Highlands Hero High


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
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You have powers and after you graduate from Middle school you are sent off to a secret school. It is a high school for kids with powers to learn how to become superheroes. Of course, some people want to abuse powers and become villains, and the choice is up to you.


No Sues

Only 1 power

Semi-literate, 2 or more sentences.

All forms need to be approved by me.

No anime pics.

Have fun.



Age (14-18):





Hero or Villian:


Name: Zane Kayo

Age : 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Zane has very dark brown hair that is often mistaken for black. His eyes can appear to be green in most lights, but they are really hazel.He stands around 5'8, so he is average height. Not on the chubby side, he weighs around 130, which is a little light. As for his wardrobe, he doesn't really have a very specific one. He wears black converse high-tops, jeans, and a bunch of graphic t-shirts.

Personality: Zane is pretty laid back, liking to just go with the flow. He takes everything and isn't one to rush. He finds nothing a problem, which is his biggest flaw because he doesn't deal with anything, just let's it happens, making him a terrible hero.

Power: Electrokinetic

Radi: Hero


Name: Alyssa Finch

Age (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Alyssa is 5'4" and has shiny blue eyes. She has pale freckles fading when they get to the cheeks. Alyssa has long flowing blond hair, reaching her hip. It is straight, and she occasionally curls it or puts it in a ponytail. On special occasions, she makes some kind of hair style. She wears normal, skinny jeans, and noodle strap shirts, Alyssa usually wears ankle socks and flats or uggs depending on the weather. For her costume, she is planning on having a skin tight black shirt, reaching her elbows, black leggings, ruffled up to her knees. She also wants to wear boots and a black tiara.

Personality: Alyssa is a very enthusiastic person. She is not afraid to show what she's got, and she is not shy with groups. Alyssa has that friendly vibe, that makes you want to be friends with her, which is great when being a villain. She usually talks a lot, which causes her to be annoying at times. Many people who get annoyed yel at her, causing her to get mad. She can get impatient, and gets mad. Fortunately, she has control of her anger.

Power: Alyssa has the ability to morph into whatever she may choose. (Liquid, Solid, Gas) What is bad about this is that she gets bad headaches when using this too much.

Hero or Villian: Hero

Other: n/A

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Name: Jade Carter

Age (14-18): 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Jade's dark brown hair is long. Like, really long. It's not easy to keep on top of, and it's certainly not practical, but she loves it too much to cut it any shorter - right now, it's down to her waist. In her day to day life she tends to leave it in a ponytail or a messy bun, even a plait or two if she's feeling daring. She plans on unleashing it's full length as part of her future costume. Her clothing style is designed to make her as unnoticeable as possible - plain t-shirts, dark dresses with only a very small pattern on them at most, dark jeans, etc.

Personality: Personality: Not that many people know it, but Jade is a very deceitful girl. During her day-to-day social life she appears like she couldn't - wouldn't - hurt a fly. Sure, she's confident enough to be around groups of people and make friends etc, but she has a lack of trust (well, it's only to be expected, really) and if she's around anyone that makes her feel suspicious or uncomfortable she'll fake a spasm of shyness and run off. But that's all it is: an act. In reality, Jade is a very cold and calculating girl, showing levels of intelligence she wouldn't show in a public setting and she always seems to be one step ahead. Oh yes, she very much enjoys creating a devious plan and imagining the destruction caused when she finally gets to pull it off. However, she does start to act almost like a spoilt child if things aren't going her way, and she tends to act a lot more rashly in this state.

Power: Jade has the ability to blow anything up simply by turning her attention and concentration to it. Okay, so it has to be flammable, and she can't blow up people (thank the lord), but apart from that anything goes. She can control the size of the explosion, but she's taken it as a general rule that the bigger the object, the bigger the explosion. At school, she doesn't reveal the extent of her power, preferring to manipulate it in such a way that she can pass it off as an affinity for fire.

Hero or Villian: Villain

Other: Mm... nope. Will probably add another character later.

Yeah, I already said it was.

Name: Eli Payne

Age (13-16): 16

Gender: Male

Appearan: Eli is average height and weight for his age although is somewhat pale. Eli has messy, dark brown hair often covered by a beanie hat. He has green eyes, that change to brown in the clothes. He wears ripped jeans and long sleeve t-shirts, with a pull-over hoodie. Eli's hoodie swings over and covers his eyes, and there he has two eye holes to see, which is pointless but he thinks it looks cool.

Personality: Eli is a manwhore, loving to impress ladies and whatnot. He is not experienced and doesn't think things through, he does everything without thinking. That, and he's very annoying.

Power: Aerokinetic

Hero of Villain: Hero


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With a post, my dear friend.

It was only after half an hour or so of Jade being in school that she started to notice other people filing into the building. The window seat the small girl was curled up on allowed her to see anyone else coming into the building. It was why she liked this seat so much. Sighing and rolling her eyes at a group of boys pratting around, Jade turned away and buried her head in her book again to complete her image. "Idiots..."

Eli slowly walked his way in the school, his normal energy lacking because of a late night. Sadly, he knew he was going to have to lay low today, so he walked over and sat next to Jade, knowing that would be nice and quiet for the time being.

Zane was in a different classroom, sitting on his desk and just waiting for the bell. Nothing of interest was happening to him, so he pushed his desk back against the wall so he could lean back.

Alyssa walked inside the room and sat near the windowsill, two seats above this girl she sees around school school sometimes. Alyssa didn't know why she was here. Okay, she does need to know what to do when a villain and that boring stuff, but aren't there many villains who aren't trained? Alyssa banged her head against her desk a little too hard that she had a small bump where she had hit it.

OOC: Because Eli is a hero, shouldn't he be in another class that does not have villains in it like Alyssa and Jade?

OOC: Um, I don't think she'd know Jade is a villain unless she was one herself...

At the sound of the chair moving next to her Jade glanced up, noticing Eli sitting down next to her. "Oh. Hi." She gave a small smile, shutting her book and putting it away. Just because she was playing the shy girl, doesn't mean she couldn't talk. "How are you?" A small laugh. "You look tired. That's someone failing Combat today... not that I can talk..."

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Eli gave Jade a small seductive smile, never one to be rude to a girl. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, pretty girl. I always do fine." he said, looking her in the eyes. Resisting the urge to yawn, he asked her a question. "And what might your name be, beautiful? I haven't seen you before."

Although Jade wanted nothing more than to snap at this boy and tell him to disappear - in a slightly ruder way than that, mind you - she forced herself to hesitate, widening her eyes ever so slightly and stammering. "U-uh... Jade. I'm Jade." Another small smile and she turned away, ducking behind a strand of hair that had fallen out of her messy bun as she spoke again. "Y-yeah, no one really notices me... I've been here since day one, though. What about you?"

Alyssa knew that being a new girl wouldn't be that hard. Just look cool, act cool, and think cool. Alyssa was totally wrong. It had been her fourth day here and no one noticed her or talked to her. Well, yes there were some people who said hi on the first day, but, that was all. Alyssa slouched in her chair. After a long time of sitting frozen, she moved to the seat beside Eli, having nothing to do, and wanted to listen to the conversation they were talking about.

This is gonna be great xD

Eli smiled at Jade. "I'm Eliot, but just call me Eli. I've been hebeginnings he beginning, so I don't know how I missed your beautiful face." he said flirtatiously. "So...what's your power?"

Oh god xD

As Jade hadn't exactly acted as the most sociable person in the world, the blush that filled her cheeks was real, but she quickly smacked herself inside.He's an idiot. There's no point getting soppy. You know what he's like.. In response to the power question, she didn't speak, preferring to hold her fingertips to a piece of paper on her desk. With the tinest of explosions, it appeared that she'd lit it on fire. "What about you..?"

"Oh, me? I can't really do a lot, just am Aerokinetic, so I can control wind and stuff." Eli explained, sending a piece of paper across the room, before yawning and laying his head down on his desk. "Sorry...just...so..." he yawned again, and closed his eyes. "tired."

"So we're the two elements, huh?" Jade lied with a smile, before glancing up at the clock. Sighing, she began to drum her fingers on the table. "Ah, I want to get out of here... start proper classes..." She glanced back at Eli. "So you can fly?"

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