Puella Magi Saga


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Jade chuckled at the ruckus the three boys were making in the water. Ethan was obviously enjoying himself. She was half-sitting half lying in one of the beach chairs lining the shore of the beach underneath a big beach umbrella. She was wearing a pink, floral bikini top paired with a floral swim skirt and was trying to read "Coraline", a book by Neill Gaiman, an author she really liked.

She turned her attention back to the book that she was reading. "Aren't you gonna get in the water!?!?!?" A now familiar voice yelled asking her. "Perhaps later. Teehee" Jade yelled back in response to Beau's question. She saw him getting out of the water and making his way towards her. He took the beach chair beside her and shook his head vigorously ruffling his dripping wet hair so that droplets of water flew towards Jade. "Hey! You're going to get my book wet!" Jade said with a false sense of indignation. In reality she was enjoying his playfulness. Beau answered her fake scowl with a beam showing his perfectly straight, white teeth. "Nice uh... swimsuit" Beau said obviously surveying her. This comment made Jade's heart race and caused her to turn beet red.

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(Nice drawing, Runner!)

Meanwhile, Ethan was striking various dramatic poses for the amusement of Garion, Becca, and that other girl. Then, the sound of a juicy watermelon being opened reached their ears. Ethan immediately rushed over to sit with Renee, who was opening the first melon. Ethan breathed in the sweet aroma. He could tell that this was going to be a delicious melon.

The others arrived shortly after Ethan. "Whoa, I'm starving!" Garion said, collapsing on the picnic blanket next to Ethan. Ethan giggled. "There's plenty of melon for everyone." Garion groaned and rolled over, laying his head on Ethan's lap. Ethan held his breath.

"Aauuughhh...Feed me." He demanded playfully. Ethan's face was crimson as he shakily picked up a piece of watermelon and brought it up to Garion's mouth. Without warning, Garion jerked forward and closed his mouth around the melon piece. Ethan nearly had a heart attack. Garion sucked the remaining fruit juice off of Ethan's fingers, then released them from his mouth.

"W-wa-was i-it g-good?" Ethan stuttered. He couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Delicious..." Garion replied, smiling.

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Renee was uncontrollably giggling around them that she had to leave the area so she won't cause a disturbance. Suddenly...

Having fun, aren't you? 83

Renee freaked out and started looking around, then realized that she had telepathy.

Don't worry. I already sent a Puella Magi to identify the area. She will be leaving shortly. 83

The voice went away. Somehow, Renee had forgotten her job protecting the Earth as a Puella Magi. Eh, whatever. She went back to the group as she stopped her giggling fit.

Ethan shifted uncomfortably. Garion better get his head off his lap soon or else...

Just as these thoughts passed through his mind, Garion got up and sat next to the no-name girl. Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, then proceeded to eat more watermelon.

In the midst of the multiple conversations occurring, Ethan recalled last night's dream. Was it an omen of what's to come? I wonder why I was crying... He thought, looking out at the ocean. The last thing Ethan felt like doing was crying; he was happier than ever.

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Jade and Beau were still sitting on the beach chairs when she saw Ethan run towards the group huddled around Renee and realized why. He obviously liked watermelons. "Teeheehee" Jade giggled. "So shall we go join them?" Jade asked Beau. Beau stood up and extended a hand to her. She took it thinking that he wanted to help her up from her chair but he kept his grasp on her hand as they started walking towards the group. Jade felt color once again return to her cheeks. She is really starting to like this guy.

Jade sat near one of the two girls and Beau sat beside her. She watched Ethan and Garion being playful with each other and she can hear Renee having a giggling fit. Ethan was blushing but looking really content and happy that's why she found it a bit peculiar when his demeanor suddenly changed to being serious and he now seems to be in deep consternation. "Hmmm... I wonder what Ethan's thinking about now..." Jade wondered silently.

(Thanks Ethan!)

Cecil continued to watch the group, snickering occasionally and making rude comments to herself. "Oooh, look, there's love in the air. That girl should just punch him in the face and leave." "Oh, look at those two boys.." After awhile, she headed back to get some more melon soda at the soda fountain, when she noticed a man begin to tie himself with a rope to a heavy boulder near the ocean. The man finished the knot and then began to drag himself out into the shallow waters, and then into the deeper waters..

"So much for a relaxing afternoon.." She reached into her sack. "There's witches to dispel. Where's my skateboard?"

**After they finished off the last melon**

Ethan lay on his back, groaning. He obviously ate too much watermelon. He flexed his stomach proudly. This was a talent that he could perform only because of his eating habits. If he pushed his stomach out as far as possible, he looked pregnant. Ethan referred to this as "Instant Pregnancy Syndrome". He giggled to himself, and rolled over so he could watch the sun setting over the horizon. Brandon and Becca were gently kissing in the sunlight. So romantic; Ethan loved living near the beach.

"Hey, Garion, I've been meaning to tell you..." Ethan said. But when Ethan looked to his right, Garion wasn't there. He scoured the beach and eventually found Garion standing down by the water, facing away from Ethan with his arms crossed. Ethan smiled and stood up, then started running down towards him. "Garion, I need to talk to..." Ethan's smile quickly faded, and he decelerated to a stop halfway down the beach. He had a look of confusion on his face. "G-Garion?..."

Garion's head was tilted to the side. And wrapped around him were two arms. Ethan's eyes were wide, and he began to shake. He slowly turned his head to look back at the group. The no-name girl wasn't there. Ethan met eyes with Jade, and his eyes were those of an innocent little child who's best friend just betrayed him. Then, Ethan's pupils seemed to disappear. His eyes looked dead. Ethan's shaking stopped, and his head dropped limply towards his shoulder.

"No..." Ethan moaned. His shaking resumed, but more violently this time. His fists clenched tightly, making his knuckles white. Although his hair cast a dark shadow across his face, a shimmering stream of tears was visible running down his cheek. His body wracked with sorrow.

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Cecil continued skating all the way to the end of the boardwalk to a small park, and then running through grass and undergrowth until she found an odd, somewhat secluded empty plot of dead grass surrounded by trees. She stepped forward, and then she saw a witch- a strange black tube like creature covered with mysterious gray patterns and odd tentacles. With a gulp, she quickly transformed and then got ready to battle.

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Me as a Magical Boy (with my soul gem around my bellybutton now):

My Sledgehammer:

My Rocket Launcher (I unlock this weapon later):

(I had a helova time uploading these pictures, since TinyPic.com isn't working for me for some unknown reason. And now I can't see the pictures after putting them in this post. Can you guys see them? If not, right click on them and you should be able to open and view them that way.)

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Eh, I can't see them. :p Try uploading them to a different website like photobucket, or just give us the direct link if ur too lazy to make an account on another website. :3


Renee was packing up the things she brought to the beach and changed back from her bathing suit to her normal clothes.

"It's getting late, I should be going now. See you guys at school! Byeeee!" Renee waved and ran off. The group had nearly enough time to wave back before she left. As she was walking back home, se was thinking about how much fun she had at the beach. She never had this much fun in a long time, ever since the.... incident.

Suddenly, she stopped to see a dark hole in the dead grass. She didn't want to fight any witches today, but she had no choice. She transformed as she ran into the hole, awaiting what was coming to attack her.

Cecil grinned, getting a bit excited. Witch hunting could be pretty fun, although it was scary. Anyway, she pulled out her guns in one fluid motion, and was shooting rapidly the next while dodging the witch's attacks by running rapidly from side to side and using defensive capoiera moves (Capoiera is an awesome Brazilian martial art :3)

Renee was running to the awaiting witch, shooting monsters with knives along the way. Till she saw the witch, but someone else was attacking the witch, someone that looked very familiar. She tried seeing who it was, until it was very clear to her. It was.....

"C.... Cecil?" Renee was so shocked that she almost got hit by one of the witch's ranged attacks. She hasn't seen Cecil ever since she turned into a Puella Magi. Renee snapped out of it when the witch nearly attacked her again, so she dodged and countered its next move and started attacking it with knives, but Renee was still suprised.

"W... What are you doing here?"

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Cecil was snapped out of her groove by a familiar voice. She slowly turned her head to see Renee. "What the..." She didn't have time to finish her sentence as a tentacle flew down toward her. She quickly dodged and sent another round of bullets flying at the witch. Great. So it looked like Renee hadn't gone away to take over another town after all. Well, it was to be expected. Which probably meant that one girl and that stupid boy were probably apprentices, which meant there'd be less witches for her to beat up.

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Jade was still talking to Beau when she saw Ethan run towards where Garion was standing by the shore. She was watching him and found the sudden change in his stance, from excited to dejected, a bit peculiar. She followed the direction of his gaze and upon closer inspection saw Garion canoodling with the other girl she didn't know. She met Ethan's sad gaze. She stood up without another word and ran towards Ethan. She has suspected that Ethan liked Garion and seems that her suspicions were right after all. She went to give Ethan a hug and asked, "Ethan, are you okay?" she knew it was a stupid question the minute it came out of her mouth but she didn't know what else to say and just stared at Ethan emphatically.

Ethan looked up at Jade, his face wet with tears. He then looked around to see that everyone, including Garion, was staring at him. Ethan covered his mouth to stifle his crying, then ran off the beach and toward the park. He just kept running, not looking where he was going. He pushed past several strangers, and eventually he started stumbling through the wild vegetation of the beach's natural park.

Ethan reached a large barren area, and then tripped, falling and then skidding to a stop. He curled up and cried his heart out on the ground for a good 30 minutes.


Ethan sat up and rubbed his swollen eyes. There were just no tears left in his body for crying. Something had changed in Ethan at that moment; when hearts are broken, they sometimes heal wrong and become deformed.

His vision focused. Somehow, he had made it into a witch's labyrinth. Under normal circumstances, he would have been scared. But he was not; in fact, he was devoid of emotion. A floating slice of cheesecake bumped into Ethan's head, and he didn't react at all.

Ethan looked at an open door to his right. Two magical girls were fighting a witch in that room. But somehow, he knew that the real witch wasn't the one that was fighting them. Ethan stood up and walked towards the edge of the strange bridge he was on. He fell off without even looking.

It was as if the force of gravity changed instantly. The moment Ethan fell from the bridge, he found himself falling in the opposite direction onto the bridge's underside. Unlike the other side of the bridge, which was blue, this side was red. Ethan turned and walked lifelessly towards the door on his side of the bridge. He opened it and stepped inside. The room was constructed of different stairs; some were even upside down. Ethan figured that the force of gravity varied with each of the different stairs. He moved towards the center of the room, which had a large, ballroom-style staircase leading all the way up to a throne. On this throne sat the witch. Its face was constructed of about twelve different masks, each having a different face. It held a bejeweled scepter it's right hand. Ethan blinked. His intuitions were right; this witch must use illusions.

Kyuubey appeared next to Ethan. I see you have made your decision. 83

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Jade ran after Ethan. "Jade where are you going?!?!?" Beau yelled after her. "I'm gonna go look for Ethan!!!" She yelled back. She scoured the place for a good half of an hour and Ethan was nowhere to be found. She found a void which was starting to close. Jade feared Ethan might have wandered inside a witch's labyrinth in the distraught state that he was in and terrified as she were, she pummeled headfirst into the void to look for her friend.

Jade hardly took notice of her surroundings and just started running in random directions yelling Ethan's name out. "ETHAN!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?" She didn't know for how long she was doing this when she finally noticed a figure of a person standing in front of a long staircase. As she ran closer, she realized that this was indeed Ethan and with him was Kyuubey. Ethan is acting rather strange and somehow Jade sensed he was about to make the contract with Kyuubey. "ETHAN WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jade yelled at the top of her lungs still running towards the pair.

Ethan turned and saw Jade running towards him. When she reached him she was out of breath.

Ethan smiled. "Jade, guess what? I'm going to form my contract with Kyuubey now and become a magical boy. Isn't that wonderful?" He said quite monotonously. He reached for her hands and took them in his. His eyes were frantic and somewhat insane. "Let's become Puella Magis and defeat this witch together! Right here, right now!"

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