Me & My Tamagotchis, XXKayaXX's Tamagotchi Log!


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YAY! Katy's baby took a nap tonight, and guess what? It's time for Generation 2! Katy just got outta here now so please allow me to introduce you to... Gemma, Katy's daughter! Amazing! Katy spent a whole week with me and NOW SHE'S A MOTHER! OMG!

I'll update when Gemma becomes a child.

Gemma is now Mizutamatchi! This is the only time she'll be the same as Katy. She'll now evolve into one of five different teens and fifteen different adults. Amazing! Seven years old and still going strong! (That's my slogan, "Fourteen years old and still going strong!") I really do think it would be good to mention it's based on the V2. *bliss* I love my V2, it's a great start back in 2005. Great job from Bandai, I do admire them.

I'll update tomorrow!

Sayyyyyyyyyyyy... speakin' of my V2, I think I'll flick out Jory's battery since he's been nothing but an absolute pain since I hatched him, even going as far as beeping me in the night. Let me tell you about that. Well, I gave him 3 strikes and when he used his third, he had his sound turned off. (It was about 7AM but I was tired so I needed to sleep in. Don't beep at me, I'm sleeping in. Although I couldn't because being beeped at by Jory for the third time caused me to forget it and get up anyway.

So I'm takin' out his battery and poppin' it in my V2 instead. And yes, I'm keeping the name, but not the personality...

See? That's why you MUST NOT change/fool 'bout with the time, or that happens. LESSON LEARNT. Still, I am holding back my upsets for any future cases of being beeped at like that. I'm not gonna tolerate that anymore. Nope. Next time it happens, it's that sound (and every other with sound on) turned off immediately. I'm gonna call it "Night-beep harassment" and the only way to prevent it is to turn the sound off and keep the time correct. So new rule:


Anyway, let's start up my V2.

I'm trying for a boy, but girl should be as Jory is a G-A name. It's a boy anyway.

I'll update when he becomes a child!

Oh my goodness! *instantly starts crying* UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!

Kirstie has turned into ICHIGOTCHI! I HATE Ichigotchi, I ALWAYS have. She's a HORRIBLE, UGLY, BARBARIC little strawberry-like weirdo who I just want to crush and have rid of forever! This couldn't be any worse. Against my curfew again! I wish someone would eat her or something before she upsets everyone!! Have her for a snack! YEAH!! EAT HER UP! EAT HER UP! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY I GOT ICHIGOTCHI IN MY TUMMY!

LOL sorry about that, I'm just joking about something I hate. I'll..see you tomorrow when the ugly fruititionist is gone for good and we've got an adult.

I married Marotchi a while back to Kuchipatchi, and she'll have her egg soon. Jory turned into Marutchi as well. Gemma should be turning in a few hours.

Oh my gotchi! Gemma has just turned into Hinotamatchi! Now this is the guy who keeps showing up on my V1.

I decided to take it once again. I started my V1 and now I've got to remove the battery from my V2, Jory (He became Nikatchi) so what I did was put him to bed a minute before he wakes up and quickly pause him when he did. So then I could remove his battery and place it in my V1.

Yeesh. That didn't end well - it DID NOT. Kirstie turned into Masktchi.

I decided to start my P2 again. This time I paused all my others so I can give it my full attention. Our second day is almost over and it's bedtime for him in about 15 minutes.

Kuchi and Marotchi left today with a baby boy. He became Ahirukutchi.

Kuribotchi on TMGC+C became Kikitchi

Kony my V1 died today, but she was Marutchi.

I don't really know when my P2 is going to become a teen...I think it's 3 days. I'll post a topic about it and try to collect some information from members. Anyway, I decided to restart my TMGC+C (again) and we've got a boy. I'll update when Kuribotchi appears!

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