GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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Will is now 60 pounds. I keep feeding him because I'm not in the mood to play with him.

Grace and Leo are okay. I cleaned up poop a couple of times and the baby got sick, but other than that, Grace is an excellent parent and they are being very good tamas.


Will fell asleep with a hungry heart missing. So once again I had to wake him up to feed him and then put him back to bed. He's doing good now though.

Grace and Leo are still awake. They are so well behaved. I love all my tamas.


After school I looked at my v1 and realized that Grace had left last night. I named the baby Leo and starting taking care of him. Leo is now a Kinkamotchi. He is very cute. He looks like a lumpy blob.

Will is doing good. I played with him lots today and lost a lot of weight. He went from over 60 pounds to 35 pounds. But that was before school. I always have to feed him snacks when he's unhappy so he is by the end of school he was 48 pounds and now he's 51 pounds.

I want to keep him around 30 pounds and keep him at 8 bars of training so that he will turn into a Wooltchi. I think I know why I never got him before. I think it's because I always fully trained my tamas. So like I said I will leave it at 8 bars and see what happened. I think I have a better chance of getting a Wooltchi now. If I don't get that I hope I can get a Dorotchi or something else cute that I never had before.



Will is taking his evening bath. HOW CUTE!!!!!!

I wonder if Debatchis brush their teeth. That would be cute. They would brush their buck tooth and you would actually see the teeth they brush. They probably don't brush because they are a "bad care character".


MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I feel like a loner. Remember to leave a comment after reading my log.

Not much tamagotchi news. Leo went to sleep and he is asleep for the night until I pause him tomorrow morning.

Well, I just wanted to say something. Ah, yes, about my friend's tamagotchi. Remember the friend I told you about. The friend that got a tamagotchi. She was the last one of us to get one. Well, she doesn't know how to work tamagotchis and she brings it to school, paused. Sometimes she doesn't pause it and twice she has left it at school and it was sick. So she showed it to me today asking what was going on and I told her that Ceb (her tamagotchi) had died. She got real upset. I was saying how she needed to take better care of her tamagotchis for them not to die. So she got upset and then asked how long the angel will be there. I told her until the batteries die or until she resets it. So I reset it for her. She got a baby boy named Ceb after her old tamagotchi Ceb the Megatchi (I told you she doesn't know how to take care of tamagotchis). So I took care of it for a while and then she paused it. So now Ceb is in her history list and I miss him too. So let's take a moment to honor Ceb the Megatchi. He had a tough life, but he's happy now, in tamagotchi planet, along with the other tamagotchis that were unsatisfied with the care they were receiving. You may not know Ceb, but if you did, I know you would love him. He was so sweet. Goodbye Ceb. I'll miss you. *sniff, sniff* :p :D :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

More later.

^ Wow a little hyper on your other posts weren't ya? Congrats on getting a Debatchi! I always wanted one. :D

^ Wow a little hyper on your other posts weren't ya? Congrats on getting a Debatchi! I always wanted one. :p
Thanks. I wanted to get a Wooltchi, but Debatchi is good too. It's cute and it's something I never had before.

Will is okay. Just hanging about. I wonder if Ceb 2 died. I hope not. I just saw him this morning and he was a Mizutamatchi. Very cute. My other friend's tamagotchi, Zavr, was a baby but now he's a toddler. Also a Mizutamatchi.

OH! I almost forgot. Leo evolved into an ichigotchi a millisecond after I unpaused him.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I was playing with Will and he lost a LOT of weight. He was 58 pounds then and I made him 30 pounds. I always have to feed him at school so now he weighs 39 pounds.

Leo's okay too. I hope he evolves into a Mametchi or a Masktchi or a Hanatchi.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I caught Will coming up close to the screen and taking a bath. He's so cute. I love my little Willy.

Leo is taking his bath. Now I stopped him. OH NO! He has 2 poops. 3 hungry hearts are missing and 2 happy hearts are missing. Let me go fix that. ALL BETTER! I cleaned up the poop and fed him 3 meals and 2 snacks. I AM SUCH A GOOD PERSON!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't get a chance to post last night because I wasn't aloud on the computer anymore. :angry:

BUT I'm back now!!!!!!!!! :D

I forgot to tell you that Debatchis DO brush their teeth. It was so cute! I love Debatchis.

Will is 6 and Leo is 2. The matchmaker should be coming for Will tonight at 7. I hope I get a girl.

Leo is really cute. He's an ichigotchi. I hope he turns into a Hanatchi. I think that comes on an odd generation.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow omg you have alot of items!!! how long did it take to get them!!!? :unsure: :wacko: :eek: :D :ph34r: :lol:

Anyways, the MatchMaker just came for will. He had a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A GIRL!!!!! A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm either going to name her Rosie or Ruby. PM me if you have any name ideas.

I think I'm going to have a heart attack. *takes deep breaths* OK! I'm better. This is like to good to be true. *pinches self to make sure I'm not dreaming* OOOOOWWWWWW! Well, I'm not dreaming. I need to go scream because of overjoy.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!

There has been a lot of pooping going on since the baby was born.

Speaking of the baby, I never told you who the matchmaker brought, did I? Nope. Well, when the matchmaker came she brought a Teketchi. She was very cute. I think tamas are supposed to have 2 babies when they mate. I guess that Teketchi took the other baby. I wonder if it was a girl or a boy. I hope she doesn't miss Rosie/Ruby too much.

Well, all my tamas are fine.


Will and Rosy are just hanging out. I've decided to name the baby Rosy. I kinda like that spelling- you know, with the y at the end. Yea. Unless any of you PM me with names then I'm going to name her Rosy.

I've tried to make Will leave twice. It didn't work. No offense to Will, but I want him gone so I can start taking care of a GIRL for once on my v3.

I played a whole bunch of games with Leo before. So he went from 82 pounds before I played with him to 21 pounds after I played with him. Now he's not overweight anymore. He should be evolving either tonight or tomorrow. I hope he turns into a Hanatchi. That would be awesome. I love Hanatchis because they are so fragile and cute.

