I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Is it in any particular order?

Asher took the garlic from her and helped to steady her as she just about fell onto him. "No problem," he chuckled. He crushed the garlic with the side of the knife he'd used for the vegetables and then put it into the pan.

Haha, not really. Because there are a few people tied for first-- including you. xD

Lucy kept stirring the food, and smiled up at Asher. "I'm really glad you're helping me out. It's nice to have a friend, besides my brother and his pals." She inhaled through her nose, and then sighed happily. "It smells great."

I feel special =D

I forget how quickly you reply sometimes xD

Asher smile back slightly. "Well.. Thank you.. I'm glad that you like having me around. It makes a nice change," he chuckled. "And I'm glad I have a friend. At all, not just here." He sniffed the air and agreed, "It does."

I'm a mega fast replyer. I know, it's insane. xD

Lucy turned off the stove, and got out two plates. "Help yourself," she told him, still smiling. "There's enough to last a week, it looks like." She quickly went to the fridge and grabbed a soda. "What can I get you?"

It's good, though. Some people I know are insanely slow and it's annoying.

Though, I know I usually am when I'm on the wii xD

Asher dished up for himself. "Um.. If you've got Coke-- yes, drinking Coke--, I'll have that, please," he replied as he put the spoon back into the pan after getting his food.

I usually never get on the wii to get on tamatalk. I can't stand typing on it. xD

Lucy nodded, pulling out a bottle of coke. "Here you go!" She replied, moving to get some food for herself. She didn't really take that much, just in case she got full quickly. She led Asher over to the living room. "Yeah, we eat in the living room most of the time."

I've gotten used to it.

It's the only way I can really get on for long periods of time. My parents kick me off the computer, but they don't know how long I'm on the wii for because I can be doing other things in between.

Crafty, eh? xD

Asher thanked her and followed her into the living room. "That's alright. We used to eat around the table back home until I got to about twelve. Then I cooked for myself and usually ate in my room," he chuckled. "And now I also eat in the living room at the new place."

Very crafty! You are a wily fox!

How's musical stuff going?

Lucy plopped down on a bean bag chair, grinning. "We're so unconventional!" She declared, opening her soda. She took a sip, then started eating. When she had finished a bite, she said, "The pepper and garlic are exactly what this food needed!"

Indeed xDD

It's good. Only one rehearsal last week, and only one this week, as well. First rehearsal went really well, though.

Mr. Carey put me in this group with some other girls (including the girls playing Mayzie and Gertrude, who are just amazing)/ He split the cast up into vocal ranges and then said. "Everybody in the middle, singing the high part, I'm going to play and you're going to listen to that group over there because they really know how to sing!"

It felt good to be part of that group xD

Asher sat down on the other bean bag next to her and tried some of the food. "Yeah, it's good. Well, it was good before, of course, but it's better now. Even if I do say so myself," he agreed with a smile, setting his Coke down on the floor for the moment.

Yay! You go Tarryn!!! <3

Lucy nodded, continuing to eat. She noted his smile. He's really good looking... She finished her plate eventually, and found that she was full. It was weird, she normally ate like a horse. She got up, and put her plate in the sink. Then, she returned, and sat down again.

:) I can't wait to really get going on it. I'm so excited.

And it looks like I'm in a lot of songs this time. And I also looked around to see whose auditions I saw, who else has been in the musicals before, and who else is my age. I got better parts than all of them =D

I really want to do Hairspray for some reason, though xD

Asher had, quite understandably, eaten more food than her, and tok a little bit longer to finish his plate. He followed suit once he was done, taking his plate to the sink and then coming back, sipping at his Coke for a bit. "Well, thanks for dinner," he said. "It's been a long time since I last did this."

Her face flushed ever so slightly, a bit embarrassed, "Most people think it's funny that I play bagpipes. You're one of the few people who think it's interesting."

You will love it. =D

I don't really want to do hairspray.

I'm not fat enough to be Tracy! D=

Eric shook his head. "It's different in a good way. And people who think that it's weird can go and fight the war. Their opinions don't matter, in the end." He shrugged, smiling slightly.

Lucy smiled and said, "Don't mention it. I really like having you over here." She raised her coke slightly, then took a sip, finishing off the drink.

"You're a strange guy, Eric, but that's kinda nice. Most Americans I have met seem to be very selfish and judgmental." she chuckled, "I guess your right though, their opinions don't matter. They're probably just jealous that I can play bagpipes and they can't."

I <3 bagpipes -shot-

Noone in our theatre group could be fat enough to be Tracy xDD

Nor do we have anyone who's black.

So, really, the whole moral would be defeated. I just love the songs <3

"Oh.. Well, great." Asher, for the first time that evening, smiled a truly whole-hearted smile. It wasn't often he got to know people well enough to really enjoy their company, or for them to enjoy his, either.

We don't have enough black people, either.

and really... I don't know if anybody could play Tracy. *sigh*

I want to do Beauty and the Beast.

Lucy noticed this change in his smile, and it made her smile whole heartedly as well. She was hopeful he didn't mind her company. She didn't have many friends of her own-- in fact, she didn't really have any friends of her own. She had her brother, and acquaintances.

Eric said, "I'm sorry America's giving you such a bad vibe. Although... I don't blame yuo for feeling that way. A lot of people are getting fed up with it, lately. All the war drafting and stuff... it's horrible."

Grease for me, actually.

I could be a good Sandy, if I could sing well enough xD

"So.. When my aparment's done, anyway.. You could come over sometime.. I mean, if you want," he offered, his smile already a bit more tentative. "But.. Just to see you again anywhere.. Well, it would be nice."

I would looooooove to do Grease.

Lucy blushed. "You really mean that?" She asked hesitantly, her shyness returning. Nobody usually ever told her that. Well, except her boyfriend, when he was still alive. It was nice to feel like someone genuinely wanted to see you.

The school near me did Hairspray and Grease last year, and they're doing Sweeney Todd this year.

I'm uber jealous!

"Well, sure, unless you don't want to," Asher chuckled quietly. "But, I do like being around you, I truly mean that."

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