I aM tHe WaLrUs


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Morgan sat up, and went into her bathroom. She took a shower, and came out in a white robe with her hair wrapped in a towel. She made some coffee and turned on the news. Great, it was supposed to rain again today. She thought. Morgan went to her closet and put on a sundress. She threw her hair into a ponytail and put on some flip flops. After grabbing her sweater, her messenger bag, and her pointe shoes, she ran out the door.

She grabbed her hand and pulled her self up,"No,it was my fault,I wasn't watching where I was going"she dusted her self off,"im Mari,Not pronounced Ma-REE,its like Mars but no s and the e sound at the end.".

Asher woke up some five minutes later, and completely forgot where he was for a moment or two, considering Lucy wasn't there, not much served as a reminder. He sat up in bed before getting up at last, and heading through into the living room, running a hand back through his hair, which had been in disarray. He noticed Jesse and Mari first, before finally seeing Lucy in the kitchen. "Morning," he said as he came in, smiling sleepily.

Lucy kept cooking breakfast, turning to smile at Asher. "You hungry? I'm making eggs and bacon!" She focused her attention on trying not to burn herself, as she usually did.

Eric finally rolled out of bed, and went to the door. He yawned as he opened it, still in his jeans, without his shirt. "Hey Alyss!" He said, smiling sleepily. "Come on in."

Her face flushed, "Did you just wake up or something, Eric?" she asked, trying to not stare. Well, at least he's got pants on....

Eric nodded, scratching the back of his head. He reached out and took her hand, pulling her inside. "Lucy's cooking breakfast, if you want anything. Eggs and bacon, I think." He put an arm around her, and pulled her close. Then he realized he was shirtless. "Woah, my bad. Let me go put a shirt on or something."

"I already ate." She smiled, giggling as he pulled her close. Her giggles grew into light laughs as he finally realized he was shirtless.

Eric went to his bedroom, and pulled on a white t-shirt. He returned, and kissed Alyss on the forehead. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked, sitting on the couch.

Lucy said, "Well... if I get burned, you have to help me fix it, okay?" She smiled up at him like a child, then went back to cooking. She hummed quietly, feeling very cheerful.

"Yup~" She giggled, sitting next to him, her cheeks still a bit pink. "Do you want to do something today?" She asked, leaning against him, her head on his shoulder.

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Eric said, "Well, it depends. Do you have anything in mind?" He rested his cheek against the top of her head, smiling.

Lucy said, "I slept great. It was one of the few times I haven't had nightmares in my sleep. How about you? You didn't mind sharing a bed, did you?"

"Great, actually. It was the first night since I've been here that the noise didn't actually bother me," he said. He chuckled, "I wasn't expecting it, but it didn't bother me in the slightest. I kind of liked it actually." He made it sound like he was admitting it, rather than just telling her.

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