Furawatchi in Karate


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2006
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Once there was a :gozarutchi: who was very good at Karate. Her name was Blossom. One day she was chopping wood away when she suddeny broke her wrist. She had to go to the hospital. The nurses felt so bad for her that they let her choose a cast of her favorite color (even 2 colors!). She chose pink and purple. The nurses and her family signed it. She wasn't getting it off for 3 YEARS. The next day...

but as she was cring a giant potty sat on her and broke her whole body

then she had to go back to the hostipital and get a whole entire body cast

Her wrist had healed immeditaltily when she broke her whole body: now she was going to jump out the window! She MUST go to that contest!!! But she couldn't get about of bed, she waddled along the floor.

But when she collapsed, she broke her middle toe, the one bone that hadn't been broken, and her other bones healed. But she was still tired from walking over here, and she fell into a coma...

that lasted 3 whole years. When she awoke, she was already 15 years old. She looked down and then she remembered that the karate contst was on June 15th and then she looked at a calandar next to her hospital bed. It said JUNE 15TH. Furawatchi hurried to the contest and...

then she looked at her watch and saw that is was one o-clock in the morning! She did feel a little sleepy...

when ;) woke up she ran to her karate class but when she ran out of her house she saw her boy freind bobby (he was a mametchi) kissing amber the memetchi she ran to bobby and...

slapped him on the face so hard his cheekbone broke and then she kicked Amber in the thigh so it broke and then Furawatching was now filled of hatred and anger. She felt her heart change in everyway. Now she wanted to use it to kill people she hated....

then the tama police came and put herin hand cuffs but :) broke them with her bare hands then she punched the police in the jaw and broke it then :( took the gun from the police and pointed it at amber then she pulled the trigger


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Amber fell and then there was some blood leaking from her hyead and then Bobby killed her with his bare hands... She felt her body flying somewhere... But when she woke up, she was in her room at home...

when she tried to get up she couldn't because bobby tied her to her bed.then she herd bobby and something say waa!!

:p broke loose from the chains and went down stairs their was a little baby girl and a note she picked up the note it said

"dear :furawatchi: here is my baby girl her mother is amber but since is dead i am giving you her take care of her plz".

:furawatchi: looked into the baby's eyes and felt hate no more she named her anna one year passed anna was a child a harutchi

:furawatchi: was playing with her when amber opened the door and said give me back my baby :furawatchi: jumped up and was ready to battle and this battle was the most important battle she would ever face in her life this battle was for anna

They both had the best belts in karate, but Blossom was a little more inteligent. She jumped and then kicked Amber hard in the legs. Amber quickly recovered and hit Blossom in the arm. Blossom felt terrible pain, but that's when something strange happened..... She kicked at Amber, her leg was glowing, and then Amber screamed and dissapeared.

when amber disapered she looked at anna and she disapered too then blossom looked down she was choping wood she realized that she looked into the future so she stopped choping would instead she ran to bobby's house then she walked though the door to find...


she picked up the baby and called her anna the baby smiled that ment anna was her name bobby came thorugh the door and said what are you doing here you were not supposed to find out about our baby. at that moment :p realize that bobby stole anna when she was berly born and told amber that she could be the mom. blossom ran to bobby and said this is my baby why did you steal her from me and say to amber she could be the mom .bobby said how did you know that. then amber punched him in the face so hard he was k.o (knocked out) she took the baby but amber called the tama police and said that blossom stole her baby...


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