I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Eric watched, slightly amused. He got up, and walked over to her, handing her the money to buy another pretzel. "Here. I'm feeling generous today." He smiled, and extended his hand. "I'm Eric. Who're you?"

"Hm? Nah, it's okay, I have the money to buy another, thanks though." She said, her French accent hanging heavily in her words, throwing the pretzel away, "I'm Alysson, nice to meet you." She looked at his extended hand, like Pocahontas did 8D appearing to be confused.

Eric said, "It's nice to meet you. So... you're not from around here, are you? You're accent is beautiful. French?" He gently reached out and shook her hand. (lyke John Smith!!!!!!!!!!!) "Handshake." He added, explaining.

"Oh. So that's why you had your hand extended." She said, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Thanks, and yes, I'm from France."

Yes, yes, I know that French people do shake hands but lets just say Alyss was too anti-social to know that. lD

"No, it's nothing truly horrible. It's just... my parents figured Eric would stay at Harvard, and be a lawyer like dad. And, well..... he didn't. My parents had high expectations for us. And we ended up landing way below what they'd wanted, in the end. Eric dropped out, and went to New York. I went with him, because I couldn't handle the pressure of being "perfect." I mean... my mom made me do beauty pageants. If I didn't win, she'd get mad, and tell me I wasn't trying hard enough. I was sick of it... and my small town."
"Oh.. I see," Asher said, glad that he was able to feel less awkward about it now. "I understand that fully, though. My parents.. Of course they love my art, but they don't think I should take it on as a career. They've had a family business back home and they were expecting me to take over from them. They don't think I'll earn a good enough living unless I work there. I don't believe that's the whole truth, somehow, but I don't care what the reason anymore. Art is my passion, it's life for me."

XD Hooray for anti-socialness!!!

Eric said, "That's far out!" He grinned. "So, have you been here long, or did you just get here?" He let the end of his guitar case rest on the ground, to take some strain off of his arm. Carrying it around could be pretty tiring after a while. But, he didn't necessarily mind.

Lucy kept cooking, managing to talk and cook at the same time. "I understand how parents want what's best for us. But they were like us once, too. And I'm sure they had dreams, and made mistakes. I think we deserve to make our own lives, you know? Seriously, I don't want to be the perfect housewife from "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine."

I'm tired. I stayed up till 2 am talking to Becca and David and Sarah xDDD Because I have no life.

Eric nodded. "I've been playing since I was nine," he told her. "Do you play any instruments?" She moved to sit down on a bench, gesturing for her to sit beside him.

Oh, God, I just cried my eyes out watching Ghost xD

"I'm sure they'd be thrilled to know some of the things I've done with my friends." Asher chuckled as he finished cutting up the vegetables and pushed the board aside.

was it good?

I have to watch "The ring" for a haunted House I'm working at xD

Lucy poured the rice in the pan with the chicken, and then put in the vegetables. She started mixing them all together, letting them fry. "So far.. I haven't done anything too bad. I mean, I've had the occasional glass of an alcoholic drink, but... other than that, I'm pretty stable. Still, my parents would probably kill me."

Eric said, "Wow! I've never met anyone who plays bagpipes before. That's really interesting!" He sounded geniunely impressed.

So,so, good <3

I haven't seen it, actually. My parents don't like horror movies much.

Asher smiled wryly, "I tried pot once, that was an interesting experience," he chuckled. "People don't expect it from me, like I'm too quiet. Frankly, I'm surprised at myself from doing it. There was also the occasional herbs smoking, doesn't have the same sort of side effects, so I didn't mind that so much. But now I look back at it, and I don't know why I did it. Any of it."

I'm not into horror movies. But I'm going to be the girl from the ring, so I need to know what to do.

Lucy said, "This one time, Eric and I tried LSD. It's really amazing. Everything looks beautiful, and colorful, and it's crazy." She giggled a little bit. "But, we haven't done it since, because we don't have the money. And I ended up passed out on the couch."

Oh, I see xDD

Back in a bit, dinner :)

"Yeah. It's good fun, until afterwards anyway. Still, we're still young, recover fine enough. We did get our hands on ecstasy once, but I didn't get any. Got called in early, and couldn't get out of it," he laughed.

Okay. =)

Lucy laughed, turning her attention back to the food. "Hm... it looks done!" She said, smiling. She got a spoonful, then blew on it to cool it off. "Here, try it." She said. "I feel like it's missing... something."

Asher went ahead and ate the food off the fork. He was quiet for a moment as he chewed, then swallowed it. "I would say.. Pepper, and.. Well, a herb of some sort. Depending on what you have. I think, anyway," he said.

Lucy grabbed some pepper and tossed it in casually, then went hunting for more herbs and spices. "Hmmm...." She got on top of the count, peering in the cabinets. "How about.... garlic, maybe?"

Yay, I'm on your awesomeness list! =D

Asher nodded, "Yeah, I think garlic would be great, actually," he replied. "Do you need some help getting it?" he asked, after observing how she had to get on the counter in amusement.

<3 I finally decided to make a list of peoples that rock. =)

Lucy laughed. "I've got this!" She pulled out the garlic, and handed it to him. After she did that, she hopped off of the counter, basically pouncing on Asher. "Sorry!" She exclaimed, going back to stirring the food.

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