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I haven't kept up with this season much.Well, I gotta go. I have a concert for choir.

Sadie giggled at that and said, "I'm glad you're not vain. Or I'd have to beat you up."
Brandon smirked, "Ah, now that's something I'd love to see," he laughed. "No disrespect, just a generalisation that is yet to fail."

Sadie playfully nudges his arm with her elbow. "You don't know me."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm right because you really have no idea about me," Brandon chuckled. "Still, you're welcome to take a swing at me." He wondered how much of himself he could give away until it just wasn't safe anymore. He figured this'd be okay, but he'd have to be careful in future.

Acelynn shifted her weight uncomforatably as everyone here was busy witht their own lives and she was just sitting there looking like an idiot.

Sadie laughed, then saw a black car pulling up by the sidewalk. Her face darkened. "Brandon... you'd better get out of here." She stood up and crossed her arms.

Sadie said, "If you want to stay out of a conflict, I suggest you at least stand in the doorway."

"Alright, fine, but I'm not leaving," he said, now getting up from his crouch and heading to stand in the side of the doorway with the most shadow cast over it. It wasn't often that he looked menacing or evil, this was a rare occasion.

The car stopped, and a sleazy looking guy got out of the driver's seat. He strode up to Sadie, then tried to wrap his arms around her. Sadie stepped back, talking to him as calmly as she could.

Sleazy.. Wow, that's a new word I learned today x3

Brandon began to understand her reasons now. For once, he saved the both of them from part of his ability, and listened only to their spoken conversation.

Sadie said to the guy, "It's obvious you've been drinking. You need to go home, and stay away from me! I swear, I'll call the cops!"

"Baby, don't be like that. You might make me do something bad."

"Rick, there isn't anything you haven't done to me." Sadie said sharply.

Rick grabbed her shoulders, forcing his lips against hers. Sadie, in response, yanked herself away, glaring at him. "You disgust me! You need to get out of my life!"

Rick drew back his arm, and punched Sadie in the eye. "You don't EVER talk to me that way, you hear!?"

Sadie stumbled a bit, placing her hand over her eye. "I'm not going to use my ability... I'm not."

Brandon watched in disgust until he decided he couldn't take any more of just being an 'innocent bystander'- just letting this guy do this to her wouldn't solve anything. "You got a problem? What kind of a man hits a girl like that? Pick on someone your own size." He said to Rick.

Rick's eyes glinted, then he turned to Sadie. "So THIS is why you won't come back? Cuz you have.... THIS guy???" He stormed up to Brandon.

Sadie ran and grabbed onto Rick's arm. "Rick, leave him alone! It's not like that!!!"

Hey, sorry. Didn't have time to say goodbye, I went to youth club for YouTube trials :3 We did the Coke and Mentos trick all over Sarah for our entry xD

"Wait a minute," Brandon said, looking Rick straight in the eyes, his own burning into him with bright sapphire. "I'm just helping run this place and if you think you can touch my employees like that you are very much mistaken, sir." Luckily enough, Brandon was a very good liar, able to keep his cool in even the most extreme circumstances. And if this guy still didn't believe him, Brandon was going to use his ability to make him believe it."

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Lol, it's fine!

Rick looked at Sadie. "Is that so?"

Sadie rolled her eyes. "Gee Rick, you're gonna get me fired! Now get lost! Before I call the cops!"

Rick grabbed Sadie's wrist, hard. Then, he released her, and ran back to his car, driving off as quickly as he could.

Sadie sat down, nursing her black eye.

Brandon stared after the car until he saw it turn at the end of the street, and then looked over his shoulder again to check he hadn't turned back as he went back over to Sadie. He crouched in front of her again to be at her level and sucked air through his teeth and wincing at her black eye. "Gee, he got you pretty bad," he said, rather stating the obvious.

Sadie smirked slightly. "He's done worse. Believe me...." Her voice grew quiet. "He's done much worse." She sighed, feeling her eye swelling.

Haha, I like Jono's pathetic attempt at dancing to Soulja Boy xD We can get more views than him easily (well, when it gets on there)!

"I don't think I should have stepped in. I'm sorry.." There were a lot of questions he wanted to ask her, things he didn't understand like her reasons for going out with him- that is, if she was; that was another thing he was so confused about it. He lightly put his fingers on the swelling, knowing his touch would probably only soothe the pain because of his ice cold skin. Again, he was probably giving far too much away, but he didn't care.


I'll view yours a million times! or just enough times to get more than jono.

Sadie felt better when his cool hand touched her skin. "If you hadn't stepped in... who knows if I'd even be alive now. Thank you for helping. I told that creep we were over a long time ago... and now he's like an extra violent stalker."

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