Pandora Hearts


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Oh, no, Echo's cool.

She's like me with her deadpan - nes and all. :)

But, she's one lucky kid to have Vincent care about her so much.

Even though it's more of a she's - my - pawn kind of care.

You know what I mean? x3

Yeah, I get you.

My friend and I were discussing PH pairings and she was all, I can't decide between Oz x Gil, or Oz x Alice. I was all, I HAVE A SOLUTION:

Oz x Gil x Alice. Pft.

Now she wants me to draw a picture of it for her because she loves it so much. xD

^^I nearly spat my drink out laughing at that. xD

As you might know, it's my birthday. Unfortunately, the manga volumes have not arrived on time. D8 Here's hoping they come in the next few days.

Anyway, I've been going through a Vincent obsession at the moment. I love and hate him. 0_o Still love my wonderful Gil though. <3I go nuts when Gil blushes. xD

Tama ^_^ Phantom

^ That wasn't my secret intention at all.

YES. Gil x Oz x Alice is actually quite amazing. I love all Gil x Oz and Gil x Alice and a shred of likeness for Oz x Alice.

^[SIZE=2pt]Oh, I see secret intentions. ;D[/SIZE]

Yeah, so do I. I actually like Oz/Alice, I think they make an okay couple. But, BUT. Oz/Gil/Alice is the best one so far.

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^ :'D That sounded wrong. xD
^[SIZE=2pt]I like said secret intentions. 8D [/SIZE]

I love it when stuff sounds wrong. I'd give a few examples, but they're...inappropriate. I'll PM them to you if you wish. xD

Thank you. B) My Dad's wondering when they'll arrive too.DX Due to it's lack of popularity, I doubt a postie's nicked them.

Oh, and Julia, you and your friends are ZAMAZING. xD Did I mention that before? That is the the best pairing ever.

Tama :ph34r: Phantom

^[SIZE=2pt]I like said secret intentions. 8D [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2pt]So do I. 8D[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2pt]LOLOL, Clara. xDD[/SIZE]

I need Jack in my bed. o;

So yeah, I'm going through this big Jack obsession, if I haven't mentioned that before.

I found some character songs:


T - they sound so different. O:

*Listens to song* Aaw...*Gives imaginary Gilbert a hug* I'm sure Oz loves you too. <3 (I also enjoyed reading the comments. I now support "Gil-ism" xD)

I didn't know you had a deviantart, Jae. The picture is awesome. :( I lol'd at the comments. "At first I was like, where his mouth? Then I found it. XD"

Oh, and I've stuck gold. A nice little Pandora Hearts fansite. They even have translations for the drama CDs (With audio!). =D

[SIZE=2pt]Still need Gil in my bed. =D[/SIZE]

Tama :rolleyes: Phantom

That looks amazing Jae. 8D <3 Lol, "Xerxes Break does not belong to me. -sadly-" :D [SIZE=2pt]That's right, he belongs to me. lD[/SIZE]

"Gilbert Nightray is one of the gods of sexy~ WORSHIP HIM, dang YOU!!! Gil-ism, spread the word~!

His seiyu has such a wonderful voice~

I love Pandora Hearts so much ^^"

LOLOL, best comment ever. 8D

I went and read the Oz's Character Song comments and one was like "when he said "i swear to you", i thought he said "i seduce you" until i scrolled up and saw the lyrics...XD'


Yay. :D

Hmm, it says Pandora Hearts anime has been licensed for English release.

[SIZE=2pt]i'm still waiting for jack, oz, eliot, and break.[/SIZE]

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^You didn't know?

Sorry, I would have told you if I'd known. D=

[SIZE=2pt]Clara gets Vincent, I get Gil, you get Oz, and Jae gets Break. :) Remember? That means we all get someone. xD[/SIZE]

Yes, the comments are wonderful :( *Needs to contact these fangirls somehow*

Tama :rolleyes: Phantom

^Lol. :) I'm pretty excited for the release. I just hope they don't make their voices horrible. D:

[SIZE=2pt]Of course, but I get Jack and Oz. ;D And I just noticed that are avatars are of the characters we like. ;P[/SIZE]

I need to make a youtube account so I can fangirl with them. lD

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