Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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the teenagers screamed not a regular AHHHH scream they screamed like 4 year old girls and ran the fire brigade ambulance and polic where coming i could hear the sirens i had to run fire was spreading fast the panic caused a slight shower then "lightbulb" i said and summoned water from the ground and the sky distinguishing the fire the ground was covered in a drought better than fire i guess i ran ran like the wind but not like the wind with the wind it caused me to go faster i ran across a small patch of town i never knew was there....

zzy was packing things for the trip to Rome with Vladdy. She'd been there before when she was still a full time ballerina, and so she had a few friends there-- even ones with special powers.


caaaause I don't.

Vlad was being very unorganized with his packing, kinda just tossing stuff in his suitcase and trying to shove it in so it'd close.


Izzy said to Vladdy, "Wow, you sure are a messy packer!" She walked over to his bag and started organizing things for him. "Now you'll be able to find everything!" She told him, being all *IAMSOHELPFULZ!!111!!*


"Awww you're so sweet. But you didn't have toooo." Vlad said.

The old dented and rusty frame of d0g lay motionless where it last stood, amongst the grounds of the broken tournament arena. Many of the cables required for movement were snapped and a large chunk was taken out of the housing for the power core.

Because I think she had something to do with him at some point, Luna was wandering around the arena, walking across the bleachers like balance beams. She barely noticed d0g, and assumed him to be nothing but part of normal shrapnel.

Aurora was looking for d0g, and had left their daughter, Ophelia, at BB's house. She wore a cloak that she had pulled over her eyes, and wandered into the arena, memories flooding back to her mind. She cringed, and then her eyes scanned the scenery. She saw Luna, and then...

"D0g!" She cried, running forward, the tears stinging her eyes. "Merciful Zeus, what have I done!?"

Luna, oblivious to anything up until just now, ran over to Aurora. "What's wrong?" she asked concernedly, still not noticing d0g.

"D0g is all rusted up! I don't know how to fix him. I should, but I don't! And Ophelia's at home with a fever," Aurora mused sadly, shaking her head as she spoke. "We need someone who's good with machinery..."

"I don't know anything about machines... I wish I could help." Luna frowned, "But that one robot guy. Zurui, right? Maybe he would know how? I mean, he's a robot, right? I could take care of your kid for you while you get him to fix d0g, if you want..." she really wanted to help, but frankly didn't know anything at all about mechanical issues.

"That would be amazing! Thank you, thank you so much!" Aurora got out a piece of paper from her bag, and then wrote down the address. "This is where Ophelia is right now. She might be a little bit cranky, but she's usually very well behaved."

Luna took the address, read it, then nodded, "I'll head right over there." she gave Aurora a hug, "Good luck." she smiled up at her.

Zurui was at the park, sitting on a bench birdwatching or something.

After Aurora watched Luna leave, she went to find Zurui, trying to remember what he looked like. For an hour or so, she asked about him around town. She finally found him in the park, looking even more exhausted than before. "Zurui... I have a question for you. D0g is all rusted up and worn down, and I was hoping that you could try to fix him?" She gazed at him hopefully.

Ophelia was on the couch, watching television and sniffling loudly. She missed her parents, and she didn't feel good at all. She ate some chicken noodle soup, then wiped her nose on her sleeve.

Zurui turned to face her, "...d0g? I'm not sure I know who that is, but it's not like I'm doing anything important right now. I can give it a shot." he stood up and stretched his arms above his head, "Where is he?"

Luna knocked on the door of the address she was given.

Zurui inspected d0g, and frowned a bit, "This is pretty bad. Not to mention I don't exactly know how he's supposed to be..." he muttered to himself, "These cables would be simple to fix, but... the rust and the problem with the power core, I don't know if I can fix that. It'd be easier if I could just put his AI in a new body. This thing looks beyond repair." he messed around with the snapped wires a bit, hoping for luck.

A few sparks ignited from the wires...and down a few of the powerlines to D0g's vocal chip. "W-w-w-Kzzzzzt-where am i? M-m-malfun-uncuncuncunctions in all m-major components..Activating e-emergencyyyyyy backup p-p-p-power..."

A few small motors clicked into life, giving enough juice for d0g to move his head.

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