So, how was your day?


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T'was pretty good.

I woke up early and went to the shops near my house, then got the bus to school at 9:30, cuz of the exam block, it started later. I spent first period in the hall, doing my french exam. Then we had a break. Then I did my maths paper A exam, which was ugh. I think I failed it lol.

Then break. And our final english exam, which was extremely easy.

School finished early, so we went to the park where I sat on the swings, and Katie pushed me and Luke sat on the other swing. Lucie, Daniel, Rachel and Katie ran around ganging up on Daniel while Luke and I went and bought chips from the fish & chips shop around the corner. We saw Tahlee and Jessica there, and talked for a while. They signed my cast yay!

Then we walked back to the park with Lee and Jess where everyone made fun of me running and falling over. We ate chips and then went home.

I went to Katie's until like 5ish, cuz Kyle was a bum and said I had to come home. Then mum came home at about 6, we had dinner - Kyle's famous potato wedges and sour cream with this really yummy thingo with it lol.

Molly is here now, and Kyle's cooking something chocolatey cuz we're all hungry. Mum's in bed sick ): I'm procrastinating studying for maths paper B, and finishing my investigation sheet, while actually studying for my final social studies exam :)

Molly is sort of helping me with my social studies study LOL. But she's helping Mum too ):

Good day! : D

At school, Jen was being terribly moody and wouldn't talk tome and ignored me completely. That part of the day was horendous. I hated it.

After lunch, we had choir. That was slightly better than the morning. I sat next Jeeeen and she was being cool and yeah. We sang lotsa songs.

We then hadother stuff and lunch, and after lunch we went to the library and watched this terrible quality documentary about space with the other grade 6/7 class. That class happened to have a kid called Brendan in it, who is literally mentally retarded. Throughout the whole documentary, he ended up making everyone crack up by going ''NASA'S FREAKING FAKE!'', ''KABOOM WENT THE ROCKET!'', and other shiz like that. Even Mr K was dying from laughter.

Then we did some stuff on our miniature Planetariums, and then it was home time. All I did when I went home was MSN, TT, twitter [all on the computer], phone, and thats pretty much it. Though I was multi-tasking quiteeee a bittttt.

Fantastic! 8D

-- Woke up at 7:15AM.

-- Summer Gym at 8AM.

-- Ran inside (rain) for thirty minutes.

-- Swimming: fifteen lengths and water polo, which I actually played today, rather than just standing there. :]

-- Teacher gave us thirty minutes to change today, because we were inside and had time to kill.

-- Volleyball tournament!

-- Summer Gym over at noon.

-- Went downtown with my best friend:)

-- At lunch at restaurant.

-- Bought tons of Mountain Dew for cheap at book store.

-- Got milkshakes at local coffee/ice cream/candy shop :]

-- Said yes to the guy that asked me out, now my boyfriend :D

-- Library, where I am now.

Great day so farr C=


I went to school. Felt bad all day. Grace got sent home because she couldn't stop shaking and sweating really bad. She needed help climbing 2 steps.

Headache all day. Nothing helped. I'm sure its a migraine.

Soon I shall eat, roll over and die.


I had my final social studies exam. which was really easy. That was 70 minutes.

Maths paper B, that was impossible and I died. Ugh. [70 Minutes]

And my home ec cooking exam. I sliced my finger cutting the carrot ): It HUUUUUUUUUURT. But I got a band-aid and kept home-ecing.

I came home from school earlier than usual today, and only Molly was there. We turned the music up REEEEEEEEEEEALLY loud and danced :)

Then Kyle and Mum came home from the doctors and Mum's sick and she needs to stay on bed.

Molly and I are working on a plan of attack for the housework tomorrow morning. Then going shopping. Kyle's cooking lamb :)

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Its all fine. :]

-Woke up

-Usual school stuff.

-Lunch: JessC, Hemi, Jen, Maab and I waled up to the top courtyard. Jen tried to encourage Jess to talk to Andrew about the formal, and perhaps ask him out.

-In class: Jess worte a love letter to Andrew. it said 'Call me :]'. I literally cackled. Witch is rare. xD

-After school: Ms Byrne found out the love letter thats Jess wrote. Ms Byrne said "Oh heavens above!" (thats like her catchphrase)


Woke up. Played DS. Went downstairs. Showered. My iPod was on speakers. It takes a while for me to shower. Ugh. Especially when Sway Sway Baby's on and I'm dancing around in the shower. And singing screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

Went to a shopping centre. Got bored. Bought boots.

Went to another shopping centre. Got bored. Bought caramel sundae. Bradie. Mmm.

Came home. Here I am.

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I slept over my friend's, Anastasia's, house last night. I woke up, ate pancakes, and then we went to the park for about an hour. There we did prank calls from my mobile, to 2 people. And I called my mum to ask whether my camera was working. I also made a friend.

Then we came back home, went on the computer for a while, and soon left for the hills. We went through these tunnels and held our breath 8D. On the way there, we ate popcorn, and I finally heard Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.

First thing we went to was this cheese tasting place. I seemed to like the goats milk cheese, and one of them made me sick. But I liked the cheese. And after that, we went to the chocolate factory and I got a candy necklace. It was funfunfun.

We soon got to this Motor Museum which was epic. Me and Anastasia went in there alone, and Anastasia's parents went to have lunch. There was this epic exhibit where you like, place these small dummies into a car, press the Start button, and you see what happens when you don't wear seat belts. There was this thing where it verbally asks you ''What's your favourite car?'', and I said ''Your mum'', and it said ''You like your mum. She's a grand model''. I cracked up.

Next we went to have lunch. It took agesssss for them ro prepare it. I ordered a hot dog and this weird cordial thaaaang which looked like beer. After I had finished my food, I went to the toilet in the cafe. It said it was vacant, but when I walked in, this young lady was like ''Oiii. I'm brushing my teeth. So get the eff out''. I freaked out, and didn't get to go to the toilet.

After the cafe, we went to this other weird cafe. I got a chocolate truffle thing, a hot chocolate, and sherbert in a straw. I hated the smell of that place. It was baaaad.

And straight after that, we headed off to the giant rocking horse. We got there and went climbing straight away. And again, only me and Anastasia went. It was actually pretty high... and apparently it's the world's biggest rocking horse O: Anastasia was almost crying because of how high it was. Anastasia's mum got like, one picture of us on her digital camera. We soon got off, and went into the toy shop next to it. Anastasia got a sheep puppet.. I got nothing. Dx

Then we went back to her house, and I picked up my stuff. Anastasia's mum was on the way to taking me home, but then I realised I forgot my pencil case. So we turned back, and I got my pencil case.

Later, my brother came over. That made me realise how much I actually miss him. He was like, trying to see what I was doing on TT, and I had to hide some of the spam topics that one particular user has made. Mummy saw though, rawrruh. And we watched our video camera again.

My brother just left, and now I'm sitting here on MSN, talking to Maria on MSN and Mum verbally, and watching MasterChef :] Today was an epic day.

Got up. Showered and got ready all in 30 minutes.


Made a book titled "My sex adventures"

Was made to think about grief and loss.

Ate all my baking. I love baking.

blahdy blah.

Here we are.

Woke up. Came to school. Listened to Sway Sway Baby on Jen's iPod. Then we came into class and realised we had a terrible relieve teacher. First thing we did was spelling, but I ended up stealing a memo book from Mr K's cupboard. Then Tamika and Tayla came in and said that Jen, Emily, and myself need to do kindergym. Kindergym is where the big kids in our school help the little kindy kids with gym equipment and let them play on it.. while looking fter them. I looked after Jasmine and Antoinette. They were really cute >.> And Jasmine said when she starts school and I have to leave to HS, she'll miss me, <3.

After kindergym, we did something. Umm, I think we were meant to work on our Planetarium or Autobiographies, but Jen and I ended up doodling in our memo books and dieing of laughter for various reasons.

Next we had lunch. I had some chipsss, and an Up & Go. Jen and I went into Mr Ly's classroom for lunch, to watch people play chess. We watched Akuch and Keesha play, and then Akuch and Jen played. Jen randomly made up a song called ''Shake Your a** Off'', which I found epic.

After that we worked on our Autobiographies. It was uberrrrr boring. I couldn't find my draft book, but that's just un-neccessary detail which I shouldn't write about :\

Nextttt we had recess. Jen, Chelsea, Nicole, Tierney, Mikee, Hannon, Sarah, and myself spent that time doing rodeos on the pendulum (sp?) swings. Then Jen, Sarah, Hannon, and me walked off to look at the trees which we used to engrave stuff on. We found some writing still there.

And thennn we just worked on various tasks which I can't remember whatsoever. And I think we did some reading...?

It was raining heapssss, so before I went back home, I borrowed an umbrella from Jen's mum. So then I walked home, without getting wet :)

Since then I managed to get some photos and videos from the broken camera onto the computer, which was good. And here I am now, watching Neighbours, and typing thisssss 8D

Pretty fantabulous.

The highlight was when we started to do the macarena out of no where. It seemed very choreographed but it just happened. The other class adjacent to us could see and my best friend is in that class. Amused them. Then Lauren's kilt fell down and it was just so funny. We're like "Lauren, you little flasher!"

And I convinced mum to give me extra time on the computer.

Today was dandy.

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Even though I didn't have to go to school because I'm sick it was bad because i had to stay in bed and my cat was a pain in the butt like always.

I played my ds,listen to radio and ipod, watched TV and snuck onto the computer...that part was ok...

Made myself a weird sandwich(If you want to know PM me)


Hannah left me a loner all day. We only had 16 students out of 30. If one more person was away it would have been epic.

I ate 5 different chocolate flavoured things and 1 vegetable for lunch.

I text in every lesson. To the same person. Who knew it was so easy.

A reliever was reading Harry Potter and it made me laugh then he got all angry for me laughing at it.

We listened to whale songs for our whale study and I laughed the whole way through. When it finished everyone was looking at me with a dissapointed face and I'm like "That was so funny" And everyones saying how beautiful it sounds and I'm like "It sounds like a drunk man got stuck in a bear trap"

Yeah. Fairly epic.

Pretty good. Eh. Bad.


No really interesting talk on TC today, which is kind of my life right now. And I ate too much.

The highlight of my day was coughing up a sticker which I don't remember eating.

Ugh. Boring, lame, suckish, jank.

I drew pictures, went to work, play some Pokemon games, and randomly surfed the internet.

Magnificent. During art, Richard was forced to draw the teacher. Ughh. He made her look hilarious. Buck teeth, loser sign... nah, he was just joking around. It was uniquely... different. I almost finished my portrait of Fiona Wood, and we played 'dead ants'. Ahh, yes...

It was fine. I know know my test scores, and I'm happy :)

And Da calls me Pop. I don't have any idea why.

She said it meant like, smart in every subject or like, noticed by everyone or something.

I've also made a new friend at school. She's from Australia too! She's from Melbourne.

And it's funny how mom gets all happy when she see's Thailand on TV.. o_o

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