pretty bad. I wouldn't be surprised if I got a universal adult.

V4.5- Feris

Not much to say about him.

V5- Panda Family

I paused them during school so the bonding wouldn't lower.

Other News

My school is having a blackout pep rally tomorrow! :D I'm super excited.

Also, I gave my girlfriend a Falling Leaves V4.5. She hatched it today and got a boy who she named Onion. He became a Kuribotchi and she says it looks like a pumpkin, and she asked why Onion is a pumpkin xD Well now Feris has a friend! :D

I took the battery out of Bill the Hinotamatchi.

Feris became Tenpatchi, as expected.

Panda family was paused a lot. Think I might just remove the battery or move to the next generation without trying to get a certain family.

Put battery in starry V3- became a girl named Zelda who evolved into Tamatchi. Hoping Onion can marry her.
