Mental breakdowns.


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Ha. Breakdowns? Apparently, no-one cares about them. It's just a 'silly little temper tantrum'. >_>

I have a short fuse. I know that. It takes nothing to get me angry. I can accept that about myself. I don't need fifty people telling me that.

Anyway, I've had a fair share.

One was in primary six. I was doing a project, and I was the group leader. I was in a group with people I hated. Anyway, this one guy, he talked whisper-like, and so, I told him to work on one part, while the rest of the group could get jobs too. He ended up shouting, whispery, "DO IT YOURSELF!" So, I was just really annoyed, and shoved a pen in his face. It left a cut. He was bleeding from a plastic pen.

Anyway, the teacher found out, and I cracked. I screamed and punched tables, cried and ended up sitting outside, curled up, crying. The depute head started shouting at me, not listening to me, telling me that, "He can't even SHOUT!" I just stod there and took it. The rest of the day, I was so angry. I just felt ill, and cried.

That's just one. And I don't feel like telling you the rest. ._.

I never explode in front of people. No matter how much they annoy me I always somehow calm myself and just keep from flaming. I'm good that way.

But when I'm alone, I'll have them. One time I started screaming because I couldn't perform at this skating show. It was odd...

Ohyes, quite a lot. I had one just last weekend. I came home from school, I was alone. Then my mom's finacee came home and yelled at me and said something about me. I completey cracked. I ran into my room sobbing. I just cried and cried, and I went through so many events in my head. And I kept thinking I was a really, really bad person. It was horrible. I hate feeling like that, but it happens often, so I guess I'm used to it.

I've been having them frequently lately. My anxiety medication isn't working, so now I've been bumped up to antidepressants, which I'm worried about, which causes anxiety attacks, which causes headaches and stomach aches, which make me upset, which causes anxiety attacks.. It never ends. :/

I've been told the first few days are bad.. And if it's this bad right now, I can't wait to see what happens when I start taking the pills tomorrow.


I'm currently in this ongoing one where most nights I seem to just slip out of control so I shut down completely.

I'm just so angry.

At everyone.

All the time.

So many people hate me and I hate them too and I'd give anything for them to spend the night as me so they'd just shut up once in a while.

I recently found out that I could lose my hearing.

Because I keep getting sick.

I'm so sick.

All of the time.

And now I could go deaf.

And nobody knows. I mean, people know, but they think this means I'm dying.

And these days, death is contagious.

I'm just so over everything.

I wish there was somehting amazing and great I could do before I go.

I wish I would just turn sixteen so I could steer clear of school for a while, focus on my writing, get this dull ringing out of my ears from being in places too loud.

I could have to give up piano.



Right now I just want to go away. Float off the Earth. Not exist, just for a while.

About a week or two ago, when someone broke my heart....I just....couldn't bare it!

I fell to the ground, and bawled my eyes out. I barfed a little too.;

I was home alone, so I ran around the house screaming stuff like, "Promises don't mean anything! Why? TELL ME WHY?"

I slammed doors, punched the walls, and began to cut myself with scissors then stopped.

Instead, I went into the shower, turned on the hot water, and just laid at the bottom and cried, curled up in a ball.

Everyday now, when I take showers, I'll just let all my tears out. It's something I look forward to..

[SIZE=7pt]I don't think I've ever 'broke down'[/SIZE]

the worst I've gotten, was over a boy. And I just can't handle it and cry at night for a long time. Its happened about 5 times but, no

I haven't really had a break down.


Ohmydays, I just cried left right and centre. It was like.... Whoa. My mum was trying to help me, but I screamed at her at least once a day... (It was like, a long-term breakdown... Lol)... And once, my dad was like, 'You can't walk up to Guides tonight.' And I just started crying, and he was like 'What's wrong? What's wrong?' And I shouted at him like, 'You don't even know what's going on!' Which made it sound really weird XD

Once, I left the house and was going to actually run away. But I decided agaisnt it because I didn't have any food or money or anything. And then when I came back, my mum shouted at me, and I just ran into my bedroom and cried.

Yeah... Lol.

I've been having them frequently lately. My anxiety medication isn't working, so now I've been bumped up to antidepressants, which I'm worried about, which causes anxiety attacks, which causes headaches and stomach aches, which make me upset, which causes anxiety attacks.. It never ends. :/I've been told the first few days are bad.. And if it's this bad right now, I can't wait to see what happens when I start taking the pills tomorrow.
I know how you feel. I have panic attacks from claustrophobia. One time I went I new jersey and I had to go in an elevator. When I got out I could breathe and I was crying and running away in front of people but nobody laughed :( I don't take medication though. I might get in Vivo treatment though.

One time at lunch my friends were talking crap about me at lunch like I wasn't even there. So I cussed them all out, first in Japanese then in English. One of them cried and the others hated me the rest of the day. Luckily it wasn't that loud so no one else heard. Everything's ok now.

I don't think I've ever had a mental breakdown before. Granted, there are days when I just wanna kill myself because it's just "one of those days," but I don't believe I've ever broken down before. I suppose the closest I've ever come was last night when I was sitting on the toilet, screaming bloody murder, because my stomach hurt me so bad. I always do that. Whenever I get a real bad stomachache, I tend to scream. It's embarrassing, but I can't help it sometimes.

Whenever I'm in a fight with a family member I feel like I'm going to explode on them. Usually I feel like screaming to get rid of the negative pressure building up. It doesn't take much to set me off into a fit of anger. I don't like that part of me. I snap to easily for the stupidest reasons which turn into fights. Usually saying hateful things in the process that I don't really mean.

A year ago I got into a huge fight with my mother. She basically told me to "leave" in anger.(I was angry so I left) So I did with my Zune and walked out after she went to the laundry mat. I just walked in the dark and felt empty. At that moment I didn't really care what happened to my life. I actually was wishing a car would hit me and other equally not pleasant deaths. I started to come out of it after a while and headed back. I ended up sitting behind my apartment complex crying here and there. I had six calls from my mother, after the seventh I picked up and we worked it out.

I only call myself the "Queen of Crazies" for fun but...

(prepare for shocking facts)

~I lost myself during a weekend maths class last 2006 because the other girls were really noisy. The teacher called my dad and he scolded me. My dad rarely scolds me.

~Last 2008, I "attacked" my worst enemy since I was tired of him "hitting" on me. I don't know if he's serious or not and it really pisses me off because he also happens to be a pervert/gang member. Then he fought back. It hurted.

Month later, I moved schools and there was this ONE occassion that he was at my school. He said hi like NOTHING happened. I ignored him as if he didn't exist, but inside me, I would have died meeting that unlucky rotter.

~ I threw a pair at scissors at two classmates last year. Eeek.

~Our teacher talked to me after class last January about my mental breakdowns and I broke down because my dad might scold me again.

Ah 3rd grade was the peak of my mental breakdowns. Example here.

~I got into an arguement with one of my classmates and I ended up wailing on the floor. To fool her and make her go away, I started bowing to her and called her "The Queen of Everything".

Stupid. Really.

Sometimes, it's just PMS O_____o

Don't look at me the wrong way, I'm not really a bad person :'(

I'm sorry.

I cried a lot on these past 2 months :\ But not really breakdowns.. When I feel like crying at school I just tell the teacher that I need to go to the bathroom and I cry inside. Only when I can't hold it though. A few weeks ago I cried myself to sleep <.<

I've lately been keeping myself bottled up. I don't trust anyone to tell everything to. So, I guess I'll tel you...

I've been going through a depression for the past two years.

I always get depressed when I think about the good and the bad memories of my childhood. I have had a very messed up life. I used to be really popular at my old old school, but I wanted to go to a private school. So my mom applied me and I got in. Little did I know I was going to be one of the most unpopular girls in school. So halfway through the year, I begged my mom to let me go to a different schoo. So I got in to my nearby public school. *sigh* Little did I know I was going to be even MORE uncool! People teased me and did some of the worste things you could possibly think of. And whenever I go to look out my window, to see the beautiful scenery, with the sunset and the trees and you could hear birds chirpping. I immediatly get depressed when I look out my window. I've been trying to pull myselfaway from it, but I don't have the stregth. Well, that's it. It seems to be getting better everyday. ! more day and I get out of school. No more teasing! I think....

Yes.I'm currently in this ongoing one where most nights I seem to just slip out of control so I shut down completely.

I'm just so angry.

At everyone.

All the time.

So many people hate me and I hate them too and I'd give anything for them to spend the night as me so they'd just shut up once in a while.

I recently found out that I could lose my hearing.

Because I keep getting sick.

I'm so sick.

All of the time.

And now I could go deaf.

And nobody knows. I mean, people know, but they think this means I'm dying.

And these days, death is contagious.

I'm just so over everything.

I wish there was somehting amazing and great I could do before I go.

I wish I would just turn sixteen so I could steer clear of school for a while, focus on my writing, get this dull ringing out of my ears from being in places too loud.

I could have to give up piano.



Right now I just want to go away. Float off the Earth. Not exist, just for a while.
I read that and my eyes became tearful. Wow.

Mental breakdowns? I have them sometimes when I'm all alone. But mine isnt sooo much like hitting and stuff. I usually kick my bed or the wall until my foot starts hurting, bang my head, and then curl up into a ball and start crying. I've had times when everyone at school/home hated me. And those are the reasons for my breakdowns. Even just remembering ......

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