Discovering Earth


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Meanwhile, Haruhi was finally living the life. She had stolen the condo of some human, and now was living in it very peacefully. She took a sip of delicious coca-cola before lying back in her comfy armchair.

Coral looked up and got hit in the eye with a fat raindrop. "Ow!" she screamed as hail poured down and landed in her soda."Pack up everything and let's go into that shop over there!" Coral told Kitty as she rushed into the shop with her arms full of stuff.

Name: Sawaa

Type of Tamagotchi:Uwasatchi


Personality: Very childish, likes to be babied and is playful.

Likes: To fly with the green thing on the top of her hat, being nice, food.

Dislikes:annoying people and not eating

Quote: I think ima go eat now, if thats okay with you?

Relationship:No one.

(OOC: I really think this should be more tamagotchi like, Mimitchis don't taze people!

Or steal condos and other things. So how about you kicked them and bought a condo.)

Sawaa was flying around when it began to rain. She instantly started to fly towards the

first thing she saw, which was the condo. She thought the window was open so she flew

for it but...she slammed into the window and fell into the bushes and started to cry,

waiting for someone to help her out of the dirty, wet bushes.

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(Well I dunno, this RP isn't making sense, some of the tamas already have homes.. Personally I think by this point everybody should have been kidnapped or something since tamas are tiny compared to humans.. The other thing is, I have no idea how all the other people's tamas get food and rent for apartments, I doubt they came from gotchi world with dollars. And gotchi likely has no value on Earth. And then, Evil Dazzlitchi said "A gust of wind blew you to Earth from Tama Planet" and my character flew to tama planet with her backpack, with had items in it. Just because Bandai doesn't have tasers in the Tamagotchi franchise, doesn't mean they don't exist in Tama Planet because for all you know, they can.)

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The hail poured down even harder and it was very sharp, like icicles so Coral ran as fast as she could, not looking when she ran into a pole. "Owch!" She mumbled but finally got to the shop. The hail was getting through a hole in the roof but Coral didn't notice. "Do you hear something?" she asked Kitty.

Name: Darius

Type of Tamagotchi: Kuchipatchi

Age: 12

Personality: Darius is a boy with a love for food. No kidding. He will eat anything besides Veggies, unless its Spinach. He lives a rich life and never makes friends because of it. He wonders why he was born like that. He hopes to someday make lots a friends.

Likes: Food, Basketball, Science, Drawing, Video Games, and Computers.

Dislikes: Veggies, Math, Annoying Kids, Mean kids, and the paparazzi.

Quote: "Someday my life will be better....."

Relationship: Single

OOC: Why did this reset?

Darius landed on his gut. Feeling as sick as ever he ran to find a patch of grass or something. He looked around not noticing his world was different and Threw-up without notice.

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OOC: Dangoobotchi got angry at me because my mimitchi was using a taser to knock people out and get money and food (Seeing as Dazzlitchi clearly stated "The tamas blew to Earth by a wind" and they shouldn't have dollars, so I was being realistic and actually having my Mimitchi get dollars rather than everybody else who had their characters getting hotels and buying food.. Eh, it's restarted anyway. I think I'll use my other charrie for the time being..

Ethan blew onto Earth, landing on his butt on the hard concrete. "Oww..." He slowly got up, unhappily rubbing his butt. He slowly walked over to a bench and sat down. Okay, first things first: Where was he?

"where in the world is this place????" Chira realised she was on the blue planet "ok..... how did i get here?" Chira saw the kutchipatchi and came up to it"hey are you ok wait.....your a tamgotchi to so i'm not the only one here anyway nice to meet you i'm Chira"

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