Pokemon Daycare


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Name: Spinda
Gender: Male
Level (has to be between 1-10): 9
Personality: Timid
Baby Tempt (this means what the little Pokemon will do when you doing something rude to it to make you do something nice for it): Uses Confuse Ray on someone when he gets angry.
Naughtiness: Eavesdrops on people
Favorite Food: Razz berries and Cheri berries
Least Favorite Food: Peanut butter and broccoli
Extras: Spinda is Shiny! :lol:

Name: Chatot
Gender: Male
Level (has to be between 1-10): 6
Personality: Mischievous

Baby Tempt (this means what the little Pokemon will do when you doing something rude to it to make you do something nice for it): Will use the move Screech!
Naughtiness: Copies other people over and over till you can't take it.
Favorite Food: Crackers XD
Least Favorite Food: Rage candy bars (He will Screech till you cannot hear for 5 minutes)
Extras: He knows chatter and can copy other people!

Name: Porygon
Gender: No gender
Level (has to be between 1-10): 10
Personality: Quiet
Baby Tempt (this means what the little Pokemon will do when you doing something rude to it to make you do something nice for it): Sits there and does nothing...
Naughtiness: Uses Flash and flashes a bright light on you!
Favorite Food and Least Favorite Food: I dunno what the heck this thing eats! :p

Extras: N/A

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- Nieva shuffles quickly past Froakie, Chespin, and Deerling, and dazily staring at Mary and Anna's screens. She seemingly came from nowhere, and seemed to be utterly interested in the pair's appearance. -


* running quickly up to Mary and Anna and Pango*

"I'm so sorry! My Snorunt here, Nieva, is very new to this region! My name is Amo. I am Nurse, looking for the local daycare here."

Jermaine stands on Amo's shoulder, looking bewildered, You can see a pink glow from behind Amo's back.

*bow enters*

Bow: oh hi pango, mary and anna! :D Seems like theres a bit of chaos here :/....

Anyway, can ya please look after them bye!

*pulls out pokemon*


*igglybuff sees a jar of cookies*

Igglybuff: i... Igly!

*igglybuff tries to reach the jar of cookies on the high table*

cottonee: cotto... Cottonee?! (what are you doing?!)

*cottonee sees igglybuf trying to climb the chairs*

igglybuff: igglyyyyyyyyyyyyy

*igglybuff falls of the chairs*

Me, Spinda, Chatot, and Porygon entered the daycare happily.

Awesome: Hey guys! Can you watch Spinda, Chatot, and Porygon? Thanks! Bye!

Spinda: Spin, SPINDA! (Yay! Were here!)

Chatot: Were here! Were here! BAWK!

Porygon: ...

Spinda entered the daycare and ran around and got dizzy!

Porygon: ...

Porygon sat there and did nothing...

but Chatot seemed excited!

Chatot: Bawk! Daycare time! Bawk! Chatot wanna Cracker!

Chatot pecked at Pango's head until he got a cracker.

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(What town are we in, and what Region? and what's the day care's name? I'm going to roleplay why I'm there, if that's ok. I'm guessing everyone that is a caretaker is working at this daycare.)


"Oh! A full house- no wonder I got such a warm welcome being transferred here! I see you have a lot of pokes here, I hope it's ok if I brought mine, I have a Munna, Natu, and well, you have already met my Snorunt here.


*making a small lighted ball like the sun but trying to imitate Mary's light*

Snoo, snooow!

"Oh, Hi Ace! I just got here too! What lovely Pichus'."


*Shivers nervously at the new sights*

"It's ok, Munna." *Hands her a small bottle*

Porygon: ..............

Porygon just sat there and did nothing at all.

Spinda: Spiiinda?

Spinda poked Porygon in the eye and Porygon didn't blink and didn't react to anything at all...

Porygon: ...

Porygon sat there.

Spinda: Spiiiindaa... (*Sigh* He is sitting there still...)

Chatot: Squawk! (Mimics Pango) That is sort of funny! Bawk!

Spinda: I'm getting hungry... Can you feed me?

Chatot: Me hungry too! Bawk! Porygon is also hungry! Bawk!

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Amo: "If you don't mind me asking, Pango, where is the pokemart here? I would like to pick up some things before i start working here. And where is it ok to drop off my trio here?"

Snorunt now tries to imitate Anna.

Munna sees that porygon is also pink and hovers over to porygon, nuzzling it.

"Oh, I see! here! Well, looks like Elise has warmed right up to that Porygon over there."

Jermaine still sits upon Amo's shoulder, but now is staring at Pango.

*pauses this roleplay* Spinda is not supposed to speak the human language. Do you understand?
Sorry Pango - but you can't apply new rules or restrictions on this role play to suit yourself - you made this role play for everyone to join and they joined according to the set of rules you posted at the start.

Remember what SR posted when she approved the topic?

Approving this topic will mean the rules are finalized. Which means no rule changes.

All users will agree to the rules provided by Pango when they make a profile or join this RP.
No new rule changes or restrictions please - it's not fair on other members who want to join in.

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Opps, double post. I meant to post that once. Please, continue.

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Oops forgot that! Let me retry:

Porygon: ...

Porygon sat there.

Spinda: Spiiiindaa... (*Sigh* He is sitting there still...)

Chatot: Squawk! (Mimics Pango) That is sort of funny! Bawk!

Spinda: Spinda, Spinda? (I'm getting hungry... Can you feed us?)

Chatot: Me hungry too! Bawk! Porygon is also hungry! Bawk!

Tamamum, she did actually say that " All Pokemon must speak their own language. (But Chatot repeats whatever you say.)" She probably means Pokemon language- their own language usually being them saying their own name or in some pokemon language, like "Pika Pika, Pikachu! for Pikachu, and so on. She wasn't changing the rules, she was just reminding him/her of them.

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