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No homework :D -dances-

I would have had Geometry like every night, but I have a Chapter Test though.

As of now I have:

*Math Exercise 11 #2-11, 13 and 14 then Exercise 1 on page 24 #2-56

*Read the fifth chapter of "Things fall apart" by Chihua Achebe and be prepared to summarize its contents tomorrow

*Draw the atomic structures and covalent bonding in methane, ammonia and water

*Read a comprehension passage for English and respond to all questions

Its not really an overload compared to how others have it but usually its the Math that takes most patience to work out. Our novel study on Things fall apart isn't unbearable but I find the story too complicated to follow. Drawing the atomic structures / covalent bonding in methane, ammonia and water takes no more than a minute or two and the comprehension exercises for English could take around 30-45 minutes at most. English homework usually consists of the same ritual read-and-answer type of questions but I'd rather write a research paper than do any of that. Hopefully we'll have more projects?

I think homework is worth a detention personally. But that's just me. ;]

-Decorate RPSE folder [2nd Oct]

-Finish Science booklet [1st Oct]

-Finish RPSE booklet [1st Oct]

-Finish Maths booklet [Various days until mid-October]

-Bring in a folder for History [Was actually due in today but I forgot and my teacher didn't care, 21th Sept]

Yeah, I think that's it...

I started my GCSEs this year, so already I've been bombarded with coursework in only the second week back..

French-- translating sentences and a sheet testing our knowlegde of using 'depuis' and 'ça fait'

English-- At least two sides all about yourself, including reading habits, political views (ehh..), interests, family, our house..

Art-- Two tonal drawings, spend an hour on each. One of someone old and one of someone younger than us.

History-- A group project to create a 1920's American style magazine, with four feature articles, a political cartoon, adverts and more..

Music-- Learn the Elements of Music and their definitions (something easy, at long last).

Maths-- Complete a paper on Cumulative Frequency, lots of graph drawing involved. Yaaaaay..

*sigh* So much to do ):

This afternoon I had:

- 2 worksheets on adding/subtracting polynomials (math) (easy peasy :D )

- Front and back worksheet on latitude and longitude (science) (somewhat easy peasy xD)

Hon. Alg II - Multiple problems that I can't remember?

Hon. Eng. 10 - Lottsss of stuff... essay on parallelism in Psalms, q & a on Psalms + the Book of Ruth, read Hebrew history packet.

Essay for student council application.

French essay about any topic.

Highschool? What grade are you going in to? I've never heard of anyone starting high school at the age of 12...
It's hard to explain.

I skipped Pre-K/Reception, so yeaaaah.. Plus we don't have Middle/Junior High School here. Only Primary and High. :)

Anyway, I got a little measly bit of homework.

Just to finish reading my book (Redwall). :D

About 200 pages to read over the weekend.. easy. :)

It's Friday, but I have to read chapter three of The Outsiders and do questions, and I've gotta finish my Italian project. Oh, and I have textbook work for social studies.

I'm in Grade 8.~

DONE MY DALAI LAMA ESSAY 8DD Now, I just gotta see if I'm gonna get accepted or not.

H1N1 essay. Half done.

Science thingy. Procrastinating.

^ For french. Well, we gotta choose our subject, and I thought swine flu would be an easy topic xD

Chemistry-- Studyguide, problem bank, and free response 1 due Tuesday. Physical and Chemical changes lab due Monday.

Algebra 2-- Bookwork and worksheet.

English--Short Story Style Analysis Rough Draft due Monday, Inside/Outside poem due godknowswhen.

Tech Theatre-- Six weeks project due 9/29.

WHAP--Study for test on Tuesday. Comparative essay on Monday.

Theatre-- Six weeks project due 9/29. Find a Glass Menagerie monolouge and do the 12 Guideposts of acting on it.

French-- We have to answer some questions in French.

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