HPV Vaccine


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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Ok, this Friday at our school the Grade 8 girls have the option of getting the HPV vaccine. I guess it consists of 3 shots, and they are extremely painful. So far, I'm the only girl in my grade who is getting it.

Apparently, it doesn't even work, I tried telling my parents that, and they said I still have to get it, and I have to go through pain and agony alone for nothing. :)

Are any of you getting it???

I had this needle. Well, I've had the first two instalments of it.

It seems to be perfectly safe. All the females in Years 7, 10, 11, 12 grade got it.


Okay, I had the three shots throughout the year. it didn't hurt a bit!!!

I had the first shot in April 20th (I was 11 but since I was close, they said they didnt care.)

2nd shot in..... when did I have it? oh yeah, June..... something.

3rd shot September 1st? somewhere around that. Didn't hurt. I also had another shot for.....something. (can't remember)

It was no problem. It just goes numb for a couple of days. The side effects are just:


swelling, itching or redness.... (if you don't move your arm that the needle(s) was shot in)

Low grade fever....

and some other stuff. Nothing to worry about. The pain also depends on your veiw. So, to ignore the pain, just curl your toes or think about good things.

No Problems!


Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all. :D

I had it before and it don't hurt. :blink:

I remember when the hep C needle went out in 2004. (I think.) :rolleyes: I can't really remember, I was in Year 3. :p

Everone was scared, but when it's over, you fell silly for worring. :wacko:

Just get it over and done with. ;)

Oceangotchi123 :p

I go for my third shot Nov 21. It's not painful o.o

The only pain you feel is your arm will be a little sore for a few hours.

Where did you read that it didn't work?


My mom wanted me to get them...but luckily, I was to young!! (Eeee ^-^) lol

Oh yeah, and the HPV vaccine does work. It helps you so you dont get cancer. I know.
Not completely. It helps prevent things(can't remember the right word, 5am, tired) that can cause cervical cancer. Not actually the cancer itself.

It's still a good thing to get though.

I don't really see why anyone would pass up an opportunity to get it. 3 shots to help prevent a type of cancer? Yes please.

I had my second shot a couple days ago.

I'd hardly call it "painful." The first time I got three shots at the same time, one of them being the HPV, and that was hardly painful ethier.

My braces, when they're sore, hurt WAY more than those needles.

I wouldn't pass up a chance to get vaccinated for cancer. Cancer sucks.

Is it just the time of year for these shots or what?

I think I had mine a couple years ago, I remember that I needed 3 of something, so I'm assuming this was it. To my knowledge, they were just like any other shot... Just a prick, your arm's sore for a little bit (be careful who you tell, some people like to punch your sore arm, ha ha ha)... And that's it.

I also don't mind needles. :p

I'm awaiting the thing here in my province that says it'll be free. It still costs money here to get this vaccine.

As for needles, they don't hurt. I've had enough of them in my life in my arm through Depo shots and giving blood. If you think that's a lot of pain, I think you're overdramatizing the whole experience and should face your fear. I certainly did and I definitely was no fan of needles in my arm or poking my finger to check blood sugar levels.

I also want to know where exactly you heard this thing doesn't work? Did you read it in an article? Heard it from a doctor? I'd like to know to check your sources because I'm getting the hunch you are mislead on somethings if not a lot of things.

Not completely. It helps prevent things(can't remember the right word, 5am, tired) that can cause cervical cancer. Not actually the cancer itself.It's still a good thing to get though.

I don't really see why anyone would pass up an opportunity to get it. 3 shots to help prevent a type of cancer? Yes please.
Human Papilloma Virus.

The vaccine DOES work, or else it wouldn't have been passed by the FDA.

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Needles stink.


Sorry if thats not the best advice!

Just hold yer breath, close your eyes, and hold a teddybear.

Get laughed at? Yes. Less hurt? YES!


Needles. =D

Ok, this Friday at our school the Grade 8 girls have the option of getting the HPV vaccine. I guess it consists of 3 shots, and they are extremely painful. So far, I'm the only girl in my grade who is getting it.
Apparently, it doesn't even work, I tried telling my parents that, and they said I still have to get it, and I have to go through pain and agony alone for nothing. :lol:

Are any of you getting it???
I have had my first in the serious of 3 shots. It really doesn't hurt that bad at all. You'll be fine. :)



Shots aren't so bad- I actualy laughed a bit when I got mine last year. ^^;

I had a needle last week in School for hep B and whoever told you its painful lied You might have a sore arm but thats normal.

For those of you who are old enough to do a bit of research, you can find out more about the vaccine at https://www.gardasil.com/ It is the official website for Gardasil.

How painful the shot is depends upon the individual. Personally, I have found them to have them to have quite a bite to them. You will find that placing an icepack on the injection site for 5-10 minutes after will help relieve the swelling and pain. ;)

Gardasil definately works. There has been extensive research and trials to support human administration and hence, the reason why it is being given out like candy. Again, for those of you who are old enough to understand a bit about research you may find more information here: https://www.merckvaccines.com/vaccines/gard...fficacy_cc.html

Just remember that gardasil only protects against the most common forms of HPV (there are quite a few) so that doesn't mean you can have unprotected sex and be assured freedom from cervical cancer. :kuribotchi:

When I got my first HPV vaccine shot, the nurse said my arms were to skinny and I should get it in my hip.

She said it'd hurt less than getting the shot in my arm, and it still hurt more than a normal shot (normal shots don't bother me)

But I'd rather be a little sore for a day than get cervical cancer.

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I saw an ad for the vaccine on TV. My mom wants to talk to my doctor about me getting it. I'm not too worried, as it's something that'll help me. After the incident after my first flu shot, I've really learned that needles aren't that bad.

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