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I do believe it is, but certainly not the most popular...
yes i wish.. oh do you get what i mean already? cash? ok, bu i wish dazzilitchi outfit 3 was 29000... that's less.

I bought one. But guess what. It only takse about three competitions' money to get that outfit. Not too much, and you play games.........so it isn't that much though. Thank about it. you get about 5000-6000 gotchi points for your own band thing at competition. then about 4000 for each band you join, it it's on the REsult chat! Right...........

There's a reason to make it expensive, or else everyone will have it and nothing would be special anymore.

is there a special way to get your CD past 6th super silver? Ive been playing the gotchidoku game forever now (75cd points every game) and still haven't gone up.

is there anything special you need to do besides play games

I posted a reply in your topic. But, just so it is here to, I have copied and pasted the exact same thing:

It is very hard to level up to 5th ultimate silver. You have to earn 10,000 CD experience points to level up from 6th to 5th. It is best to enter concerts and get in the top 100 twice in a row.

how many times does it take you to get a CD from 6th silver to 5th ultimate silver. to 3rd gold and 1st?
from 5th to 6th its 2 contests. from 5th to 4th it's 4 contests. from 4th to 3rd it's 8 contests. from 3rd to 2nd it's 16 contests :blink: from 2ND TO 1ST IT'S 22 contests!

It can take long, but i'm sure TS9520 played Tamatown for more than a year!

No, she didn't. SHe's my friend and I know that she started LATE. in March! The 4th competition. But guess what, playing games can also increase CD Level.
i checked her competition thing she was in the 1st competition.

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