Russia's 'Emo Ban'


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
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Southern Ontario
Has anyone else heard about Russia trying to ban emo? What's your opinion on it?

I think it's wrong. People should be allowed to be whatever they want, Russia banning emo is like Canda banning nerds. People need more freedom of what they want to be.

Ah, bejeezers. That's just ridiculous.

-never going to Russia-

People should be able to express who they are--most emos don't cut, anyways. If they're thinking being emo affects suicide, they'll have to ban depression first. >_>

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First of all, you can't ban a genre of music.

The government is enforcing stereotype now? What has this world become.

Let them have their emos.

That's just pathetic.

Crazy. Everyone has a different definition of emo. To some, to be emo you have to be a "depressed suicidal," and to others it is just the style. Emo can't be dangerous as long as it is the second kind I mentioned. Honestly.

Communism, unfortunaley. ;l

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I found that seriously crazy and messed up. You can't tell a person what to wear, what music to listen to, or how they should act. That kind of takes away individuality.

Thus proves that Politicians have no lives.

I am laughing so hard right now xDD

I dont think they Should 'Ban Emo', My gosh. Let people be what they want to be. A country cant stop that

stupid! im a emo (so my friends say) thats REALLY STUPID! pll should wear want they want!


'Why No Child Is Ever Safe From The Sinister Cult Of Emo'WTF?
Go figure. o..o

That article was like someone fished it out of the toilet before flushing. XD

Overreaction fail.

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"My Chemical Romance made it to No.1 in the UK chart with Welcome To The Black Parade in October 2006 - the 'black parade' is a place where all emos believe they will go when they die."

WHATTHEFUZZ?! "All," is a pretty big word. It classifies everyone, with no exceptions.

I've never even heard of that until now.

&& don't get me wrong, I am a huggggee MCR fan.

Emo is not a cult.

That's nonsense.

It is not a religion.

It is a music culture.

A style of expression.

And no one can take that away from us.

You know, after I read both of those articles, it made me want to rebel more.


Like, go upstairs && cake on the black eyeliner && lock myself in my bedroom.

I've always hated politics. So does my mom, && she's a lawyer.

I hate them even more now.

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In a way that makes me lol. Just the fact that the communists are now trying to crowd out "emo".

I'm not exactly a fan of this trend but this is ridiculous. If it's a matter of a school saying you cannot dress like this for safety/distraction reasons just like you can't come to school with a two inch skirt, that's one thing. But a whole country "banning emo" is just a joke.

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