Heart's Desire


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Taylor bit her lip and laughed nervously. "Uhm, thanks..." She wasn't exactly sure how else to take the compliment. After all, not many people took the time to look at Taylor like that. She usually had her nose too deep into a book for people to notice. And with a cousin like Kaylin, people looked at her a lot less than someone as stunning as Kaylin. When Sterling told her to hold still, she did, barely breathing. Once the eyelash was gone, she smiled a thank you and continued to walk.

Brooke flashed a mischievous grin. "Mmkay," she said and brought her face close to Brayden's. "But first . . . " Brooke tightened her grip around his neck and pressed herself against him as she stood on her tip toes, her soft lips meeting Brayden's in a passionate kiss.

Sterling smiled. "What?" he asked with a laugh. "You act like you're not used to getting compliments, pretty lady." Sterling turned the corner after they finally finished going down the seemingly endless flight of stairs. There was a long hallway and it seemed they still had an eternity before reaching the library. But Sterling didn't mind. He was with Taylor. He would walk an eternity with her any day.

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Brayden returned the kiss. "You're just too perfect." he told her, flipping the patties. "How do you want your's cooked?" He asked, looking at her.

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"Well done," she replied happily. "No pink." Brooke walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out a head of lettuce and a tomato and set them on her cutting board. Her knife in hand, she began to slice the tomato, cutting the tomato downward into thin slivers. She hummed while doing this and glanced at Brayden.

Brayden grinned at her. "Do you want cheese?" he asked, putting a slice on his burger. Waiting a few minutes, he finished cooking his burger and put it on his plate, liking his burger medium.

"Oh yes. What's a good burger without cheese?" Brooke asked with a laugh as she finished slicing the tomato. She grabbed the lettuce and ripped of the plastic wrapping that encased it. Brooke gripped a piece of the lettuce and pulled down, breaking the crisp leaf from the head. She did this a few more times and set the lettuce pieces on the paper plate next the the tomato slices. Brooke walked to the island in the middle of the kitchen and grabbed an onion from the bowl resting in the center. "You want onions?" she shouted so that Brayden could hear from outside.

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Brayden nodded, finishing cooking Brooke's burger. He turned the grill off, but kept the patties on sothey wouldn't get cold. Brayden than walked over to her. He smiled at her. "What can I do?" he asked

"Get the hamburger buns. I think I saw some in that bread box over there," Brooke relied and pointed to the square-ish box resting on the counter opposite the one she was working at. Brooke quickly diced some onions and bagged up the remaining onion before putting it in the fridge. She grabbed the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise and stopped as she eyed the pickles. Brooke never really liked them on her burgers but Brayden might. "You like pickles?" she asked and made a face. "I don't really care for them on burgers myself."

The ever so likable feeling flowed back into Blaze once again when Auburn's lips touched his again. His eyes were open this time (A part of him was bugging him to try to see Auburn's expression), but his vision began to swirl and Blaze began to feel woozy so he simply shut them.

"No, not on burgers." Brayden told her, grabbing the buns. He took the patties out and put them on, placing a tomato and a slice of onion on his. He never liked mustard on a burger, and hated ketchup. "Hopefully I didn't do bad." He laughed softly.

Brooke smiled and took her burger and fixed it up the way she liked. As she squeezed the last bit of ketchup onto the burger Brooke grabbed the top of her bun and squished it down onto the sandwich. (She found it easier to eat large burgers if they were squished down.) Brooke got some chips out of the pantry and put a handful on her plate before making her way over to Brayden, plopping down the chair next to his. She grabbed the burger with both hands and took a big chomp out of it. "Mmmmm," she said and shook her head to give her approval of Brayden's grilling skills. "Delicious," Brooke complimented after swallowing the first bite.

Brayden took a bite. "Looks like I didn't mess up." he laughed, after finishing the bite. He took another, as he was starving. Quickly finishing the burger, he blushed realizing how rude he must have been. "Oh, sorry..." He told Brooke softly.

"What the hell for surfer boy?" she asked with a laugh as she stuffed the last bite of her burger into her mouth. Brooke grabbed a napkin off of the table and wiped her mouth before throwing her now empty plate into the garbage can. She approached Brayden, still sitting in his seat, from behind and wrapped her arms around him. She breathed in his intoxicating scent and sighed, enjoying the feel of him against her bare skin.

By the time Shaula woke up, it was 2 whole hours later. She rolled over groggily and sat up, looking at herself in the mirror.

She looked like a mess.

Her hair was matted, her headband was all wrong, and her makeup was smudged all over the pillow. A true mess indeed.

Shaula went immediately to work on her appearance, and once she was satisfied, she plopped back on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling. That's when she noticed the air vent. Shaula couldn't resist just taking a peek inside...

Shaula looked around inside the dark vent, and studied everything about it. Maybe being a bit curious wasnt such a bad thing after all.

She crawled down a few feet and her thoughts were interrupted by a slight creaking sound. But the very next thing she knew, she was plunged into a sea of icy cold water, and struggled to swim out.

(OOC sorry just HAD to make something happen.. :D )

Marcus blinked as he saw Shaula fall in the pool. Sighing, he swam over. "You okay?" he asked softly, sitting on the edge of the pool. He looked at her, not knowing what else to say.

Brayden smiled. "You're too good for me." he said softly, getting up and throwing the plate out. He wiped his mouth with a napin and threw it out too. Brayden then pulled her over to the couch, pulling Brooke on top of him.

Brooke giggled and wiggled on top of him. She slid her hands into his shirt and let them roam about his muscular chest. "Mmm," she purred and softly kissed Brayden's lips.


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Lol, the keyboard is on fire.

Brayden grinned. "You're the only person I've ever felt this way about he whispered, kissing her passionately. He had his arms wrapped around Brooke, holding her tightly.


"Well, I don't, piercing boy." Taylor said, shrugging. She was starting to not mind being called Pretty Lady. It was almost...cute. Or something along those lines. "My cousin, who lives with me, is usually the one getting all the compliments. I've had one boyfriend, and he ended up dating Kaylin." Taylor looked down the long hallway and honestly, didn't mind the walk. Being with someone as cute as Sterling was a lot better than walking it alone.

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