Do you plan to have kids someday?


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+' timestamp='1300186270' post='3073086']Ooh, maybe. :3

I really think that children make a person feel good, and give you a reason to smile. :)

I'd like to have a little fella like that. ( I feel a little iffy when I think of childbirth though. :p )

But someday, sometime, when I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to go through the birthing process. And... when I find that special someone. <3
my thoughts exactly. I know i will want to have them some day, but thinking about it now just grosses me out...

Yep! AT LEAST 2! I wanna name them Adrian and Angelia (or something along those lines)

but I want at least one boy and girl, names starting with "A"

I Might adopt at least 1 child. But my main children's names will be Darrin(A for sure name) and (if a boy for the 2nd child) Daris and (if a girl for the 2nd child) Shai(after my mom's nickname)

I think I'd like to adopt. I'm scared of giving birth.

I'd use Robert for a boy and Rosemary for a girl.

add on from my last post: i might have them, maybe adopt one or move to another country and have them. i am still not sure though.


  • I want my tubes tied, or to get a hysteorectomy (complete removal of the uterus and ovaries)
  • Pregnancy is beautiful for other people that can have kids.. Just not me!
  • The process of pregnancy scares me.
  • I have a possibly hereditary eye disease that can make you go blind if left untreated..
  • The possiblity of a miscarriage or stillborns or whatnot scares the living s**t outta me

But I would like to adopt. c:

Well, I wanna live my life to the fullest before I begin thinking about having children. D:

I'd think they would just drag me down. :/

Well, I want kids, but I'm not sure if I actually want to have them. I'm sort of in agreement with what others have said. I'll probably adopt. For a girl, I'll definitely use the name Sasha because I like the name. I haven't got any boys' names yet though.

Yes, I would love to eventually!

It's like a little companion to have in your life, and I'll be able to have the privilege of raising them and teaching them all about life, and I'm sure I'd be proud of them once they grow up and become successful adults.

I guess I am only fourteen, and really, at this age I don't know anything about what I really want in life, pregnancy and all the consequences and responsibilities that come with it. Who knows, my ideas and opinions could totally change in time for then. So for now I'm just going to relax and enjoy life until the time comes to think about that sort of stuff :)

Nah, I don't want kids. They sound like a lot of work, and to be honest I've never really loved babies or small children. Also, the thought of pregnancy/labor/delivery and all that absolutely terrifies me. If I ever wanted kids, I think I would adopt. I don't see myself getting married, either, but who knows what the future holds?

I've always known I didn't want kids. It took my mother awhile to accept this, but she's come round - She now considers my cats to be her 'grandkitties'. Holy smokes, they get spoiled by her.

Maybe, but the guy has to be dating me for at least a year before he could knock me up. I don't want some pervert coming and going. Hopefully the guy I have kids with is realllyyy nice and hot. I plan to get married to the guy too. Beuase my Mum didn't marry before having me and my brother and now shes a single mother. WE ARE POOORRR :(

I don't know. I've always thought that I did (and to be honest, I'm pretty sure that I will end up having children), but now I'm not sure if I want them. The careers I want to pursue would not really work out if I had kids. I've always thought that I would rather adopt than have my own, though.


I mean, furry cats count as children? RIGHT?!?!?

They don't? So I'm not a mummy at 12? Aww.

But why the heck would I want stupid little babies? /prejudiced

And anyway, who'd want to marry me? I'm addicted to chocolate and cats and I'm a total game geek!!!

I might adopt a kid or something, because who'd take care of my fur-babies when I die?!?

I'm still young, but I do plan on having kids someday.

But I'd really have to clean up my act before even thinking something like that through, first I want to focus on my career, and get a good man who'll actually stay through everything.

But yeah, someday :) I want more than one child, because growing up as an only child, it gets pretty lonely. But if/when I do have kids, I'll support whatever they do :)

Childbirth still creeps me out though o_o

I voted No. Definitely not. This world is too messed up, what with the world's economies failing, natural wild places are disappearing at an alarming rate due to man's greed. Soon there will be noplace for other creatures to live, thanks to humans and our reluctance to keep our population in check. Also, consider employment. There are only so many jobs to go around. Unemployment worldwide is rampant. If you really MUST have kids, please consider adoption. There are too many kids out there that really need a stable home life, and people to love them. Also, consider the economic impact on a couple who have a baby. Both members of a couple NEED to work nowadays. Also, if the requirements for adoption were given to people who have their own kids, they would FAIL!! I just don't see why any woman would want to go through all the misery of pregnancy and delivery, then have to be off work for 6 weeks minimum, and put that drain on the household. And adding a new CONSUMER of ever shrinking resources to this already over burdened planet.

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I definitely do want kids some day. I want at least two or three kids, or at least a boy and a girl. I definitely want to have kids of my own and I would probably adopt a child as well. But that is still years ahead of me, so I've got enough time to think about the future.

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