Mental breakdowns.


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
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NSW, Australia
I was digging through my memories the other day and uncovered some that I had blanked out.

I've actually had a few breakdowns at school infront of many people. Breakdowns are basically what happens when people lock up their emotions for a long time and then a certain incident will just make them erupt like a volcano. This is going to be a long post.


The first time I had one, I was 11 years old and it was the year my mum passed away. I was at a school camp and everyone had been really mean to me because we went canoeing and something happened *Cbb typing it all out* and I couldn't help my friend because I didn't know how to swim, but everyone was giving me crap about it and a teacher even announced it on the awards night... My friend got an award for what she did with the canoeing thing and the teacher was like 'And *friend* did blah blah blah while Lara (me) sat in the canoe watching her swim!!' I was SO humiliated, she ridiculed me in front of everyone and made me look like a bad person.. everyone was like 'OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HER!' and then one night, it was time for everyone to shower and get ready for bed. We were only allowed 2 minute showers because there wasn't enough hot water and guess what? I was the one who happened to be in the shower when the hot water ran out. Everyone was yelling at me, saying 'OMG I HAD TO HAVE A FREEZING COLD SHOWER' 'This person is going to KILL you!' 'Thanks alot!' and that was it. I cracked. I remember being on the bed screaming 'NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN! I WAS A MISTAKE!! I WAS A MISTAKE!!!'


It's really sad to remember actually.


Another one was my first year of high school. I was 12 years old and I'd had a really hard time because I had no proper friends. I used to cry all the time because I was always really upset and people picked on me in class, not to mention I was the target of a cruel, horrible girl. Let's call her S. It happened in Art one day. There was a textbook that we were doing work from, and S was flicking through it looking at all the pictures. There was one of a naked statue that she was laughing at, and as she kept flicking through the book and there was a particular picture that I really didn't like. It was a drawing of a woman laying on a bed with a sad little girl standing next to her. It was titled 'The dead mother and her child' and It looked like my mother and I when she had just passed away. Anyways, S noticed my reaction to the picture and purposely kept flicking back to it when she knew I was looking. I said 'I really don't like that picture, I really don't want to see it again' and she was like 'Why? It's just a grandma!' But she knew exactly why I didnt like it. She just kept showing me that picture over and over again until I cracked. I burst into tears and a guy in my class turned around and said 'Oh my god Lara, why do you always cry?!' and I was like 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!' He was like 'o_0' I yelled some more but I've blanked that part out.

If anyone ever asked S about what happened, She would say she was only showing me the picture of the naked statue. No-one ever believed what S put me through. There were other things she did to me besides that, and I'll never, ever forget.


Have any of you ever had a breakdown? If so, Why?

Yeah. My boyfriend broke up with me. A few days later I just Burst out crying. I felt like an idiot.

=( thats terrible, i have more of a tantrum than a break down

The peoples at my school are always talk behind my back, and sometimes it make me so p.o. and I get frustration built up, so one day while doing my science fair projects, i could'nt do it so i broke down in tear and made a dent in the wall, and cut myself =(, not proud, but feeling better.

I'm like a brick wall. You can hit me with a lot but it takes a lot to get me to collapse. Currently taking *edit* from a certain *edit* but I put on a good face and laugh at her while i'm eating myself on the inside. I've never been faced with enough stress to mentally breakdown but if much more crap is given to me thats *edit* is gonna have her face rearranged.

*edit* TamaMum:

Please make sure you use appropriate language for a family friendly forum?


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^I'm the exact same way.

I rarely have mental breakdowns in front of people because I was made fun of a lot when I was little. So i'd come home from school and cry and then eventually I said screw it and locked up my emotions. Well, once I was upset and I flipped out on the boy I liked xD I still don't know if he knew. I was all "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!" and he's just all "I do care about you it's just..." and then I was all "IT'S JUST WHAT?!" I flipped xD

Ugh :\

I remember last year, I was having this hugee fight with Katie, and it was awful, and I'd just gotten a text from her saying "Ali, I don't want to speak to you much anymore, it's too much, us fighting so much at the moment. Maybe we'll fix it later? Who knows. Anyway, I'm sorry. Bye."

I was doing my homework, and I started crying and my brother came in and was like "OI COME AND WASH UP NOW!" and I started swearing and screaming at him and stuff, and he was like "Far out sis, seriously, just come and freakin' wash up, she'll get the stick outta her butt soon enough." And then I started throwing my pencils at him one by one, even after he'd closed the door and left. Then I screamed into my pillow for about half an hour, and got a call from her at 2AM saying how she missed me and we fixed it and she came over and we pained my door :)

Last year I thought I was getting one, but I was exaggerating.

Everyone just started ignoring me all of a sudden and I was like ''YOU IDIOTS! BASTARDS! I HATE YOU ALL!''. And they were like ''...O_O''. Then Hina said that they wanna be my friends again and all was well.

Then again the other night, I broke down. My brother wasn't locking the door, moving out (he's 22 and I dont have my own room), and he was telling mum she's PMSy, has her period and is a bastard. So I just started crying, yelling and screaming at him. I feel sorry now, but all is well between us too.

Just this year, I was out of anxiety medication for a week and a half, for whatever reason, and I broke down. It was in the middle of science class. We had a sub [who I feel bad for because she was really nice..] who was calling role, and she called my name and I said here, raised my hand, but didn't raise my head from my desk because I had a terrible migrane. So she waited about five minutes while the class stared at me and finally said, "I'm waiting for you to look at me." When I looked up and stared at her I think she knew something was wrong, but waited until we started the video to ask me if I needed to go to the nurse, and I just burst into tears and had a meltdown in the middle of the hallway.

It's never been quite that bad, but I have self harmed before, which I'm not proud of.. There have been multiple times that I've been sick of living due to anxiety and depression, but I'm still here, breathing. :3

Last year I thought I was getting one, but I was exaggerating.
Everyone just started ignoring me all of a sudden and I was like ''YOU IDIOTS! @!*$%! I HATE YOU ALL!''. And they were like ''...O_O''. Then Hina said that they wanna be my friends again and all was well.

Then again the other night, I broke down. My brother wasn't locking the door, moving out (he's 22 and I dont have my own room), and he was telling mum she's PMSy, has her period and is a bastard. So I just started crying, yelling and screaming at him. I feel sorry now, but all is well between us too.
Uh.. Could we keep the swearing down a bit?

I haven't had any breakdowns as far as I know. But i am quite offended easily, and usaully I am alone.

i have tantrums all the time because i have autism.... :blink: it sucks, i'm high fuctioning, i can talk like a normal person but sometimes i speak random gibberish and TV Talk...and some Pokemon talk...XD

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Yes, I've had many mental breakdowns before.

I don't really care to talk about them at the moment. Perhaps sometime though.

Not that I remember... It's hard for me to even cry in front of people.

I've had my fair share and I don't want anymore. There have been times when--ahh--there still are times when I just want everything to be over.

Yes. Yes I have. But. I never cry when I have them, I'm just screwed up in that sense.

Almost a month ago, I cried for the first time in five years. And it wasn't because life sucked. It was because I had to get a shot. I curled up into a ball in the corner of the big white room, shaking, and whispering to myself. I don't even remember what I said... It's all so fuzzy now. Well, at least my mom thought it was funny.

Sometimes I just start crying. Not in front of people though. Also, I can't take criticism. Yes, I'm that weird. When people criticise me, I'll keep criticising them. And then a criticism war starts, but I usually win. I remember, once in class, I just started crying, and then random people asked me if I was ok, and then I just tell them it was my contacts that were bothering me. Actually once last year, I just burst out in tears in the middle of the class, because at that time, my dog was sick.

well im sure every1 has broken down like that! And if not will sooner or later in their lives. Mine was kinda scarey, so i dont wanna share it...... ^_^ :( :)

I broke down like yesterday and ended up stuck under my bed stressing out. Then something clicked inside my brain and my non-stop crap mood had been lifted and i'm back to good old happy spaz Michelle.

Oh yes I have breakdowns like crazy. Just the other day I was about to have one, because someone was annoying the living crap out of me. :eek: but, usually...I have breakdowns before that time of month. Girls, you know what I'm talking about right? :(

Temari Nara

I am not the type of person who has breakdowns, so when i cry, i cry harder.

One time last year, people were picking fun at me, but i just sucked all my emotions in and i made fun of them back (the insults weren't even that offensive to me anyway) then this one kid (who i swear was a real retard) said some dumb thing about my mom, the first two seconds after he said it, i juast went like "wtf kinda insult is that?" but then my lips started trembling and i started bursting out crying. Everyone of course was surronding me, which made me cry harder, and then of course my teacher had to find out.. ughhhh

Also I used to be (and still slightly am) really sensitive, and my brother is bipolar so when the FBI came to take him away I started bursting out in tears. i also started choking up and crying, when my parents fought and my dad swore.

An d this year I was in alot of pressure from school friends and self image, and i was fighting with alot of people, and my emotions were really tipsy, and then BOOM i started swearing and yeeling and screaming, at like theree people online

Lately i have been getting over the over sensitive thing though. And i learned how to tell people when im upset with them, instead of holding it in. Also i have been getting upset right at the moment, instead of holding it in. There is way more to it though, so i will try to explain more later.

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