Obama 08'!


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OMG i am sick to my stomache! I know this sounds like a stupid rumor, but it's true: Obama hangs out with terrorists! No seriously. In April, Everybody's going to regret wanting Obama

OBAMA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Care to prove it?

I am personally ecstatic that he won the election.

I stayed up until he won, when he won I cried of happiness.

Then I watched McCain's speech, and it was late, so I decided to be immature and boo and laugh through the Tv.

I cried during Obama's victory speech, too.

I do believe he can bring the change he promises.

I'm so happy he won. His speech really moved me. I'm an American citizen living and going to college here in the Philippines so I didn't get to vote but I would have voted for Obama if I could. I'm just really happy!
this is YOUR victory! i love that speech. we watched it in social studies! :furawatchi:

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