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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
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Pretty self-explanatory.

Just a random question that came to mind when I was writing music.

Like, on the internet you have no clue how people write since its all typing and it all looks the same unless they change the font.

My handwriting is a pretty good size.

I think my handwritng is ugly.

& when I write it's like a mixture of printing ad cursive o.o

I can't write in a straight line. I's always going off the line, perpendicular to the line, and maybe if I'm lucky right on the line.

I can't write in a straight line if there's no lines there.

My writing is a mix of neat and messy.

I connect my letters a lot, but not like...in cursive.

I'm to lazy to lift my pen/pencil from the paper.

But when I try, I can write neat. Hahah.

I'm right handed. My handwriting is also like cursive and printing. Sometimes, I'll make my letters look VERY formal and fancy :D

I can stay on the line, however, sometimes I just 'veer off'. My writing's readable, not neat by my standards, but I'm able to read it.

I was thinking of making this topic! xDDD


My handwriting is a mix of print and cursive. XD

Right handed.

I use pen, so normally it's dark because I use pressure when I write.

My handwriting is small/tiny, but I don't change it for anyone else...

[so if I write something up on the board, and you can't read it...Go up to the board! xDD]

My handwriting is readable :3I'm right handed.

And I press down hard on my pen or pencil, so its dark.
I press down hard too. It hurts my hand though. :S

It depends really.

When I'm writing something for someone else to read, it's really neat. But when I'm writing something that only I need to read it looks like doctor scribble XD

My letters are almost always connected, but not like cursive(I don't remember how to write in cursive). I don't dot my I's, and my g's, y's, j's and q's have an extra loop at the bottom. For some reason my J's are always what look like cursive J's. T's I usually add a little curve at the bottom.

Some people have a hard time seeing a difference between my V's and U's. My A's are like the A's on this font and my R's are always capitalized. The only difference is the "lowercase capitals" are smaller.

It depends really.When I'm writing something for someone else to read, it's really neat. But when I'm writing something that only I need to read it looks like doctor scribble XD
My mom used to call me "Dr.Skadi" because I had doctor's handwriting in 5th grade. xDD

My mom used to call me "Dr.Skadi" because I had doctor's handwriting in 5th grade. xDD
XD Nice.

I don't understand how doctor's can read their own writing, or others' writing for that matter.

Every time I go in I want to ask if they can even read it, but I figure I don't want to be rude xP

Omg. It's sloppy. Dx I hate hate hate it! It's also very curvy like the font, Kristen ICT.

My handwriting actually isn't very consistant. Sometimes I write really, really neat and I get compliments on it. Othertimes, it looks like chicken scratch. XD

I write very big though. I remember in 2nd grade I constantly got yelled at by my teacher for writing too big. (It was a private Catholic school I went to for 1st and 2nd grade... they really stressed handwriting). I still write big.

I almost always write in my version cursive.

Unless, of course, I intend for someone else to read it.

Then I write in my cursive-y writing, only it's a little more print.

Or I could write totslly in print.

But that's only when I'm attempting to,,,

I don't know.

Print isn't my thing.

My handwriting is a pretty good size.I think my handwritng is ugly.

& when I write it's like a mixture of printing ad cursive o.o

I can't write in a straight line. I's always going off the line, perpendicular to the line, and maybe if I'm lucky right on the line.
That is what my handwriting is like! And I'm left handed.

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If Im writing messy, it starts going to the side. I stay on the line, but as i said, if Im writing messy than my writing will slant a bit to the right. If Im writing neatly, than I write really small and awesome! But I can also write really big and bulky. My handwriting ranges from my mums to my brothers. (My mums is really huge and ugly and my brothers is really small and cool. :lol:

A few months ago, my Maths teacher was marking my friend's Maths test and said "You have the neatest writing I've ever seen". Then he turned to me and said "And you have the messiest."

So yeah. My handwriting is pretty bad. I press hard on the paper, go all over the place, scribble a word in every sentence out, slant the letters both ways, so its really messy.

I almost always write in my version cursive.Unless, of course, I intend for someone else to read it.

Then I write in my cursive-y writing, only it's a little more print.

Or I could write totslly in print.

But that's only when I'm attempting to,,,

I don't know.

Print isn't my thing.
me loves your handwriting.

its better then mine.

you've seen mine, right?

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