Puella Magi Saga


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"Oh of course! We could go witch hunting after school if you want. It's nice to have some company while I battle witches. What do you think, Jade?"

"W-witch hunting?" Jade asked. She still hasn't quite recovered with the enormity of everything she's found out that day and here she was being asked to hunt witches down. "I'm not sure I can be of much help. I mean unless I become a... Uhm a Puella Magi is it? I mean wouldn't we only get in your way, being non-magical and all?" She directed her next question to Ethan, "What do you think?"...

"Yeah, I agree with Jadine. We wouldn't have any way to defend ourselves."

Kyuubey hopped onto the shelf next to Renee so that he could be at eye level with them. He turned his big red eyes towards Ethan. If you bring a weapon, I can temporarily make it magical. That way, if worst comes to worst, you can defend yourself. 83

"Hm, that's not a bad idea...um, Kyuubey was it? I'm willing to give it a shot if Jade is." Ethan folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall.

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"Perfect! Let's probably meet up at the clock tower before sunset, ok?" Renee points to the big clock tower outside.

Ethan and Jade nod to that response.

"Then it's settled. I'll see you later until then! And make sure to bring a weapon!"

Renee runs off to class before Ethan and Jade could say anything else, while Kyuubey is still keeping a solid look at them.

I want you two to hurry up and think of wishes. The more Puella Magi, the better. 83 Kyuubey leaped and landed on Ethan's shoulder.

"Hey, look here. If you want US to help YOU, then we'll take our time, thank you very much!" Ethan huffed.

Renee is lonely. She needs you two to fight witches with her. She's losing her motivation, and thus she has become a sloppy fighter. 83

Ethan and Jade looked at each other, both of them worrying about Renee. "I guess that leaves us no choice but to become Puella Magi, for Renee's sake." Ethan commented. "I hope she doesn't get hurt tonight."

If you want, you can make that your wish. 83

Ethan rolled his eyes, and they started walking to next period. "Nice try, Kyuubey."

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Jade couldn't think right during their next period. She sat there lost in thought of the task that they are about to take on and is contemplating of what wish to make if and when she does decide to be a Puella Magi. "What wish could I possibly make that will be worth all of this?" Jade wondered.

She looked at Ethan and strangely enough, he looked pretty calm about everything considering that HE was the one who fainted when they first met Renee and Kyuubey. "Teehee, I'm sure he's made up his mind about what to wish for. Oh well if he's on board with it then I guess I am too. After all, what could be cooler than having magical powers to vanquish the evils of this world?" Jade thought trying to sound enthusiastic.

*sigh* "Oh well if I am going to do this I better think of a weapon to use for our trip to the clock tower this afternoon..."

Ethan sat in a seat in the very back of the classroom so that he could talk quietly with Kyuubey without causing a disturbance.

“Kyuubey, what exactly am I able to wish for?” Ethan asked.

Well, in your case, I can’t offer you much. Since you’re a male, although homosexual you still do not emit as much emotional energy as a female, such as your friend Jadine. 83

Ethan pictured Garion in his mind. “Um…would I be able to wish for another’s love?”

Kyuubey was studying Ethan. If you’re talking about that normal boy you were staring at earlier, I don’t see why not. That’s quite a common wish, and it’s easily carried out. O3O

Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. For a few moments he was ecstatic about his idea, but then he thought more about it. Would he really be willing to use magic to win the love of another? That seemed like cheating to him.

“I’ll have to think some more. But that’s a start, I guess.”

Jade finds her reflection staring back at her in the girl's bathroom. Contemplating for a wish that's worth devoting her time fighting witches.

O3O So it seems you have finally made up your mind about becoming a Magical Girl. The only thing we need right now is your wish so that we can fulfill both ends of the contract.

Jade was startled by Kyuubey's sudden appearance. "You have got to stop doing that. You're going to give me a friggin heart attack!!!"

O3O Kyuubey starts walking around in a circle at Jade's feet his tail wagging slowly and elegantly behind him. Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you. I just make it my absolute priority to be here when you do decide to make the contract...

"Oh alright!" Jade says in exasperation. "Hmmm... What to wish for?" Just then she started to remember all the things she left behind when she moved to this foreign land to pursue her studies. Everything she ever knew and loved was in that place where she grew up. All her family and friends. Her everything. Inspiration suddenly struck her but decided she will not make the wish until it is absolutely necessary.

"Alright Kyuubey I know what my wish will be. I'll let you know soon as I'm ready to make it."

O3O The sooner you make the wish the better but okay. I guess I can wait. Kyuubey says cryptically.

After the final bell rang, Ethan was walking out of the school building when his cellphone started ringing. He answered his cell.

"Hey Mom, what's up? Oh no, not again!" Ethan's sister, Hannah, was mentally and physically disabled. Apparently, Hannah recently had a particularly nasty seizure at school, and Mom had to come and take Hannah home for the day. "Is Hannah going to be okay?"

"Yes, she's just really out of it right now. She's sleeping in her bed."

"I hope she feels better. Give her a kiss for me, okay Mom?"

"Okay, honey. See you later."

"Bye Mom..." Ethan hung up his phone.

O3O I see you have made up your mind about your wish. Kyuubey was suddenly sitting in front of Ethan on the sidewalk.

Ethan was now used to Kyuubey's teleporting, so he only blinked this time. "Don't rush me." He threatened. But internally, Ethan wanted to make his wish as soon as possible. He loved his sister immensely, and couldn't imagine life without her. If something like that happened to Hannah, Ethan would be crushed.

After class that day...

"Hmmm... What weapon should I bring?" Jade wonders.

O3O You could choose anything and I could modify it to have temporary magic powers so that you can protect yourself

Jade jumped, "Where the hell did you come from? Ugh... doesn't matter." Jade found a fallen tree branch and picked it up. "Anyway, you said I can choose anything so will you be able to transfigure this branch into a scepter or a mace that I can use?"

O3O Kyuubey stared at Jade then answered after a few seconds, "That can be done easily enough. Though you wouldn't need that piece of stick if you'd just make the contract with me now you know?"

"I'll make it when the time is right" Jade says determinedly. "I'm going to need you to transfigure this branch for me now. I'm meeting Ethan at the school lobby before sunset so we can go to the clock tower together." Says Jade holding out the tree branch to Kyuubey.

O3O "Alright then"

A flash of blinding light emanated from the tree branch Jade was holding. The next thing she know, she's holding a bejeweled mace. Jade stared at it in wonder, lost for words.

O3O That should suffice for now. Kyuubey says. If you think that's amazing then you ain't seen nothing yet. That's just a very pale of imitation of the possible weapon you'll get once you make the contract with me. Then just as quickly as he came, Kyuubey disappears.

"I wonder where he's off to this time..."

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Ethan scanned his surroundings for somewhere to start looking. He had no idea where to find something that he could use for a weapon.

Ethan sensed Kyuubey's eyes on him. "Can I use anything for a weapon?"

O3O Pretty much. Jadine used a stick.

"Oh, so that's where you went." Ethan decided to go over to the nearby construction site to look. They were building yet another pharmacy; the last thing Wilmington needed.

No one was currently working at the construction site, so Ethan freely wandered onto the large messy square of sandy land and metal equipment. "Aha! This'll do for now!" Ethan bent down and picked up an electric drill.

O3O Remember, this is just a temporary weapon, so if you want an actual weapon you'll have to contract with me.

"I know, Kyuubey, just do it already!" Ethan watched in awe as the drill burst with light, then transformed into a strange, almost futuristic-looking pistol. "Awesome!"

O3O Indeed.

Ethan tucked the pistol inside of his jacket, and looked up at the sun; he still had some time to kill. He grinned sneakily. "I suppose I'd need to know how to use the gun first..." He pulled the pistol back out and proceeded to shoot empty beer cans left over from the construction workers.

**After a couple hours of "practice"**

Ethan walked into the school lobby. No one, besides the janitor, was there, since it was nearly nighttime. He sat down at a small far-off table and waited for Jade to show up. While he waited, he pulled out his pink Tamagotchi iD-L and fed his Makiko a yummy dumpling :3

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It's almost time for them to go to the clock tower to meet Renee. Jade was in the library finishing up her homework, her bejeweled mace safely tucked inside her bag. "Thank goodness my bag is big enough for this. I would not have been able to walk around at school carrying this thing." Jade sighed with relief.

She glanced at her watch and realized Ethan must already be at the school lobby waiting for her. She hurriedly heads towards the exit, tripped on a rug and she started falling. She was surprised when a pair of arms came out of nowhere to catch her. "OH!" Jade exclaimed straightening up to take a look at the person who kept her from falling face first onto the floor.

Right in front of her stood a cute and lanky young man. "I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz! Thank you so much for catching me." The boy stared at her intently and smiled. Jade wanted to melt. It was the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. She started blushing. "Happy to help!" The guy beamed. "I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you that new transfer student?"

"Y-yes, yes I am. My name is Jadine by the way but you can call me Jade" She says flustered. "Beautiful name Jade. My name is Beau. Very pleased to meet you." He extended his hand towards Jade and she shook it further blushing in the process.

"Anyway, I gotta go now. Someone's waiting for me" The guy looked crestfallen when he asked, "Oh, is it your boyfriend?" It was Jade's turn to smile. "No, it's just a friend. I don't have a boyfriend." The smile returned to Beau's lips, "Oh glad to hear that then" he said meaningfully. "I hope to talk to you again soon. I'll see you around okay?" He moved away from the doorway so that Jade could pass. "Alright, and again thank you so much." Jade said before finally exiting out the library with butterflies in her stomach. She started heading towards the lobby where Ethan sat playing with his tamagotchi waiting for her...

OOC: Here is a picture of my Puella Magi btw and FINALLY. I decided to change the first one I made and drew another one complete with all the bells and whistles (Shading and her weapon). Took me overnight to make this. I hope you guys like it :p


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(AWESOME design! I'm jealous; your skillz are so swag. I didn't draw my weapons :p I'll draw them sometime later ;) )

Ethan looked up from his tamagotchi and saw a very red-faced Jade walking towards him. She took the seat across from him.

"I know that look...who is he, and what happened?!" Ethan said excitedly, leaning on the table. His chocolate-colored eyes sparkled.

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O_O Jade blinked in surprise at how good Ethan's intuitions are. "Wow, you're like psychic... Well anyway, it's just some boy I met as I was going out of the library. I tripped on a rug and he caught me just in time to keep me from falling face first on the floor. So yeah, "Hooray" for me for such a graceful exit." Jade recollected feeling annoyed at herself.

Ethan was obviously entertained and was laughing his head off at Jade's story. "Yeah okay, laugh at me will ya?" and Jade started cracking up herself. "Anyway, Shouldn't we be going? Meme said she'll be waiting for us at the clock tower before sunset so we should really get going." Jade stood up ready to go.

Ethan wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. "Yeah, okay..." He stood up and started walking towards the clock tower with Jade.

"Hey, check out my weapon." Ethan showed his pistol to Jade while they approached the tower. Once they got there, leaned against its side. "Kyuubey made it out of a simple electric drill. I was pretty amazed."

"That looks awesome Ethan! You should see mine too!" Jade enthused and fumbled in her bag and took out the bejeweled mace Kyuubey bestowed upon her. "This was made from a tree branch. Pretty cool huh? I don't think it really does anything too special for now. Kyuubey did mention that the one we get after the contract will be wayyy better than this."

O3O "That's right." Jade expected it this time so she wasn't surprised when Kyuubey suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "The powers that you have in those weapons for now doesn't really do much but it should be enough to keep you from harm albeit temporarily."

"I see..." Jade contemplated. "I wonder where Renee is... She should be here by now."

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Suddenly, Renee appeared right in front of their eyes. It was so unexpected that they jumped a little bit. They must've forgotten that she could teleport.

"Hey guys! Sorry Im late. Shall we go witch hunting now?"

Ethan and Jade nodded, still startled by Renee's arrival. They both followed Renee as she held her soul gem in her hand trying to pick up a signal from witches.

"So, do you guys have any ideas of what you wishes might be?" Renee asked excitingly.

Ethan was mesmerized by Renee's Soul Gem. It was silvery-gray in color, and he couldn't stop staring at its ominous glow. He forced himself to snap out of his state of hypnosis. "Yeah, actually, I have." Ethan smiled to himself. "You see, my older sister, Hannah--you might have seen her around school in her wheelchair--is mentally and physically handicapped, and sometimes she has seizures that are really scary. And she has a lot of other medical issues, too..." Ethan looked off into the sunset. "If anything happened to Hannah..." He swallowed the lump in his throat, then continued, "My family and I would be crushed. So I want to wish for Hannah's life to be a long and happy one."

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Renee stopped walking after Ethan said that, which made Jade and Ethan into an immediate halt.

"...... Be careful what you wish for. As much as you wished for the happiness of one, someone else must be equally cursed." Renee said quietly. "That's how the story of a Puella Magi goes."

"But hey, you could wish for anything you want. I just wanted to let you know that." Renee smiled, and they continued hunting for witches.

Ethan looked down at his feet. I wonder what curses could be born from that wish... He thought. Ethan shook his head to get rid of the thought, and then defiantly held his head up high. He didn't care, as long as his sister would be happy. He would be willing to take on anything in the world for that wish.

Suddenly, Renee's Soul Gem started to glow brightly.

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