Meeting People From TT


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I'd love to get my butt to every single place in the world at the moment, but unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees, and I don't own a money-making machine. Dx
I'll get where I can... but at the moment the 3 highest possibilities for me are New Zealand (which is almost a definite), Canada (most likely Vancouver cause that's where mum wants to go), and hopefully Sydney.

Mum's always completely cool with me meeting people, as long as I'm absolutely positive they're not some creepy stalker guy.
You will get your butt over to the Maritimes, and you will do it or I'll find you!!!

I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to meet you! msn convo's aren't good enough!!!

My dad would (literally) kill me if he found out my internet life (you know what I mean), so just gradually, and act like we never planned this. (And say your my best bud from Camp.) hehe. Evil genious here (points to me)

You will get your butt over to the Maritimes, and you will do it or I'll find you!!!
I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to meet you! msn convo's aren't good enough!!!

My dad would (literally) kill me if he found out my internet life (you know what I mean), so just gradually, and act like we never planned this. (And say your my best bud from Camp.) hehe. Evil genious here (points to me)
Lol Kaaaay, don't make me sad. ):

I need to meet you too, and I will sooner or later.

At the moment mum doesn't wanna go to Maritimes, and doesn't plan on it. Dx. But as soon as I become completely independant, that'll be one of the first places I choose to go :)

I'll meet you one day, Kay.

^^ Mummy's enquiring (sp?). She says it's almost a definite, though we gotta get a good deal for accomodation and flights. It'd make ths year so much more memorable.

Gah. My uncle rang today and said "I should come over to see you soon, so you don't have to come here" I was about jumped the ditch to slap him.

Lol Kaaaay, don't make me sad. ):I need to meet you too, and I will sooner or later.

At the moment mum doesn't wanna go to Maritimes, and doesn't plan on it. Dx. But as soon as I become completely independant, that'll be one of the first places I choose to go :)

I'll meet you one day, Kay.

But seriously, I NEED to see you. (I'm obsessed over you. Not kidding. I dedicated a whole page in my diary to you. It's WEIRD!)

But seriously, I NEED to see you. (I'm obsessed over you. Not kidding. I dedicated a whole page in my diary to you. It's WEIRD!)
Lol Kaaay.

I can't even keep a diary. I fail at it. I've tried, but it resulted in an epic failure. So consider yourself lucky, haha.

I'll meet you one day, promise. Even if it's when we're old ladies with great grandchildren, it'll happen.

I'm going to Norfolk this summer.
That means it will take you an hour to get into Norfolk then. :)

I'ma do a trip around the world and magically appear at everyone's door that I wanna meet. Then, I'll get a plane and we can all fly to Mars. :wacko:

That means it will take you an hour to get into Norfolk then. :)
I'ma do a trip around the world and magically appear at everyone's door that I wanna meet. Then, I'll get a plane and we can all fly to Mars. :wacko:
Do I get to comee toooo?

I want the back room of the plane, me and a few particular friends got some stuff [ people ] to do.

Senny, now that I told my mum about you, and mum's cool with it, we could send letters. (better yet, tell my mum if she doens't take me to aussieland before I'm 15, I'm taking my money, booking a flight to Aussieland, and live with Senny.) hehe.

I want to meet you before I'm 20!!! (If I don't see you before I'm 25, I'm going over there. Believe me, that's 100% guarentied.)

Mikeyy; We should attempt to meet withtout our parents finding out xD

Mikeyy; We should attempt to meet withtout our parents finding out xD
I'm working on that with Katie and Sango XD

If my parents supported me meeting people online (or even just TALKING to them), my life would be so much easier D:

I'm working on that with Katie and Sango XD
If my parents supported me meeting people online (or even just TALKING to them), my life would be so much easier D:
I knoww. The planning the meeting isn't too hard; the hard part is trying to not let your parents find out.


I received Chelle's letter today! It was a great surprise after being drunk on Coke and sleeping over my brother's house, haha. Anyway, yeah. I shall never take that Friendship Bracelet off. EVER.

Mum finds it weird how there's a lot of people called Michelle. xD. And it's a big possibility that I'll be meeting one this Christmas. 8D

I'll be in Florida in November... I oughta find Alex... Rawr~
haha, I might be in Florida then too. Doubt we'll meet, but still..

Florida ftw

Things have changed.

I want to meet Alex, Nicola, and Mandi.

And a few others.

Mikeyy; We should attempt to meet withtout our parents finding out xD

Our parent's could drop us off at playland and then we'll just casually meet each other at a ride and be like, "Oh heeyy! Mom, dad, this is my friend from camp! =]"

Unless, you didn't go to camp. Then this plan is a fail. xD

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