Heart's Desire


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Brooke pulled away and looked him in the eye, puzzled. "For what?" she asked, genuinely curious. This was new for her. He was so different. The fact that Brayden actually liked Brooke for her. Most guys liked Brooke because she wasn't affraid to put out. But that was their only interest. Once they got what they wanted they were nowhere to be seen. Not that Brooke cared. But this was the first time a guy had actually made her feel somewhat special. Brooke didn't show it, but it really meant a lot.

"Well, I've had a rough life. Not a lot of people...if not anyone, have cared for me before." He explained. "You though, you're different. You're so amazing. You're the first person to care about me."

ooc: Wow, I just looked at Brayden's history in his from, and realized how similar it is to Marcus'.

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"Yeah, we did." Rubbing his eyes, Blaze slowly rose up, running a hand through his somewhat now messy hair. "That was a nice sleep.. I didn't have any dreams though. I guess I really was tired." He turned to look at Auburn. "What about you?"

Auburn blushed, unable to hide her embarrassment. "I, uh, I was dreaming of you kissing me," she admitted and cast her glance downwards. She felt rather pathetic. Auburn kisses the boy and all of a sudden he can't get out of her mind.

Brooke's smug and rather playful countenance fell into one more serious. She couldn't believe it. Here he was, a gorgeous guy with a bikini top and daisy duke clad babe straddling his lap, and all he can think of is thanking Brooke for caring about him. Brooke was downright speechless. Sure, all she was interested in were his looks before. That's how it always worked for her. Brooke sees a hot guy and she goes after him. But this time it was more than his looks. She liked Brayden. All of him. Brooke sighed and collapsed onto Brayden's chest, burying her face into his shirt. "I'm so confused," she muttered, her voice muffled.

Brayden looked at her, confused. "What about?" he asked softly. He continued to hug her, not sure what else to do.

ooc: sorry for fail post.

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"You, you're why," she whined, taking a handful of his shirt. Brooke took a deep breath and looked up at Brayden with a sideways smile. "You're the first guy I've ever felt . . . this way about. Every guy I've been with was just to mess around and go our separate ways. That's what I expected with you. But . . . ," Brooke paused, unsure how to explain what was in her head. "You're different surfer boy." Brooke, for the first time, kissed Brayden, not just to mess around, but to show him how she truely felt.

Brayden kissed her back passionately. "We'll your the first person I've ever felt any attachment to." He told her, smiling. Giving her another kiss, he asked her, "So what do you you feel about me then?" He asked softly, their foreheads touching.

Blaze smiled and reached out and patted Auburn's head. Then he blinked, and when he realized what he'd done (The kiss, that stroke of Auburn's soft hair, that pat)... He turned beet red. Again. Turning around while covering his face with his right hand, he announced, "Um, well, do you want to go grab something to eat again, or go explore the mansion further?"

"Well wait a minute," Auburn said with a small laugh and turned Blaze around. "What was that all about?" She smiled and cocked her head to the side. "You pat my head and then getting all flustered like that." Auburn laughed and eagerly waited for his response.

"Why would I do that?" Sterling asked with a grin. "I dont mind if you want to stop speaking. I won't leave you for a silly thing like that." Sterling chuckled and continued to walk as he flashed a handsome grin in Taylor's direction.

Brooke smiled. "I . . . Feel something for you surfer boy. I don't really know what it is. This is the first time I've felt this way." Brooke wrapped her arms tighter around Brayden and held him close as she gently pressed her soft lips to his cheek.

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Brayden smiled a little. "I feel the same way. I've never had any strong feelings for anybody before you." He told her. Giving her a kiss, his stomach growled. Brayden turned a shade of red. "Oh, sorry."

Brooke buried her face into Brayden's chest and laughed. "God you are too cute," she said and looked up at Brayden, taking her finger and trailing it down his chest. "You hungry surfer boy? Wanna go get something to eat?"

Brayden nodded slightly. "Yeah, that would be nice." he said softly. Getting up, he still had his arms wrapped around Brooke's waist. "What do you want to eat?" he asked her.

Brooke rested her head against Brayden's and thought. "Hmmm," Brooke said as she pondered what she was in the mood to eat. "I'm in the mood for a burger." She looked down and pat her bare tummy, the navel piercing that hung from her belly button dangling. "That sounds pretty good. I'm starved." Brooke reached up and grasped the hair tie that secured her ponytail and, with a swift tug, pulled it out, Brooke's long, black hair falling freely over her shoulders.

Brayden nodded. "I'll make some burgers then." he told her, getting out some ingredients. Since his cousins barely were home, he normally had to make himself food. He turned on the grill and put two patties on, "What do you want on your burger?" he asked.

Shaula was worn out after a long day. She needed a nap. "Just a quick nap," she reassured herself, "I don't want to sleep away the rest of the day."

A few seconds later, she was out like a light.

Blaze turned away for a moment, trying to hide the easily visible scarlet of his face. He then turned back, and told Auburn, "Well, it all just came back to me, all the things that happened today.. And that was my first kiss, so.." He realized how much he sounded like the girl in their relationship, and felt even more embarrassed.

Taylor cocked her head to the side, obviously still a little confused. She continued to walk, though, her arms unfolded, this time hopefully for good. "That's...different..." she commented, pushing her sideswept bangs out of her face.

Sterling laughed and smiled once more at Taylor. He watched carefully as she gently removed the hair out of her face and stopped, just looking at Taylor. "Wow," Sterling said, his steady gaze still locked on her. "You're gorgeous," he uttered, genuinely captivated by her pretty face. As he stood there gawking, Sterling noticed a tiny eyelash resting just atop the apple of Taylor's cheek. "Hold still," he whispered and gently grasped her shoulders, pulling Taylor closer to him. With a warm smile he placed his hand on the side of her face, his large palm cupping her cheek, and softly brushed the stray eyelash away with his thumb.

Auburn felt as if she could have melted right there in the middle of Blaze's room. Like a Popsicle. He was too cute! And so sensitive! She giggled and sank to her knees in front of Blaze, putting her forehead to his. Her magenta streaked black hair fell over her shoulders and beside her face, creating a kind of 'tent' around their faces. "You're adorable," Auburn purred and kissed Blaze once again, unable to resist.

Brooke squeezed Brayden and looked up at him, surprised. "You cook?" she asked. "Wow! I'm impressed surfer boy." She laughed and turned around so that she was facing Brayden and reached up, wrapping both arms around his neck. "How about you grill them and I'll prepare the fixings?" Brooke suggested.

Brayden nodded. "Yeah, I cook. My cousins are never around, so I have to make myself dinner a lot." he explained. "You can prepare the fixings." he added.

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