GUESS WHAT! Babies Can't Connect?


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Back in August 2004 The first batch of V1's weren't able to connect as babies, trust me I had two back then from those days. They later changed it when newer color batches came out. Basicly this is what I said:
Very First Egg designs Releaseed of the V1-Couldn't connect as babies

Second Egg Designs Released of the V1- Could connect as babies

If the rumor is about a V2 or a V3 then no that isn't true. V2 and V3 can connect as babies.
You are soooooooooooooo right! I had one and I could'nt connect with my friends until I was a toddler!

Thanks thats why it was not conecting because mines was a baby and the other was a teenager.

who ever said that is * removed *

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My v4 babies connected, it is totally not true!

tamablues :mimitchi:

People have been saying that you cannot connect with another tama if one of them (or both) are babies... i tried it last night and i had a baby and an adult, so i tried connecting them together, AND IT WORKED!!!! So all of the rymors that said that babies cant connect they can... go ahead and try it!!!!!!!!

-Me Forever!!

AKA LILYGIRL :mimitchi:
Both babies can connect

lol, i just connected my two babies, like, 5 minutes ago, and i didn't even read this. thaz so weird!

Very First Egg designs Released of the V1-Couldn't connect as babies.
Yes they could. My friend had one and I connected a V2 to it. My friend's V1 was a baby at the time.

tama*chic*101 :D

People have been saying that you cannot connect with another tama if one of them (or both) are babies... i tried it last night and i had a baby and an adult, so i tried connecting them together, AND IT WORKED!!!! So all of the rymors that said that babies cant connect they can... go ahead and try it!!!!!!!!

-Me Forever!!

i knew that cause I dun it b4 ^_^

i have also heard rumors that you can not connect in bright light. i have experienced it before. my friend and i were out side at a park trying to connect with our V3 tamagotchis but it did not work :mellow: well thats all for now! -Hunnybunny13

i have also heard rumors that you can not connect in bright light. i have experienced it before. my friend and i were out side at a park trying to connect with our V3 tamagotchis but it did not work :angry: well thats all for now! -Hunnybunny13
That's true. My friend and I had our tamas at school and the sun was really bright. We tried connecting but it kept failing. When we did it in shade it worked.

yes thay can i connetcted with a baby and a 3 year old and it

worked with my v4

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